You’ll also want to take inventory of your shared financial assets including investment accounts, insurance policies and other assets like cars, boats and homes. Founded in 1998 the ADFP provides its members with: But will not support the co-existence of 64bit Office with a 32bit Office Runtime. If you have money in the bank ahead of time, you're in a stronger position to demand what you deserve. With emotions running high and daily obligations to handle, thinking about your finances shouldn’t have to be yet another cause of stress. Divorce doesn't have to be messy, costly or complicated if you plan for it. Real financial planning should pay off today, and in 10 years' time. Once all of your financial assets have been reviewed and interpreted, a divorce financial planner will discuss your needs, wishes for money and your life. The other types of divorces typically come into play when one party doesn't agree with the other and involve courts, attorneys and costly legal fees. Have it all available both digitally and physically, so the information is easily accessible wherever you are. Over the years, we have certified more than 5,000 professionals in the US and Canada as Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®) professionals. Find the highest nationally available rates for each CD term here from federally insured banks and credit unions. You want to choose someone you feel comfortable with who has a good track record with their clients. An executor is an individual appointed to administrate the estate of a deceased person. Get yourself a P.O. Find what states are available for Divorce Planner, Calculate Federal, state and FICA taxes for both parties for up to 3 years with detailed and accurate reports, Prepare understandable client-oriented cash flow reports which highlight alimony/child support assumptions and the resulting cash available to meet living expenses, View immediate results of a scenario in one screen and post to compare up to 6 scenarios side by side, Generate accurate tax calculations (including automatic Alternative Minimum Tax) to support after-tax cash figures for use by clients, attorneys, financial planners and courts, Enter case facts on any web browser and send results in an encrypted secure file via email to import into your state-specific Divorce Planner software, Contact Thomson Reuters for any questions on data entry, technical issues, and one on one WebEx training options as part of your subscription. It shows when your proposed support settlement does not make tax sense. CDFAs, in particular, have specific requirements that make them ideal professionals to work with during a divorce. File an uncontested divorce if possible, so that both parties come up with a settlement and file together; a contested divorce or default divorce is more expensive, drawn out and complicated.