Here is a quick rundown of the top 10 sites:;;;;;;;;; . While some things about alcohol will never change – such as the bacchanalian urge to tell our friends how much we love them after we’ve had a few – the drinks market is constantly changing. Venues need to see the potential of extending their buying philosophy across every drink they purchase, and not stopping once they have done the alcoholic ones and the coffee. “But we really do see diversity of choice in the alcohol-free options as becoming the norm. Cider, Soft drinks are, in fact, the second most popular drink category behind water, he says, adding: “So clearly while no and low is a growth category, there is still some work to do to grow its popularity versus more traditional soft drinks. In an extremely short space of time, though, the trend has swooped through drinks and firmly embedded itself in the consciousness of consumers, more of whom are now seeking alternatives to alcohol. This statistical report acts as a reference point for health issues relating to alcohol use and misuse, providing information obtained from a number of sources in a user-friendly format. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, National restrictions in England from 5 November, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. Partygoers who are not keen on the taste of gin but want to be part of the spirit’s revival – the much-vaunted “ginaissance” – are apparently lapping up pink and flavoured gins as a more palatable alternative. The low and no-alcohol movement’s supporter also goes as far as suggesting the category can help operators tap into much needed new business, saying that, at a time when pubs and restaurants are struggling, this market could be easy pickings. Fri 4 Jan 2019 08.53 EST. Drinks companies are responding by launching new products designed to meet rising demand for sober(ish) nights out. These alternatives, however, are not simple soft drinks. “Low and no-alcohol drinks designed for an adult palate have, until now, been a rare find in a pub,” Willougby continues. Bars are investing heavily in the styling of cocktails to catch the eye of drinkstagrammers. Willoughby does concede there is a way to go, but says significant progress has been made in a short space of time. Annual sales have almost doubled over the past five years and in 2018 topped £2bn. The category has seen so much growth that respondents to CGA’s 2019 Business Leaders survey cited it as a top trend to watch. The Club Soda Guide is aimed at anyone who wants to go out and socialise but drink less alcohol, from drivers to those doing sober challenges. There’s plenty to choose from and plenty of advantages in serving those not needing alcohol, How to increase table service efficiency & revenue, Trays are for plates not drinks – says muggi, How to reopen safely with mobile ordering, The Morning Advertiser magazine – digital edition, Sign up to our free newsletter and get the latest news sent direct to your inbox. “It is basically introducing a whole new drink category and there are some hurdles to get over for both pubs and customers. It has been around for a long time now but English sparkling wine really hit the jackpot this year when Ridgeview Wine Estate in East Sussex won the blue riband world’s best producer category at the International Wine & Spirit Competition, the Oscars of wine. Pernod Ricard UK counts its Beefeater Pink gin among its “innovation” products. “A similar number are willing to try non-alcoholic spirits, but as this category is much earlier in its life cycle, fewer have tried it, showing there is headroom for growth. Beer, "Why serve free tap water to groups having lunch when you can upsell them an adult cordial or a Seedlip and tonic?”. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. “There is already a significant market for these products and an opportunity to double the category through trial and conversion,” he continues. Ridgeview’s sparkling wine won global plaudits in 2018. prefer a post-workout oat and wheatgrass smoothie. CGA moving annual total data to 23 February 2019, for instance, shows alcohol-free beer volume sales were up 28% with values up over 29%. If you believe what you read, millennials are dreary fun sponges who prefer a post-workout oat and wheatgrass smoothie to a pint down the pub. Take Harbour Brewing Co in Cornwall, for instance. The pink variety continues to be just the tonic for gin sales. Soft & Hot Drinks, Sales of lower strength beer (between 0.5% and 3.5% ABV) rose by 16% at the same time, research from The Times newspaper claims. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. “It is in fact actually about moderation,” he continues. You’ve accepted all cookies. - Last updated on Presents a range of information on drug use by adults and children drawn together from a variety of sources. Wine, So what will be the big booze trends of 2019? As craft beer goes mainstream, there comes a time when even the whackiest marshmallow and blueberry-infused porter just isn’t hipster enough. “You can see from the creation of new low and no-alcohol products that a lot of it has been driven by personal stories of cutting back on drinking. The same can be seen in non-alcoholic spirits, a relatively new category, which has seen volume and value sales for the same period rise by 407% and 418% sales respectively. “The consumer who finds this appealing is typically younger and more engaged with the on-trade, so valuable to capture, our research also suggests that just 7% of these consumers are teetotal.”. The non-alcoholic sector continues to show big gains in both value and volume sales. A good alcohol-free offer inspires loyalty, and as we keep saying, no one makes any money out of tap water. ... the drinks market is constantly changing. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. A bottle of Seedlip non-alcoholic spirit. For instance, CGA data shows just 46,391 hectolitres of alcohol-free beer were sold and 266 nine-litre cases of spirits, compared to total beer sales of 18,987,580 hectolitres and 567,037 nine-litre cases of spirits for the 12 months to 23 February 2019. Providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date information and analysis of the Alcoholic Drinks Review market, its consumers and the major players who make up the market. The company has bought up farmland so it can grow its own wild herbs and cultivate native yeasts, to achieve flavours that beer connoisseurs will not find anywhere else. Sober millennials mean the alcohol industry has to innovate to tempt consumers to the bar, Last modified on Fri 4 Jan 2019 09.30 EST. Gin has overtaken whisky as the most favoured UK drink according to Kantar. Buy a top-up card, load some money on to it, then wander round a room full of wine vending machines, trying whatever you like. Nielsen, meanwhile, says alcohol-free beer is the fastest-growing drinks trend. 20-May-2019 at 09:49 GMT. The Club Soda Guide is funded by the City of London, the Brewers Research and Education Fund, and fuelled by Heineken 0.0. Ready to Drink. This is backed by promising figures; 6m consumers have tried non-alcoholic beer, with a further 5m expressing an interest in it. And the idea you can go to the pub if you are driving, or want to get up early the next morning, are perfectly acceptable.”. And, as vast amounts of research is now showing, operators would be doing themselves a disservice by not making an effort with a decent low and no-alcohol offering. For many, price isn’t an issue as the trend is part of a larger societal movement that incorporates technology, entrepreneurial spirit and healthier living. “Remember, a consumer can generally only drink one cola in an evening before being sugared out – whereas you can easily drink five alcohol-free beers. Aperol sales were up nearly 25%, according to the company’s latest figures. The result is a rise in so-called hybrid drinks, some of which make more sense than others. High initial costs present some barriers to entry, as the wine vending machines do not come cheap. It would be no surprise to find would-be competitors jumping into this space. That means brewers and drinkers are going to even greater lengths to be different. “The volume sold in pubs, bars, restaurants and shops across the UK in the same period was the equivalent of 12.2m pints, following two major lager launches from Heineken and Budweiser,” says Laura Willoughby, co-founder of Club Soda. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Vagabond Wines has pioneered this model in London and hopes to expand outside the capital. Margins on such drinks can be generous because there is no alcohol duty to be paid on them, while consumers will be willing to pay a higher price point for products that deliver both on story and experience. Almost a third of consumers prefer to drink carbonated softs, rather than an alternative to alcohol when moderating, says Loudon. Which Are the Biggest Online Alcohol Sellers in 2019? It would certainly explain why UK alcohol consumption fell from 3.07 units per day in 2003 to 2.57 units per day in 2017, while the number of Brits who do not drink at all has reached 5.4 million, up 35% on 2013. Or how about Nuvo sparkling liqueur – made with vodka and sparkling wine. “As people have become more savvy with what they eat, they also look at what they are drinking. All licensed venues need to stay on top of the alcohol-free options, not just for their customers’ sake, but for their own bottom line. Ultimately, Willoughby subscribes to the belief that the low and no-alcohol movement is beneficial to the on-trade. Laura Willoughby, co-founder of Club Soda, says: “Drinking rates among British adults are at their lowest for 18 years, and a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds drink no alcohol.