Players can thus opt to present themselves as a completely different personality to the other players, a tactic otherwise known as catfishing; for example, one male player in the first season presented himself as a female identity, while another female contestant used photos of a woman she felt was more attractive. Report. Share URL . [5], Throughout the series, the contestants "rate" one another from first to last place. (PHOTOS). The influencers would head to the hangout and discuss over The Circle which person to block. Elea has quickly become one of the candidates preferred by the users and they would like to follow his daily life. She never recovered after the bad press Cedric gave her and the worst of it all is that she was unaware of what was happening and had no real strategy to get the players back on her side. Ines and Maxime decided to block Jo & Monique. The winner of The Circle France season 1 was Paris-born Romain Ben. Une bonne nouvelle pour les fans du jeu de Netflix, puisqu'en deux jours, près de 36 000 personnes se sont abonnées à elle ! I think the other versions should follow that format. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Meanwhile, those in danger entered the At Risk Chat to talk. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TheCircleTV community. Romain and Élea, placing first and second respectively, and became the last Influencers of the season. The team winners and the other are they always at war ? I also like that there was no host, it definitely saves time in the finale and rids of pointlessness in the finale. I do hope they don't use that format again, but what do you guys think? I think if there had been a host format, there would have been an opportunity to expose Gary, which I was looking forward to. 3 months ago. [7] The players' profiles were revealed as they introduced themselves on-screen during an episode.[8][9]. Rire, chanter et danser de Nice à Bangkok c’est un peu un rêve d’enfant.. je vais tenter de vous emmener dans mon sac à dos ! Established teams . The Circle : où se trouve réellement l'immeuble de la télé-réalité de Netflix ? She blindly trusted Cedric and blindly trusted Gary. "[6], At certain points during the show, there would be a rating. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { It's not fair to make such a drastic change like that at the last minute and not tell the contestants. You have entered an incorrect email address! I also liked the finale without a host better. Ines was the only one of those three that voted that made sense. The Circle France (also known as The Circle Game in France) is a French reality competition show, produced by Studio Lambert and Motion Content Group which first aired on Netflix on 9 April 2020 that is based on a British TV series of the same name. I went to bed with 11 000 followers of more, it’s not going to give me satisfaction, or well-being, and I’m not going to be more happy in me lying down like that (…) I too like the life to need the expose“, she explained. }); Players would have to rate each other from first to last by using The Circle and announcing the players they want in each placement. The next morning, The Circle posted a goodbye message from Lou.[11]. [2] Along with The Circle France, Netflix also released separate versions of The Circle in the United States and Brazil. The ratings opened. n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; The season was the last of those four seasons filmed.[28]. Et en fin, merci beaucoup au directrice du cercle France. Since the launch of The Circle Game, the French version of the british issuance, on Netflix, a few questions come back often on the social networks : Roman he met the real Valeria, the girlfriend of Maxime ? It had a nicer vibe to it, though I missed having someone interact with the blocked players. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. fbq('track', 'visiteurs-purebreak'); Looking for some great streaming picks? I liked the intimate feel in this version's finale but I also enjoyed the host asking questions to players who got voted out early in previous seasons. s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', I tried to keep up with the discussions after watching each episode but I ended up binge-watching the whole series. var articleID = 194200; I don’t need the notoriety or popularity for me to feel good in my life. Alors, je vais pratiquer écrire en français maintenant lol Je suis tellement triste qu’elea n’as pas gagné. The Circle France Elea GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. Please don't do that next time. He abandoned Ines for Team Winners, then when they blocked him, he lied to her and said he never abandoned her and instead had joined them as a strategy to protect her. Elea. Elea, c’est la puéricultrice à Nice, et s’il existe un compte Instagram à son nom, comme tous les autres participants de The Circle France, il ne s’agit en réalité que d’un compte fan. [1] All twelve episodes were released on 9 April; this is different from all other versions which released several episodes weekly. The Circle : le casting de la première télé-réalité Netflix française est ouvert ! Leur seul moyen de communication est le réseau social The Circle, spécialement conçu pour eux. Just finished watching the finale and I am fuming with that twist. The twist balances it out. Teams compete to navigate rooms flooded with lava by leaping from chairs, hanging from curtains and swinging from chandeliers. [6] The first nine players were revealed on The Circle France's Instagram profile. However, he does comment that the cast is lacking in diversity, especially since this season aired after the "sexually-fluid" cast of the Brazilian version. The two lowest rated players, Éléa and Cédric, went to the Hangout where they saw each other face-to-face. But France was on a whole other league imho. Challenges are much better that time and it's funny to see contestants struggling to top in them or hide that they are fakes. France was awesome. It just pissed me that the elimated players were still given a power. No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. [6] However, the main purpose of The Circle ("du Cercle" in French) is to be the only way players can communicate with each other. Joe Keller from Decider, in a regular series called "Stream It or Skip It", told his audience to stream it. “I don’t need the reputation” Unfortunately for them, a member of the magic trio of The Circle France is anti-social as she claims in her portrait… and his opinion has not changed since the end of the filming of the show from Netflix. I was so looking forward to his lies being uncovered but he got away with it like no big deal. Honestly, it's not even about the results. True, I am a kiffeuse of life. In this fun reality competition, online players try their best to flirt, bond and catfish their way to a R$ 300,000 prize. Romain became the Superinfluencer, and he decided to block Ines. It has been compared to Big Brother and Catfish in format,[2] as well as Black Mirror episode "Nosedive" with the concept of ratings.[4]. He was so full of it. They were also told that the next rating would not have two Influencers, but just one "Superinfluencer" who would have the power to block any player of their choosing. Products. {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? appId: '279548865398622', A social experiment where 100 individuals will be a part of interactive experiments exploring sex, happiness, torture and all the other aspects of being human. He began to work on The Circle after hearing that Channel 4 was looking for a reality-show format centered on social media. Paolo went to visit Edmundo & João. They were relaxed, laughing, having fun, then they got dropped with that shit bomb. The Circle France(also known as The Circle Gamein France)is a French reality competitionshow, produced by Studio Lambertand Motion Content Group which first aired on Netflixin 9 April 2020 that is based on a British TV series of the same name. Cédric received three of the five available votes, meaning he was blocked. J’aimais quand il a dit qu’il pouvait imaginer être les bff avec Elea dans la vie réal. Ines and Maxime became Influencers, placing first and second respectively.[12]. The next morning, the newsfeed was updated with Ines' goodbye message. The Circle Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. And imagine from the perspective of the remaining players. This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 00:21. Pour moi, elle était très sincère, énergétique, intelligente, simplement magnifique. The Circle France Elea GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. After being blocked, Lou visited Cédric to talk face-to-face. Blocked shouldn’t get the final say, but not having a host or audience makes the whole thing much more intimate. On a créé une amitié qui est forte, qui vaut de l’or, qui est assez rare, mais voilà, je ne sais pas si on pourrait sortir ensemble... Mais vas-y la question est dure", lui a-t-elle révélé lors d'un live sur Instagram. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Blocked players are eliminated from the game, but are given the opportunity to meet one player still in the game in-person. CAPTION. Edmundo & João enter The Circle, playing as Nelia. J’espère qu’ils peuvent devenir les meilleurs amis après le séries. [8], The British version of the show premiered in 2018, and was renewed for its second season a few months after the first season ended. Report. Céline Dion s’inscrit (enfin) sur Instagram ! A new player, Rudy entered The Circle, playing as Gabriel. } Elea s'est fait connaitre dans The Circle Game France comme étant la jeune femme anti réseaux sociaux. Je pourrais progresser mon niveau de France en regardant le séries sans être ennuyée. The original British version of the reality television format in which people from all walks of life compete in a popularity contest via a social media platform to win a cash prize. Yeah, I feel like if you got voted out then you don't deserve to influence the final rankings.
// Load the SDK asynchronously People Who Invent Their Life. Découvrez quel footballeur débarque (enfin) sur les réseaux sociaux (PHOTO), Justin Theroux (The Leftovers) débarque sur Instagram (PHOTOS), François Hollande débarque sur Instagram, voici sa première photo. The USA version premiered on Netflix in January 2020, followed by versions in France & Brazil a few months later. Elea s'est fait connaitre dans The Circle Game France comme étant la jeune femme anti réseaux sociaux.