Face Off is one of the SyFy network's most popular unscripted reality shows. Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. The artists create two makeups themed after Jekyll and Hyde. Lists about the many ways makeup is used to make people look better, worse, and completely different. The Mandalorian Season 2's Krayt Dragon Death Honors… C-3PO? The eleventh season of the Syfy reality television series Face Off: All Stars premieres January 24, 2017. Despite fans hoping for a revival, it appears the show has run its course. The five remaining All-Star teams create comedic fantasy duos in the elimination challenge. Face Off contestants came from all different disciplines, working in everything from tattoo artistry to special effects. Specialties: Character creation, sculpting, and costumes  The grand prize for the fourth season is a position as a guest lecturer at the Make Up for Ever Academies in New York and Paris, a 2013 Fiat 500, and US$100,000. The 1980s were something of a golden age for makeup and creature effects, with artists like Rick Baker and Rob Bottin creating memorable visuals in movies like An American Werewolf In London, Videodrome and The Thing. The sixth season of the Syfy reality television series Face Off premiered on January 14, 2014. Which creator do you think produced the most impressive final results? The Mandalorian Season 2 Really Impressed Goosbumps Creator RL Stine, SYFY's Face Off Season 3: All Contestants & Winner. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Full Cast and Crew of Face Off (TV Series) - Get more information on the characters and actors of Face Off! Contestants on season 1 were: Megan Areford, Tom Devlin, Kayla "Jo" Holland, Sergio Guerra, Frank Ippolito, Jessica Kramer, Marcel Banks, Samantha "Sam" Cobb, Tate Steinsiek, Gage Hubbard, Anthony Pepe, and Conor McCullagh (Winner). It’s pronounced Paw-rick, not Pad-raig. The eleventh season of the Syfy reality television series Face Off: All Stars premieres January 24, 2017. Final Project: Swan and sorcerer from Swan Lake, Occupation: Owner of Kostart Effects Studio The artists create original snow queens using unique snowflakes as inspiration. With just a couple of episodes left until the finale, fans are predicting either Jordan Patton … Final Project: Three original alien characters. Face Off contestants came from all different disciplines, working in everything from tattoo artistry to special effects. Her final designs sealed the deal and host McKenzie Westmore declared her the winner. A part-time hobby soon blossomed into a career when he discovered he really loved writing about movies, TV and video games – he even (arguably) had a little bit of talent for it. She placed 12th overall, being eliminated on "Rock Your Body". Share. The eleventh season features 16 prosthetic makeup artists from previous seasons. Was it Laura Tyler stunning with her dark take on Swan Lake in Season 5? Top Looks: Daran, Graham, & George, and Rashaad & Chloe, Bottom Looks: Matt & Margaret, and Tyler & Bethany, Top Looks: Niko & Corrine, Daran & Tanner, Bottom Looks: George & Bethany, Cat & Matt, Top Looks: Daran & George, Tyler & Rashaad, Bottom looks: Chloe & Tanner, Tess & Matt, Top Looks: Chloe & George, Corrine & Matt, Top Looks: Tyler & Chloe, Rashaad & Graham, Bottom Looks: Cat & Daran, Corrine & Matt. https://syfyfaceoff.fandom.com/wiki/Face_Off_(Season_4)?oldid=10862, Top Looks: Anthony & Meagan, Eric F. & Jenna and Eric Z. Final Project: Dream thief and princess characters for production of Le Rêve: The Dream, Occupation: Freelance sculptor and special effects makeup artist  SYFY's Face Off season 3 saw twelve talented makeup artists compete against one another, but which contestant was dubbed the winner? Studios started to insist on using CGI over practical effects which allowed a greater degree of control and the option to change things in post-production. The artists create dystopian characters inspired by post-apocalyptic vehicles. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The other weeks will have elimination. Episode 5: "Two Heads Are Better Than One". Face Off Season 1 drew an average audience of 1.4 million viewers per episode during season 1. One person who won't be taking it home, though, is the contestant who quit the show in the first week. In it, a bunch of make-up artists and costume designers compete with each other — although way more civilly than in most reality shows; here the contestants are friends and even help each other out — to win the grand prize, fame, and glory. Face Off is one of the SyFy network's most popular unscripted reality shows. Vote up the winners who produced the most impressive prosthetic makeup. https://syfyfaceoff.fandom.com/wiki/Face_Off_(Season_11)?oldid=11518. Syfy's Face Off Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Or did you prefer Rayce Bird's trio of original alien characters? Were you a fan of Matt Valentine snagging the win for his gorgeous scene from Alice in Wonderland in Season 13? Season One's Anthony Pepe is now the makeup department head for NBC's The Blacklist. He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman. Every other week, the winning team will get immunity. Chilli has since worked on movies like Akuma. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There's a whole lotta makeup going on! Face Off is SYFY's series where make-up artists compete to create impressive practical makeups. Bottom Looks: Eric F. & Anthony and Autumn & Eric Z. The final five must create a representation of a Hawaiian God or Goddess. Here are the contestants and winner of season 3. CG was able to create imagery that would have been impossible otherwise, such as T2's iconic T-1000 or Andy Serkis' Gollum in The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. The artists compete to win a Hyundai Veloster and $100,000. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The other weeks will have elimination. SYFY has produced some quality horror shows in recent years, including Wynonna Earp and Channel Zero. Anderson (Event Horizon) and famed production designer Patrick Tatopoulos. The advent of CGI thanks to Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park saw a gradual decline of practical effects in mainstream cinema. For the new season of "Face Off" (Tue., 9 p.m. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Their reality series Face Off - which needless to say has nothing to do with the John Travolta/Nic Cage classic - saw talented makeup artists compete to make impressive effects and win a cash prize. She also appeared as a contestant in Season 5, where she placed 4th being eliminated in "Flights of Fantasy". Her final designs sealed the deal and host McKenzie Westmore declared her the winner. The artists below truly delivered. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Tweet. Chilli has since worked on movies like Akuma. Judges Ve Neill, Glenn Hetrick, Neville Page, McKenzie Westmore (Host), Michael Westmore (Mentor) the contestants of Season 4 The forth season of Face Off features 14 prosthetic makeup artists competing against each other to create makeup effects. ET on Syfy), the show is putting the fate of the talented prosthetic make-up artists in the hands of the viewers.They will decide in the end who takes home the grand prize. The forth season of Face Off features 14 prosthetic makeup artists competing against each other to create makeup effects. Face Off was a loving ode to makeup effects, but sadly the show came to an end with season 13, which was dubbed Face Off: Battle Royale, where contestant Matt Valentine was declared the winner. The artists compete to win a Hyundai Veloster and$100,000. 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The teams must create a coven of warlocks or witches at war with each other. Ten acts are set to compete to be crowned as the winner of Britain’s Got Talent.