The 180-antenna HAARP array is spread across a 40-acre site at Gakona, Alaska. In this patent, which sets the stage for HAARP, Dr. Eastlund makes a number of fascinating statements which clearly contradict the claim that it is only being used for research and not for military purposes or such purposes as weather control. One thoroughly researched book titled Mind Controllers describes an effective method of remotely influencing human emotions. Websites en domeinen worden in beslag genomen, omdat de criminele regering geen tegengeluid duldt. 12 september 2019 07:30 In ... Facebook en Twitter censureren steeds meer. Dit is ongeveer 50x de hoeveelheid elektrische energie die de mensheid per dag gebruikt en gelijk aan 1-2 miljoen Hiroshimabommen. The many Then we will know. het dat zou de topper zijn aller tijden o o wat zo... Willie: Chiren, Daar zeg je wat! And why is it that the general public still doesn't know about secret weapons developed over 70 years ago? HAARP bestaat uit een netwerk van 180 antennes die worden gebruikt om energie richting de ionosfeer te sturen. Je weet het nooit met die badgasten. This essay reveals major deception promulgated by those involved to lead the public to believe HAARP was simply a research facility with little practical military value. Please support this important work: Donate here, Subscribe here to the email list (two messages a week). Zij zeggen dat HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) hier een voorbeeld van is. The HAARP project's $300 million price tag also suggests more was going on than meets the eye. This article is part of the series: HAARP and the Sky Heaters Also check out We are the ELF Generation. The site was host to numerous projects over the years, including the creation of the first artificially produced aurora in 2005. Hoeveel ‘mindcontrol’ veroorzaakt en hoeveel leed? Below are the listed objects of the invention in that patent: In other words, the subliminal messages could be inserted into TV and radio waves without the awareness of the listener or viewer. Five experiments launched in June with the purpose of modifying the ionosphere above the Earth for both communication and military purposes. few people being aware of the gruesome capabilities for death and destruction. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Daar is HAARP oorspronkelijk voor ontworpen,” zei plaatsvervangend assistent-secretaris van de luchtmacht voor wetenschap en technologie David Walker. Hij zegt vaak te zien hoe tyfoons op mysterieuze wijze van richting veranderen. This is a close up of the facility with the original co-ordinates shown in the Google Maps search bar: If we then take a look at the HAARP facility in Alaska: There are striking similarities between the two installations!!! Overheidscorruptie anno 2020 wordt steeds erger. As of Nov. 5, 2020, we're $13,900 in the red. Here are two quotes from the History Channel documentary: "Electromagnetic weapons ... pack an invisible wallop hundreds of times more powerful than the electrical current in a lightning bolt. Er is nu een video opgedoken waarin China hetzelfde zou doen. Keep looking for more. Overheidscorruptie anno 2020 wordt steeds erger. google_ad_height = 600; I note that this entire site seems to have been constructed as far back as 2006. “We gaan de ionosfeer op andere manieren aansturen. If China was able to manipulate or turn away Typhoon Lingling, that is a remarkable achievement because the storm had a radius of 111 miles when it was close to Taiwan and had sustained winds of 90 mph and wind gusts of up to 111 mph. Thanks for revealing this. If you've ever broken a cell phone, you have no doubt seen the strange shaped antenna that makes communication between the phone and the tower possible. believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. “Inmiddels hoeveel rampen heeft de HAARP al niet veroorzaakt?” De Universiteit van Alaska heeft interesse getoond in de installatie, maar wil niet opdraaien voor de onderhoudskosten van 5 miljoen dollar per jaar. Please donate here to support this vital work. HAARP is een ‘faciliteit van wereldklasse’, maar het ministerie van Defensie heeft er geen belang meer bij, klinkt het nog. Those of us familiar with "dark technology" like HAARP are used to seeing football size antennae farms with hundreds of towers and aluminum dipoles. “Maar wordt dit gedaan om tyfoons te sturen of ze te creëren?”. Maximaal gebruik maken van de huidige techniek !! At least a dozen other patents have been approved related to the usage of technology designed to cause subliminal changes in desired targets. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments.". The ionosphere is the delicate upper layer of our atmosphere which ranges from about 30 miles (50 km) to 600 miles (1,000 km) above the Earth's surface. The capability of remotely influencing emotions through the use of certain wave lengths has been successfully demonstrated.