Mi mamá es empresaria y mi papá trabaja en un banco. Mi papá es muy trabajador. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-02-26 We need the verb TENER (to have) to answer this question to say "Carlos tiene + number of siblings". Make sure to check the related grammar lessons about these three topics to learn a lot more. While listening, please take notes of the most important details so you can solve the interactive quiz about it. Children often call their father “papa” and their mother “mama” in Spanish. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2016-02-24 Also, we use the conjunction "y" if we only have two “adjetivos” in the same sentence. Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2015-07-20 Describing People’s Physical Appearance in Spanish, Personality Traits in Spanish: List, Phrases and Descriptions, Describing your Bedroom in Spanish – La Habitación, Countries and Nationalities in Spanish: Phrases and Listening Practice, the adjective will also take a singular form, vocabulary exercises about family members in Spanish, conversation cards about the family in Spanish, Physical Descriptions in Spanish – PDF Worksheet, The bedroom, adverbs and negative sentences, A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. Usage Frequency: 1 Mi familia es pequeña. Spanish Family Vocabulary Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Javier es necio y a veces es travieso. Last Update: 2016-06-03 Usage Frequency: 1 She is intelligent and likes to read books. The expression "La tía de Carlos" can be rephrased simply as "Su tía" (His aunt) to make it easier to understand, especially in simple conversations. Spanish has two sets of pronouns that mean "you"—the familiar informal "you," which is tú in the singular and vosotros in the plural, and the formal "you," which is usted in the singular and ustedes in the plural. ¡De nada! Suggest a better translation Children will often call their father papá and their mother mamá. Yo soy alto y creativo. The subject goes first and then the verb SER, which will change to ES if the word is in singular form like MAMÁ and HERMANO as in “Mi mamá es…” and to SON if the word represents several people like PADRES and ABUELOS as in “Mis padres son..”. For the purpose of describing your family in Spanish, you need to know that words for family members that end in the letter -A such as “Mamá, Nieta, Hija” and “Abuela” are considered feminine nouns, whereas the ones ending in -O like “Abuelo, Nieto, Hijo” and “Tío” are masculine nouns . Usage Frequency: 2 Javier is stubborn and sometimes naughty. My grandparents are fun and they love us very much. Usage Frequency: 1 On vacations we see the grandparents. My family is small. You can practice pronunciation by reading it out loud. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Usage Frequency: 1 Nos alegra mucho que la lección te ayude. When saying or writing these words in Spanish, remember to put the accent on the final syllable or you will be saying another word. You may want to see: What's your name in Spanish. See 2 authoritative translations of Family in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Ver nuestros apuntes con vocabulario en español: Miembros de la Familia. Quality: There, we introduced most of the vocabulary needed to talk about LA FAMILIA. Notice the articles "un" and "una" are used as quantifiers in the answer. Otherwise, you will be saying another word. He is tall. Basically, a simple change in the word’s ending and we will have two different words. Ella es inteligente y le gusta leer libros. Easy to understand. Interestingly, the word “Papá” is an … Quality: There is also a special section for Spanish teachers. Quality: Family members are common nouns so they will change from singular to plural and vice versa. You have not finished your quiz. Let’s learn how to describe your family members and how to tell names of family members and relatives in Spanish! They are often a source of confusion for Spanish students. “¿Puedes ayudarme con…?” means “Can you help me with..”2. Quality: We visit our uncles and our cousins at times. Buena suerte en tu examen . Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Lastly, we use possessive adjectives like MI, TU, SUS, NUESTROS and others with family members. I am tall and creative. and you have four alternatives to choose from. ¡Hola! If loading fails, click here to try again. My mother is a businesswoman and my father works in a bank. Listen to the following conversation about child and his mother describing their family in Spanish. Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. Please wait while the activity loads. My brother’s name is Alan. It's important for kids to learn a foreign language, and the sooner they begin learning basic words, the better. Try our other vocabulary games about members of the family in Spanish: Game 1 and Game 2. ¡Muchas gracias! The question ¿Cómo es + someone? In it, kids can match the words with the pictures representing different members of a family for quick and easy Spanish foreign language practice. Comencemos…. I have two brothers. No standards associated with this content. is a way to ask for the description of a person in Spanish. Popular searches: Reading , Money , Fractions , Sight Words , Multiplication Activity types Note when talking about the number of people in your family, Spanish use the verb "ser" where English uses "There are" Somos cinco (en mi familia) = There are five of us (in my family). By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Family is one of the most common topics of conversation. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. She is a nurse. Pay attention to the vocabulary presented in the video as well as some of the grammar rules that will be applied in the descriptions later. padre: father madre: mother hijo: son hija: daughter esposo: husband esposa: wife padres: parents hermano: brother hermana: sister. Family is the center of life in Spanish-speaking cultures and is a common topic of everyday conversation.Whether somebody is talking about their own family or asking you about yours, make sure to learn these important vocabulary words so that you are prepared. Es alto. Mi padre es carpintero - My father is a carpenter. This article will provide you with a list of Spanish words for family members and relatives. Interestingly, the word “Papá” is an exception as it is used for father and it is considered a masculine noun although it finished in -A. I also have two brothers, Javier and Hernán. Once you are finished, click the button below. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-05-05 Quality: