Think about it, maybe you don’t even notice everything she does to make your love shine brighter. She will be open with you about the things she fears, especially in regards to your relationship. Which is a really freaking fun sport that includes hula hoops. I love you because you respect my personal space and always give me freedom to choose. Men are more likely to remember gross images and painful emotional experiences, while women are more likely to remember nice ones. A strong woman won’t play games. She will help you become a more well-rounded man, and this will cause your relationship to both balance and flourish. (In a good way.). Try these popular search terms: Personalized Why I Love You Book – Save 10% with Promo Code LOVEBK10. You are inside my heart, with you I feel over the moon, love for you is flowing through my veins. You are very gentle and affectionate, in your hands, I feel as if I am a sweet kitten. She won’t be the type of woman to take a back seat, or to sit on the sidelines. Your words, glances, touches make my heart smile. Women live longer, get to wear more sequins, and are better communicators and leaders. She won’t stand for mistrust or for someone messing with her head. Personalized Why I Love You Book – Save 10% with Promo Code LOVEBK10. You make me complete, your love helped me to become an integrated personality. What are the main reasons you like her? Since our first meeting you have turned my life into a fairytale – and our wedding is the first page of our love story. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. A strong woman knows that she is strong. 4) A 5 day vacation requires only one suitcase. You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about – bliss and boundless joy. Any girl dreams of a perfect man. You treat me like a prince. You are sweeter than my favorite dessert, I love you. 12 Reasons You Should Definitely Fall In Love With A Strong Woman – Lifestyle Writing, 12 Alasan Kenapa Cewek Yang Tegar Adalah Jenis Cewek Yang Layak Dicintai. I love our warm evenings, when we just look through the family album and remember our childhood, with you I feel secure. When we lay in an embrace and look at the sky, we are building common dreams, these moments inspire me. I love your romantic nature, you always please me with little surprises. She won’t drive you crazy by questioning your every move. Learn about us. The feeling of a maxi skirt on the legs on a breezy summer day is the best. I like it when others make me smile and when I also make others smile. In case you needed more reasons … She’s the type of woman who has goals and actively pursues them. I love how you always open the door for me and help unknown women, you are a real gentleman. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. When you hug me, I feel thrilled, we are a very harmonious couple. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. I like that you don’t pretend to be perfect or the Almighty Thor. With you, I am a real woman because you are a real man, who always keeps his promises. 5. 5) Monday Night Football. I love how you treat my relatives, you accept my family as your own, this is amazing. You may also read: Cute Good Night Quotes I Love You Memes Best Sexy Love Quotes for Him Best Romantic Love Messages for Her Sweet I Love You Memes for Her, Cute Paragraphs for Him – Flirt with a Quick Text, Cute Paragraphs To Text Your Crush To Melt Their Heart, 87 Scary Halloween Captions for Instagram, Thank You Note to Teacher from Grateful Parent, Good Morning Poems for Her & Good Morning Sweetheart, 60 Instagram Captions for your July 4th Independence Day Celebration. Our love story is a slow dance, where you lead me and I go after you, the safest place for me is your hugs. She walks with confidence, yet humility—the perfect woman to have by your side. LOVE. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Women are less likely to have severe acne as teens. I love how you tease me each time I wear a new dress, our verbal skirmishes warm my heart. I love the spark in your eyes when you look at me and that your heartbeat increases. She is a strong woman, strong enough to know that she is flawed and imperfect. Keep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter! Partly because women are 50 percent less likely to have a DUI. You cook my favorite pies even if you don’t want to, your care. From seeing flaws and the parts of yourself that don’t measure up and acknowledging them. We all feel like we’re drowning sometimes, and we would all be glad to pull you from the rapids. It just seems like boys don’t like romance; there is no man on Earth who wouldn’t want to hear something sweet from his beloved woman! I love you because you have taught me the true meaning of love. I love when we walk down the street in the rain, and you hold and warm me, so I would not get wet, you always care about my comfort. Women don't have to wait as long to reach their sexual peak. Love is a great but unexplainable phenomenon. She will make you gentle and emotional to counterbalance her sassiness, but also strong enough to match her. 1. Women enjoy a wide variety of wardrobe choices. The fact that this list was so easy to write, but also so hard because I had to limit it to just 100 reasons when I can think of at least a million plus reasons why you are the best. Why do you think that your girlfriend is so amazing? Your generous nature attracts me, you are ready to share everything you have with other people. You encourage me to do my best. When we kiss, the whole world stops to exist, my sun is your lips and your eyes are my guiding star. (Evidently, women are also more likely to appear in more fun "face washing" stock images.). 39. These merry moments when you whisper words of love into my ears every morning make me happy. She will build you up, encouraging you to chase your dreams both alongside her, and with her. You are a determined man, you work hard for the sake of our family and our future, I evolve thanks to you, you make me better. And have clever pink and purple unicorn key covers for them. I love your openness; you are always honest with me. I like when you lovingly correct my hair when I am asleep. Each time we kiss my female principle strives to merge with your male essence, I am addicted to you. I love you because you find wonder in everything. homework or a job interview, you build me up. I love that you create the family hearth, and I support the fire in it, our feelings will never cool down. I can count on you, no matter what you will be always there for me. She will be your equal. Whether it’s in stat. It feels good. And because of her honesty, the bond between the two of you will become even stronger. But this is good. I love you because we are family and friends at the same time. 100 REASONS IT'S GREAT TO BE A GUY! You make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world, you are able to see the beauty everywhere. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Strength comes from vulnerability. 7) Your bathroom lines are 80% shorter. Jul 30, 2018. I like your unpredictability, you always know how to amaze me. You always stand up for me even if I am wrong, you are my protector. I love because you are always patient with me. A strong woman isn’t afraid to open up to you, to strive for a deeper connection with you, and to give you her whole heart. The physical remnants of our life experiences—stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, and sun spots—are beautiful. I love how you blush when you hear compliments from me, your modesty adorns you. You always support my any crazy idea, with you, I can fulfill all my dreams and desires. I love your creativity, you are always passionate about what you do and you charge me with positive energy. Sometimes she won’t know how to slow down, and will need you to help her relax, but she is motivated, persistent, and hard-working to the point that she’ll make your head spin. You are always kind to other people, even if they don’t deserve it. 41. Her strength comes from her ability to listen to her heart, and this translates to her relationships. Your spontaneous and romantic nature turns each my routine day into a holiday. Your love created a beautiful world inside my soul, where I escape each time I feel depressed. From finding strength in being honest, open, and sincere. You may unsubscribe at any time. And even though there’s nothing better than hearing “I love you” from the person you care about most, it’s still nice to switch it up from time to time. You pamper me and always call me a princess, you are my dream, which came true. She is a strong woman, strong enough to know that she is flawed and imperfect. It's much harder for a dude to wear his girlfriend's clothes, not just for style reasons but also size reasons. People make it seem like being in a relationship is everything, but there are way too many reasons to stay single forever. You are a wonderful cook, every weekend you create a culinary masterpiece for me. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Speaking of relationship, their main advantage is that they give us the inspiration to live, to be kind, and to achieve our goals. MORE: ... How To Get A Girl to Like You – 5 Unstoppable... Jan 4, 2013. Think about it, maybe you don’t even notice everything she does to make your love shine brighter. I fell in love with your rich inner world, you are a great conversationalist. Reporting on what you care about. I love you because you’re warm and comforting when I need it When you hug me, I understand that you are my home, so secure and peaceful I feel in your arms. You always support my spontaneous decisions, no matter how absurd they may be. You gave me the most precious gift – our children, our sense of life. 3) You know stuff about tanks. You are my inspiration, for you I am ready to change and become better than I am. Your wisdom and experience attract me, we are two halves of one whole. You’re you, clumsy and all, and I like that you’re not pretending. You Should Definitely Fall in Love With Them. Women tend to enjoy a wide variety of hair styles and dyeing options. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. ", Ladies can show up to even formal occasions basically wearing bathrobes fastened with a button and it becomes "iconic.". You are very sociable, you are the soul of any company, I love you for it. We are connected, even in the crowd I’ll find your eyes and even ocean noise does not stop me from hearing your heartbeat. Your smile makes me melt and I am willing to do anything for you. No matter how successful you are. 'Nuff said. I like your willingness always to try new things, you make my life full of adventures. Only with you I can escape boredom, you are cheerful and funny, I am smiling with you. 1) Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. The world's largest landowner is a woman. She will build you up, encouraging you to chase your dreams both alongside her, and with her. This makes me to recall what is said in the book of Proverbs 17:22, "A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones." 30 Reasons Being A Woman Is Awesome Women live longer, get to wear more sequins, and are better communicators and leaders. Sex toys for women sometimes beat the real thing. 100.Every little single detail about you that makes you who you are and the fact that you are the best husband in the whole world Bonus Reason 101. – MEIN CATALOG, 12 Reasons You Should Definitely Fall In Love With A Strong Woman — Thought Catalog | sr, 男性が、精神的に強い女性と付き合うべき「12のワケ」 | TABI LABO | 40CH.NET, I’m So Excited To See What God Has In Store For Us, Jasmine “Ivanna” Espy’s New Documentary On Hidradenitis Suppurativa Shows Life For Black Women Facing HS, To America As We Wait On An Undecided Election, The Best Arguments That Burke Did It In The JonBenét Ramsey Case, If You Still Need To Quit Smoking, Think Of It As A Bad Boyfriend,….