That still doesn't make lyrics like "Their skin's a hellish red. Anyone who has a song named after how evil she is deserves to be #1 on this list. How embarrassing for him. The roaring flames; the dark, cavernous room; the freaky hooded demon things. Click here to see the definitive ranking of which Disney villain is eviler than the rest in this complete list of Disney villains. As the leader of the Hun army, Shan Yu is no stranger to killing. Whether it's publicly humiliating Quasimodo or trying to burn Esmeralda alive because she doesn't return his lusty feelings, Claude Frollo's extreme behavior is way too disturbing for a kids' movie. I understand why -- it isn't really necessary in terms of story, and Yzma's a near-perfect Disney villain without it — but damn does Eartha bring it here. Jafar's such a punk that he doesn't even get a full villain song until the direct-to-video sequel The Return of Jafar. Damn, Vince.). A reprise. You can find her @LizAnneHersey, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. SpaceTree88 and I have collabed yet again, bringing you our list of the top 10 Disney Villain songs! Songs sung by villains, partly sung by villains, or songs about villains. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. While she may not be murderous, she's certainly cruel. Iconic, perfect, etc. Ratcliffe lacks the charisma of a good Disney villain, and as a result, his own men turn against him. They're savages! 20 Disney villain songs, ranked. "Mad Madam Mim" is the singtalker's Disney villain song. Mother Gothel doesn't mess around with her villainy, and is willing to literally cut anyone who gets in her way. She's cruel but she's not the worst. And what visuals they are. It only makes sense for the villains to also have their moment in the sun with a song. (Frog Naveen: Not hot. Captain Hook (Hans Conried) has sass and verve, but what really makes "The Elegant Captain Hook" is Smee's sweet as heck dance moves. The 1991 Beauty and the Beast is rightfully considered one of the best movies Disney's ever made, animated fairy tale or not. Subscribe to WickedBinge Villains: Evil to Most EvilThe House of Mouse, Happiest Place on Earth… You get the idea. We can sympathize with Professor Callaghan for losing his daughter, but going on a violent warpath isn't the way to mourn her. Did you think, "Wait a minute, if there were an Eartha Kitt song in The Emperor's New Groove, I definitely would have remembered it"? Savages! I need to specify that because Disney has a history of attractive anthropomorphic animals. Safe to say I did notfully appreciate this when I was a kid. And for this reason, he's number 30 on our list. The villains are the best part of any Disney movie. Vanity leads to insanity. She's obsessed with diamonds, particularly the Devil's Eye, and that makes her do some pretty underhanded things. Disney's 10 Best Villain Songs, Ranked. While he may seem like a serial killer-in-training, he winds up a garbageman. Capable of murder? Doctor Facilier's ultimate goal is to get rich by killing the wealthy "Big Daddy," making him one of the more lethal Disney villains. Merlin easily outsmarts her in the "Wizards' Duel"; she's more like an annoying child who cheats at everything than an actual villain. They only serve as corruptors to the innocent Pinocchio, leading him down the wrong path involving puppet shows and a trip to Pleasure Island (and even that's not as naughty as it sounds). He spent his entire life in a box, never knowing the love of a child. You'd be right: this villain number was cut from the movie itself. It pains me more than I can say to put Pat Carroll's eminently karaoke-able (I have seen it done) "Poor Unfortunate Souls" in the runner-up position. not.). Who else can relate? She's been after Cinderella from the start. The Black Cauldron is hardly the most well-watched Disney movie, but for those who saw it, The Horned King leaves a lasting impression. And worse! Fashion is important, but wanting to kill a slew of adorable puppies for any reason is pure evil, let alone for a fur coat. "Savages," unlike "The Siamese Cat Song" from Lady of the Tramp, has the benefit of knowing the viewpoints it espouses are racist and presenting them in an intentionally negative light. Director Bill Condon and the cast -- including Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Josh Gad and more -- had some big shoes to fill. And not for nothing: The songs are pretty great, particularly "Gaston," henchman LeFou's tribute to his boorish, brainless friend. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Subscribe to WickedBinge Disney Villains: Evil to Most Evil The House of Mouse, Happiest Place on Earth… You get the idea. She gets into the top ten on a song that wasn't even in the movie. In the movie, Si and Am are hardly villains, just mischievous troublemakers. Other Disney villains are fun like Ursula -- Gaston, for example -- but they're rarely scary. Wanting to destroy the careers of superheroes is dastardly, but is it one of the evilest desires in the world? Fangrrls is about kicking down doors, breaking boundaries and celebrating female fans with fun, witty and entertaining content. Callaghan setting a fire that kills Tadashi makes him a definite villain. Barely even human" any easier to sing on Disney karaoke night. The "Night on Bald Mountain" segment of Fantasia makes a regular appearance in every kid's nightmares...and even some adult's as well. And bonus points for use of robotics. The Nightmare Before Christmas isn't a Disney musical in the traditional sense of the world -- it's Disney, and it's animated, and it's a musical, but it's kind of in its own little world compared to the others -- but "Oogie Boogie's Song," sung by Ken Page, is too good not to include here. Lotso rules Sunnyside Daycare with an iron fist, and mercilessly gives Woody, Buzz, and the gang a lifetime sentence to the younger toddlers' room — aka: a torture chamber for toys.