4: Producer of Fulbright U.S. Scholars (Chronicle of Higher Ed), No. Make mission-fit hiring decisions. We're No. Statistics released for Fall Semester 2019 show a total campus enrollment of 20,592 students, an increase of 1.8% percent over last fall’s campus enrollment of 20,226. New report from The Wall Street Journal and @timeshighered rank BYU & the Naval Academy as the best in the nation for being worth the cost. The total number of married students is 4,160, comprising 27 percent of the total campus student population. 1: Best in the West for student engagement (Wall Street Journal), No. This semester the campus student body consists of 7,701 male students and 7,721 female students, a nearly 50/50 split. In addition to this number, 4,543 campus-based students are taking online courses or fulfilling internships away from campus. Use our Feedback Form to let us know what you think. Enrollment in BYU-Idaho’s online courses also continues to grow rapidly. Virginia Military Institute 5. Advance student-centered research and scholarship. BYU-Idaho values suggestions and ideas that can improve the university. By attending status, there are 30,162 full-time and 4,337 part-time students with gender … Virginia Military Institute 5. Statistics released for the Spring 2019 Semester show a total campus enrollment of 15,422 students. The total number of married students is 4,160, comprising 27 percent of the total campus student population. HC: WI 17: SP 17 : FS 17: WI 18: SP 18: FS 18: WI 19: SP 19: American Indian/Alaskan: 88: 78: 104 The total number of married students is 5,142, comprising 25% percent of the total campus student population. Advance faith-based teaching and learning. For specific language degrees, we rank:No. The total number of married students is 5,142, comprising 25% percent of the total campus student population. 5: Graduates with the least debt (U.S. News & World Report), No. 13: Most employable graduates in the U.S. (Times Higher Education), 15,204 male students have served missions, 6,663 female students have served missions, Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: $2,895 per semester, Canada, South Korea, and China are the top three nations represented, Nearly 50% of all students have lived outside the United States, 229 study abroad programs are available in 80 countries, 1,901 students studied abroad during the 2016-2017 academic year, 17% of students study abroad while at BYU, Approximately 258 ambassadors to the United States from 104 countries have spoken on campus since 1996. Ensure alignment with the university mission. Naval Academy 3. Enrollment in BYU-Idaho’s online courses also continues to grow rapidly. MIT4. U.S. Enrollment in BYU-Idaho’s online courses also continues to grow rapidly. New report from The Wall Street Journal and @timeshighered rank BYU & the Naval Academy as the best in the nation for being worth the cost. U.S. We're No. 3 in the country for the most graduates with foreign language degrees, according to a new report from @chronicle. Continued growth in enrollment can be attributed, in large part, to BYU-Idaho’s unique educational emphasis. Online courses have allowed for enrollment growth without students having to be on campus. 1: Colleges Worth the Cost (Wall Street Journal), NEW: BYU is No.