For the cabinets, I would strongly consider painting them white…if you like them/want to keep them. Avoid these common pitfalls that can impact your floor’s durability! What color would you advise? Hello. no stain.). But, they will certainly work with all hardwood floor colors. Please and thank you! If you have a wood colored cabinet, you’ll want to select a color with a nice contrast. The flooring is maple and I’m wondering if I should keep it natural with no additional color added. The appliances are stainless steel. The choices are almost endless here, but consider the feeling and aesthetic you want. It seems impossible to make the old and new wood match without a dark stain. Hi. Your email address will not be published. With innovations and also innovations in home style as well as increasing creative thinking and also design, tile flooring concepts now exceed the washroom and the kitchen area. And, if it’s your house, you get to choose. The built-in bookshelf and the kitchen cabinets have the wood-tone color, and won’t contrast the dark hardwood floor at all. If you wish to lighten the mood of the room, choose gray wall paint that matches your flooring but is several shades lighter. ebony and dark walnut) as there is color variation in the wood. But, if that’s too dark, I might try dark walnut or antique brown. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. As a Senior Writer at Apartment Therapy, Nancy splits her time among looking at beautiful pictures, writing about design, and photographing stylish apartments in and around NYC. For dark, most here are doing combos of ebony/jacobean or ebony/dark walnut. appreciate any advice! Do you like your flooring? Some people prefer light woods and some people prefer dark woods. We have recently purchased a house in a nice location, but it’s got very awkward floors. ark framed pieces, switch them out or remove the frames. Darker is certainly much easier to cover this up. I’ve tried white-ish wood look tile (thinking that might contrast and brighten it up), but all white colors seem to immediately turn gray and flat as soon as I bring them into this house, which I’m not sure looks good with the Colonial Maple. Dark floor choices foster the opportunity to go bright, if you dare go blue or gold (as in the photos above), you can go blue or gold! I am told that is causing the orange to pop out even after sanding. Rae – I think you should do what you love. In the end, she did not do this. Some of this may also be driven by your budget, but if you can do it all, i would do hardwood everywhere and paint cabinets white. Hi, we have 3.25″ oak hardwood flooring in the kitchen and dining room area that butts up to the master bedroom. It’s even darker than ebony and it’s more opaque. Noralee – I’d highly highly recommend that remove the laminate flooring before installing another floating floor. what color wood flooring would be best for Of course, if your flooring is damaged or has holes, new wood can usually be woven in for a repair, especially if it’s a small area. The room will look much smaller if you have light floors and dark walls rather than dark walls and light walls. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. Strong colors ground a room and light hardwood floors add balance, light and space. Sometimes ebony is not a dark as some people expect, so there is an option to do a “water pop” which darkens it a bit further (or aniline dye which gets it even darker). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If not, I might just do a darker brown. When you mix a range of finishes, you add visual depth and interest. Then, just slightly lighter are antique brown and coffee brown. Monochrome area rugs with a lot of pattern or texture add a sculptured look to any light hardwood floor. Phone: 877.215.1831 Hardwood cleaning products and accessories (e.g. Subscriber Exclusive Offer Privacy Policy. Staci – Oh gosh, that is very challenging. I agree that you should make things as uniform as possible, and for sure would convert as much as possible to hardwood…except for potentially the kitchen. (even if you put down the floors first, at least select color for walls and neutralize them. Thanks so much for your kind words. Michael – I hope this helped. In our kitchen, we have medium cherry cabinets (reddish tone) and dark uba tuba granite. Then, paint them white. I know that is probably a difficult question since you can’t see it…. Obviously, it’s a different style. And, of course, there is always the option to clean more and remove your shoes at the door. But, you’ll need to test to see what you like. Title: wall colors for dark wood floors grey walls with dark hardwood Description: wall colors for dark wood floors new ideas what color granite with white cabinets and dark Via: Title: new ideas of what color granite with white cabinets and dark wood Description: 25 light wood flooring with dark furniture Via: We have laminate snap lock flooring in our great room. Upstairs, if you are installing solid hardwood, you will need to first install a plywood subfloor, and that will cost extra, but there is no way around that. If you are refinishing your existing floors, remember that you can’t change the wood you already have (well unless you plan on replacing it). Do you have any suggestions? I think going darker (or even same color) will look too dark, esp if it’s only 300sf. I hope that helps. I would do natural with Bona Traffic (that will look best, last longer and amberize less than any other option). no stain) and use bona traffic HD for the poly. Or what do you think of the duraseal spice stain color in combination with grey cabinetry in a 10×11 galley style kitchen with two smaller windows? I have another question? That combo of dark brown and gray works very well and I see it all the time. Thank you so much in advance. We love houseplants. We can’t change our cabinets and I’m looking for an darker alternative than natural maple. Trudy – I think that depends on how dark you want your home and how much light you have. If it’s same direction, you will just have the transition over 1 piece of laminate and that is probably better (and easier, too). I’m seriously considering paint them white and do the dark hard wood floor. If it were me, I’d want to address the orange first. After looking at more samples today I agree with what you said that the different color will be enough to to not look bad. The primary reason for this is that most wood floor species are light and if you scratch through the dark colored stain, it shows more of a contrast with the wood underneath vs. a lighter colored floor. For different dimension of floorings in various areas there are different concepts that I might share to you. Similarly to the green color on the wall, the color blue can also make pairing the furniture and finishes fun, picking contrasting or complimentary colors to the fabrics and finishes in the space can add the last needed thing to a room.