In fact, the Skull & Cross Bones is an ancient instrument used by sorcerers to gain spiritual power. When an initiate reflects extremely deeply, an amazing thing is discovered. God is not someone or something outside of you. Cassaro has discussed his work on the History Channel, and in documentary films like Magical Egypt 2. We are not just the below (the creature), we are the above too (the universe, the god). In one of its meanings it signifies the fact that Time is Divine. For all the ancient cultures, wings were a symbol of divinity and eternity: Above: Hourglass with wings. By the 15th century, the symbol had developed into its familiar form. Meaning: Serious Eye Damage, Skin Corrosion, Corrosive to Metals. The basic outline of the symbol is a plain trefoil, which is three circles overlapping each other equally like in a triple Venn diagram with the overlapping parts erased. Make sure you know what each of these signs means. Skull and Crossbones Substances with a hazard of acute toxicity will have this symbol on their chemical label. We are the eternal god. “The camel gets down on his knees and says, ‘Put a load on me’…But when the camel is well loaded, it struggles to its feet and runs out into the desert, where it is transformed into a lion — the heavier the load that had been carried, the stronger the lion will be.”, – Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth (1904 – 1987). Here are a few common symbols you may see on these signs along with their meanings: If you’re wondering what safety signs and labels are required for your business, it’s crucial to learn more about the signage itself and the materials these signs label. Oxidising covers chemicals that in their preparation, can lead to a dangerous reaction with other chemicals. It must be stated that the names given below for the COSHH symbols do not form the official terminology. These safety data sheets are comprehensive and complicated, but the warning signs are basic and simplistic. We provide official OSHA and DOT certificates. The skull and bones are often used in military insignia, e.g. We are gods. Unfortunately, today it does because the powers that be in the world are trying to cover up its true meaning; an effort to keep the masses down, disempowered, and ignorant as to the true nature of human existence. As of June 1, 2015, the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) will require pictograms on labels to alert users of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed. It often appears on hazardous equipment or in instruction manuals to draw attention to a precaution, when a more-specific warning symbol is not available. Knowing the COSHH symbols is crucial to ensure you and your employees are properly informed on the relevant dangers of their workplace. As of June 1, 2015, the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) will require pictograms on labels to alert users of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed. The truth is that we are not the mortal creature (who will die). Everywhere in Antiquity the Skull & Cross Bones symbol conveyed the same exact meaning. You HAVE a body.”. The image shows a chemical spill causing the corrosion of a hand a surface material. May damage public health by causing damage in the ozone layer. You are an eternal god or spirit who has temporarily fallen down into, and is temporarily living in, the material world. His articles have appeared in print journals and web media around the globe; and he has delivered well-received lectures about his findings in the UK, Italy, Peru, Egypt, Spain, Mexico, Cyprus, and the U.S. For other uses, see, University of California, Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, International Organization for Standardization, European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, "Origin of the Radiation Warning Symbol (Trefoil)", "Biohazard and radioactive symbol, design and proportions", "New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers", "Biohazards symbol: development of a biological hazards warning signal",, Hazchem Guide from The National Chemical Emergency Centre,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Examples of European warning for flammable substances, This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 22:23. The Secret Occult Meaning of the “Three Wise Monkeys” Hidden by the Elite, The Occult Secret of the “Skull & Cross Bones” Symbol, Exposing The “Secret Owl Society” Soaring Through History. Take this fun quiz to see if you can identify common lab safety symbols used to point out hazards in the laboratory. Today the Skull & Cross Bones signifies “poison” and we’re warned to “stay away.” But this is an intentional deception by the elite to hide the symbol’s true meaning. As dreams are made on; and our little life The design originates in the Late Middle Ages as a symbol of death and especially as a memento mori on tombstones. The symbol is of a skull and crossbones. WHMIS Pictograms/ Symbols. It is usually depicted as a human skull and sometimes with two bones. The symbol, or some variation thereof, specifically with the bones (or swords) below the skull, was also featured on the Jolly Roger, the traditional flag of European and American seagoing pirates. Previously a variety of motifs had been used, including the Danish "+ + +" and drawings of skeletons. Meaning: Acute Toxicity (fatal or toxic) Classes and Categories. Each pictogram consists of a symbol on a white background framed within a red border and represents a distinct hazard(s). It became associated with piracy from the 14th century onwards, possibly even earlier. For this reason, in the United States there has been a proposal to replace the skull and crossbones by the "Mr. Yuk" symbol. HAZMAT School offers training courses that cover a variety of topics related to hazardous materials, so no matter how you interact with these materials, you can be armed with the information you need to stay safe. Row, row, row your boat, Explosives are defined as chemicals, substances, and any workplace occurrence that may cause an explosion. In 1829, New York State required the labeling of all containers of poisonous substances. Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.”. By the Middle Ages, intellectuals in Europe were calling it “Memento Mori,” which is Latin for “Remember you are mortal” and “Remember you must die.”. This favorite 3-minute clip from the movie Dead Poet’s Society expresses this idea beautifully: The Pagan saying “Carpe Diem” evolved among medieval Europeans into the idea of Danse Macabre: The Dance of Death (1493) by Michael Wolgemut, “no matter one’s station in life, the Dance of Death unites all. – Call to enjoy life Hopefully, you’re already familiar with road signs that indicate potential hazards, such as falling rocks or icy roads. Journalist, speaker and author of Written In Stone: Decoding The Secret Masonic Religion Hidden In Gothic Cathedrals And World Architecture. The chosen scored the best on nationwide testing for memorability. Furthermore, one learns that this soul—which is our true eternal nature—is really  a “god” who has temporarily fallen down into the present world (the physical plane); fallen down into believing that we are actually the temporary mortal creature. The arcs of the inner circles and the tiny circle are connected by a line. His first book, Written in Stone, is a wide-ranging exploration of hitherto-unknown connections among Freemasons, medieval cathedral builders and the creators of important ancient monuments, in support of his theory that a spiritually advanced mother culture, lost to history, is behind many of the world’s architectural and artistic traditions. This is a portrait of you. THE TRUE MEANING OF THE SKULL & CROSS BONES IS: – Symbol of our passing mortality YOU are the fool, YOU are the wise man, YOU are the beggar and YOU are the king! Manages Hazmat School’s E-Learning courses and blog. [6][7], International ionizing radiation trefoil symbol, Yellow and magenta ionizing radiation trefoil used in the US, ISO 21482 high-level sealed-source ionizing radiation symbol, The biohazard symbol is used in the labeling of biological materials that carry a significant health risk, including viral and bacteriological samples, including infected dressings and used hypodermic needles (see sharps waste). The skull and crossbones were also popular on crucifixes made in Northern Europe during the 18th and 19th century, worn on rosaries or as larger wall hangings in religious orders Memento Mori and symbolising Christ's victory over death.