Death later approaches Dean after the latter has clearly lost the wager. The chilling reveal that it wasn't just otherworldly beings, or people who had been brought back to life made things all the more interesting. While wearing the ring, Dean ended the lives of the dying so that a reaper could escort their souls to Heaven or Hell.[6]. Among the chaos, Michael mentions that in Apocalypse World, he and his angels imprisoned Death and enslaved the reapers. Et bien que Dean a échoué dans son travail, la Mort a quand même rendu son âme à Sam. When Rowena can't bring herself to kill Sam, Billie attempts to comfort her by telling her "some things just are... and everyone has to live with that" before departing and telling Dean she will see him soon. Cas found that happiness when he told Dean how he really felt about him -- that Dean was the kindest and most loving man he had ever known, that he loved him, and that through Dean, he had come to love the rest of the world as well. 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According to the reaper Billie, all reapers are waiting for the opportunity of punishing the Winchesters after one of them (or both) dies by sending them to, Julian Richings has stated that he believes Death to be alive and continues to hint at a possible return. Even with the particular backlash as seen before with The 100 and other shows in recent years like The Magicians (which was co-created by former Supernatural showrunner Sera Gamble), the trope continues. I'm not buying her miraculous return to take over the world and dole out her own set of rules for how it should be run. Bookending is something that plays into a lot of what happened in the episode: at the start of the season, following their attempt to destroy Jack, Castiel was furious at the Winchesters, and their relationship started rocky as the show went into its final stretch. I think not, and there's still a lot that will go down before the series wraps. Supernatural Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Death tells Dean that he will raise Sam's soul if Dean acts as Death using his ring for twenty-four hours. When Dean hesitates to deliver the death blow to Sam, Death tells him to do it, or he will. I had to wait for you to catch up. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Ezekiel later erases Sam's memories of the encounter with Death to prevent Sam from ejecting him. Occupation It’s in just being. Death tells him that it is because he absorbed other creatures from Purgatory, creatures older than souls, that he can't contain. Plus, [Spoiler]'s gonna die! Death is pleased when he sees Dean has learned something about the natural order, and the consequences of changing it. He would approach any situation in a dry, calm demeanor, never raising his voice or revealing any emotions beyond slight annoyance. It tapped into the real world, it tapped into their lives, and as a straight white male, I obviously didn’t anticipate how deeply it would affect certain people," he told TV Insider. Death doesn't interfere saying that it's Sam's decision and he ultimately says yes after which Death disappears from Sam's mind. I warned you about those souls, how long ago? Death is the only Horseman to be killed and not just defeated. Billie hands Dean the notebook containing the one fate where Michael loses, shocking Dean at what it reveals must be done. According to him, he is the only being in existence that will persist through the end of time. It seemed like everyone was in a reflective mood, and Jack continues to be a joy to watch. What's with you and cheap food?" "Destined to swat you, I think." Once you consider that, this makes all the sense in the world. A large number of reapers gathered in the town where Lucifer was going to release Death in order to serve him. La Mort accepte mais Gadreel réussira à sauver Sam avant. It's a trope seen time and time again throughout TV. In the show, characters Clarke and Lexa became a popular couple and eventually got together. Now, between you and me, he doesn't ride a pale horse, but he does have 3 amigos.". Having existed since the beginning of time alongside God,[1] Death is so old he cannot remember who is older: himself or God. [2], Unlike the other Horsemen, the loss of his ring does not seem to lessen Death's power. He also appears to Dean when he briefly dies to contact him, something he does on his own as Tessa is both unwilling and unable to summon him. Death then reveals that he has been waiting for a long time to talk with Dean. I'm very happy with it.". Despite their defeat or demise, the Horsemen's attributes continue to exist as forces of nature and natural order. All rights reserved. What made that the supposed conclusion to Castiel's arc so sad is that he told Dean he loved him, and Dean didn't say it back. With the lack of LGBTQ+ representation on TV already, not allowing these characters to live at all — let alone have happy lives — perpetuates that idea that LGBTQ+ characters meant to have tragic histories because of who they are. After seeing the Darkness' effects on people, Dean says that since he killed Death a couple of hours before, he's open to suggestions about what's happening. Billie would have been better served on another season. Le rôle de la Mort est confié à l'ancienne faucheuse Billie. After being bumped into by a man walking in the opposite direction to him, Death brushed his coat with his hand where the man had walked into him, killing him instantly. *Major spoilers for Supernatural season 15, episode 18 below!*. The horseman hints that this is the reason why he doesn't make exceptions with death, as this could disrupt the natural order and start a chain reaction of disasters. While in The 100 Lexa ended up appearing a few more times, this was only a painful reminder that she would never actually come back alive and able to continue her relationship with Clarke. Follow him on Twitter. [2], After the Reaper Billie was killed by Castiel,[3] she was reincarnated as Death's replacement. Death hands Dean his scythe, but reminded of his love for his family, and due to the fact Death said that he would kill Sam himself if Dean didn't, Dean unexpectedly impales Death himself with the scythe instead of Sam. Neither of us can remember anymore. Thus as the first Reaper to be killed since Dean killed Death, she was reincarnated as his replacement. When Sam is near death from the damage he took from the trials, Death himself comes to reap him, appearing to him in his coma dream and saying that he considers it an honor to take Sam's soul personally and that while he usually doesn't pass judgment, he tells Sam "well played, my boy," hinting his knowledge of Sam undertaking the trials to close the Gates of Hell. As a very powerful being that existed before time began, he has extensive knowledge of the universe and is aware of the threats and actions regarding Purgatory. Clean up your mess." Normally, Death is kept locked and chained in a magical coffin 600 feet under the Earth. Before dying a second time, Karen says that Death told her that the entire incident was organized to attack Bobby, as he is one of the few remaining elements keeping Sam from saying "yes" to act as Lucifer's vessel. They keep this guy chained in a box six hundred feet under. [4][5] Death is even ordered by Lucifer to destroy Chicago with a massive storm which will kill three million people. Out of the blue, Castiel appears and gets his ring. After the ritual is complete, the camera shifts to Death's perspective, and massive wings can be heard in the background, while Lucifer says "O hello, Death".[7]. it’s in just being. | I'm not here to tie your shoes every time you trip! Death returns in Bobby's panic room to restore the soul to Sam's body, ignoring Sam's pleas for him not to as well telling Sam he's putting up a wall in his mind and not to mess with it. Even when Castiel became extraordinarily powerful after absorbing the souls of purgatory, death showed no signs of being impressed or even interested, implying that he considered him just as insignificant as everybody else. Dean reluctantly agrees, and Death warns him to hold true to his word by saying he can't cheat Death. [3][2] Though he is often unseen, Death's actions and presence have far reaching effects. After successfully retrieving Sam's soul from Lucifer's Cage, Death secures it within an old-fashioned black leather doctor's bag. However, the Reaper Violet appears instead and reveals that Billie now has her Reapers following them around in shifts. Coincidentally, Julian Richings played Charon, ferryman of the River Styx, who transports newly deceased souls to the Greek Underworld in the 2010 film. He's been such a pivotal part of the show, but his storyline seemingly reached the end of the road on Supernatural Season 15 Episode 18. Jack and Sam questioning whether other people were missing, followed by the scene confirming as much will go down as one of the best on the series. When Dean asks him how old he is, Death admits he can't really remember anymore and guesses he is as old or older than God Himself, but neither can remember anymore. Deciding that he can't fight the influence of the Mark of Cain anymore, Dean sets up shop in an empty bar where he proceeds to summon Death, believing he's the only thing powerful enough to kill him. In Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire, the Winchesters speculate on how the Rabid infection of Superior, Nebraska came into being. However, Death's warning comes to pass when Rowena removes the Mark and the Darkness is released. Sam is confused as Dean killed Death, leading Dean to explain that Billie is now the replacement of the Death that Dean had killed. Nothing can kill who he wills to live, as stated by Dean, and he can keep someone dead if he wants to without anyone being able to resurrect them. When Sam's attempt to revive Dean fails, Dean is surprised by the sight of Billie, who reveals that after Castiel killed her, she became the new Death, explaining that when Death dies, the first reaper to be killed after him will take up his mantle. Death explains that before there was light, life, or even the Earth, there was the Darkness, an ancient being that God and his archangels warred against. However, while Death enjoyed this meal, he tells him even he can't kill Dean because the Mark's power prevents even him from doing that, making the bearer of the Mark the only known thing Death cannot kill. "What does this sound like a goodbye?" "They're a family at the end of the day, and I think the same thing will happen here. He gave his ring to Dean to stop Lucifer, agreed to get Sam's soul back, and even helped after Castiel broke the binding spell the Winchesters and Bobby had cast on him, albeit claiming that he was only doing so because he found "that little angel arrogant." According to TV Tropes, "This trope is the presentation of deaths of LGBT characters where these characters are nominally able to be viewed as more expendable than their heterosexual counterparts. 5-7, 9-10 That rocky road came to a decisive end tonight, as Castiel figured out a way to literally cheat death, save Dean (and therefore probably the universe), and speak his truth all at once.