Their leader, a woman named Lyris, welcomes Kim home—he is, she says, one of them. November Preview: 19 TV Shows & New Movies to Watch at Home, To Boldly Play: The Best and Worst Star Trek Videogames. Janeway reveals that he was right about the Nasari ship charging weapons, and they would have caught Voyager with her shields down had he not acted. "It's kind of cute. Lyris tells him yes, and that each child that returns to their homeworld brings an infusion of genetic material as well as firsthand information of alien species. I know the Star Treks series were all on budgets, but these episodes only heightened the sense of low-budget uninspired storytelling. Taymon is about to undergo the marriage ceremony to three wives, which is standard, given the gender disparity on the world. The biofilter in the transporter likely caught and wiped out the virus when he beamed back, but the virus had done its job of altering Kim’s DNA already by that point. ", Lisa Klink noted that, ultimately, the installment leads Harry Kim to reevaluate his lifestyle: ", Ultimately, Garrett Wang still enjoyed performing Kim's central role of this installment and Marvin Rush was pleased with Wang's performance. Set a course for home. Lyris explains that Kim really is one of them. Maybe? ", Marvin Rush thought the cast and crew were successful in making this episode "a male fantasy piece with a dark twist." The Taresians tell a shocking story of how Kim was implanted with their DNA at birth. Alben, the Nasari captain, says he has no quarrel with Voyager now that the Taresian is no longer on board. 'Favorite Son' is bizarre because it feels like it's fallen straight out of the 1960s. After the ceremony is over, Kim tries to contact Voyager through his combadge but is unsuccessful. Was this review helpful to you? Everybody comes to Neelix’s. Here, it turns out that making Kim a Taresian was the original notion here, and that would’ve been so much more interesting than what we got, especially since the last-minute rewrite to, “no, wait, it’s a virus and they were lying” exposes numerous plot holes. Jadzia dying in “Change of Heart” instead of “Tears of the Prophets,” which would’ve been much much more poignant than what we got in either episode. Kim tells Paris that he wished he was more like Paris with women. Trivial matters: This episode was heavily rewritten, at least partly due to directives from the network. The location felt especially suffocating and claustrophobic, because it was too easily seen as a sound stage; this only accentuated the awareness there were only a dozen members of this "race," all moving around a rather undifferentiated set. Then he goes to Taymon’s quarters, only to find him dead, his corpse desiccated. Amusingly, Paris tries to flirt with one of the Taresians, and they’re completely uninterested in him. "I try to be." You must be a registered user to subscribe to threads. Keith R.A. DeCandido is one of the guests of honor at the virtual Bubonicon 2020 this coming Saturday the 29th of August. While undergoing a typical episode rewrite process, this installment of, The episode's final draft script was submitted on, The script was somewhat ambiguous. Rush noted, ", Marvin Rush also worked with the performers playing the Taresian females of this episode, although their characters presented Rush with a challenge. Half and half. Tuvok responds to an order from Janeway with “Aye, sir,” which is odd, as Janeway was established way back in “Caretaker” as not caring for that particular tradition, and Tuvok of all people wouldn’t forget that. The Taresians offer Kim a drug that will enhance the mood, but Kim politely refuses it. Kim thinks he’s turning into an alien, and kinda likes the whole notion of being this exotic person who has women fawning over him. Stardate: 50732.4. Keep an eye on the con’s Facebook page for details. Add the first question. Trek was often pretty bad about gender, and it's uniformly terrible about genetics, and this episode hinges on both weaknesses, so it would've taken a miracle to get a good story here. Cari Shayne, Kelli Kirkland, and Patricia Tallman play three of the Taresians. Kim was alone at several points during that mission. Kim makes it to Taymon's quarters to try to free him as well. "Favorite Son" Thank you for keeping the discussion, and our community, civil and respectful. And the Taresians have the same spots that Kim has been displaying. Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “Favorite Son ” Keith R.A. DeCandido. Voya… You must be a registered user to subscribe to threads. Kim, Janeway, Tuvok, and Paris beam down to Taresia. “Favorite Son” Written by Lisa Klink Directed by Marvin V. Rush Season 3, Episode 20 Production episode 162 Original air date: March 19, 1997 Stardate: 50732.4 Captain’s log. Production episode 162 He goes to the bathroom to wash his face, and sees red spots around his hairline and neck. Actually, since I’ve been on Voyager, I’ve tried to be more like you.”, “I’m serious! ← 61st of 168 produced in VOY → Kim kisses Eliann and promptly falls asleep. You’re reliable, hard-working, extremely punctual. Meribor/edited by statmanjeff. Meanwhile, on Taresia, Kim is led to his quarters by Eliann. Looking for something to watch? Lyris explains that Kim really is one of them. Though the Nasari show no apparent hostile intent, Kim raises Voyager's shields and fires phasers without orders, claiming that the alien vessel is charging weapons. Kim tells Neelix the story of Odysseus and the sirens, just in case we missed the inspiration for the episode, and then Kim talks about how nice it was to be someone cooler than he thought he was—someone more like Paris. “Favorite Son” Episode cast overview, first billed only. Kim can only say this part of space has become increasingly familiar. (19 Mar 1997). The Doctor confirms that Kim is fully Human but warns them that the alien DNA from is beginning to alter his genetic structure; in a few days he will be indistinguishable from a Taresian. Receive notification by email when a new comment is added. Tuvok reports three more Nasari ships. He goes to the bathroom to wash his face, and sees red spots around his hairline and neck. ", "We raised you to be a responsible boy." (, This episode had a complicated shooting schedule, split in half by the, One scene that Marvin Rush especially concentrated on was the one that incorporates an overhead shot of Kim, while the malevolent Taresian females are closing in on him and he looks up at the camera, moments before he is whisked away, in the nick of time, by. They paw all over Kim the moment he beams down and at least one is always after him. Release Dates The Taresians explain that they need to suck the life force out of men to survive, or something. Tuvok suddenly alerts Janeway that there are three Nasari ships approaching them. Because he’s just that awesome. Date: 50732.4 . Title: The Taresians seem to be in seduction mode pretty much permanently. Janeway and Chakotay get a report from the EMH, who has dug a little deeper and found that the alien DNA has only been in Kim’s body since stardate 50698, which is when Chakotay led an away mission, which included Kim, to a planet to collect vorilium. Confined to quarters, he goes to sleep, and has strange dreams that include a planet, memories of having Mendakan pox as a child and his mother caring for him, the Nasari attack, and more. He soon learns that he is native to this region and that he is Taresian, not human. Ensign Kim appears to recall the region of space claimed by the Taresians, and is soon welcomed back into their society with open arms. The biofilter in the transporter likely caught and wiped out the virus when he beamed back, but the virus had done its job of altering Kim’s DNA already by that point. ", Alpha Quadrant; Ashmore; bearing; binary code; bioscan; blindfold; blood pressure; burn; coordinates; defense mechanism; déjà vu; Delta Quadrant; density; DNA; Essence of rikka flowers; evasive maneuvers; Federation; generation; genetic engineering; genetic memory; hatana; Kim, John; Kim, Mary; Klingon; level 1 bioscan; lungs; medical scan; Mendakan pox; microcellular scan; Milky Way Galaxy; milligram; miracle child; mood enhancer; Nasari; Nerada; Nerada-type; neural tissue; nucleation; Odysseus; oxygen (oxygen deprivation); paradoxical state-dependent associative phenomenon; plasma conduit; plasma injector; polaron grid; pulmonary regeneration; pulmozine; rash; red alert; respiration; retrovirus; rikka flower; Sirens; spots; tachyon grid; tactical control; Taresia; Taresian; Taresian language; Taresian chime; Taresian starship (aka Taresian ship/Taresian patrol ship); Taresian system; targ; tetryon; tone deafness; transporter buffer; trinary star (aka trinary system); trinary system; trinary system sector; vorillium; warp field. You might want to reconsider that, Harry, there could be prison time involved. Suddenly, Eliann appears and asks him to stay with her as they begin to kiss passionately. The Nasari and the Taresians get into a firefight, and Voyager slips away in the confusion. This form of address to a female officer was common, but eschewed by Janeway in ". A Nasari vessel approaches and hails them, seemingly friendly, but Kim is overcome by the need to fire on them. Kim was infected by the virus while they were collecting vorilium on an away mission—Voyager was established as searching for a vorilium source in “Darkling.”. The new Star Trek Online is only the latest in a storied line of Star... What to Watch Now: Best New Streaming Movies & TV. Can’t we just reverse the polarity? But neither of these could be found here.Speaking of the writing, it was overwhelming predictable almost from the moment they set foot on the planet.