INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. Justice Louise Esther Blenman, His Lordship, the Hon. , Res Judicata — Extended doctrine of res judicata, Land — Compulsory acquisitions , Arbitration — Arbitral tribunal, Building and Construction Law — Dispute resolution , Res Judicata — Issue estoppel , Criminal law — General exceptions, Criminal Procedure and Sentencing — Sentencing, Civil Procedure –– Interpleader England and Wales High Court (Technology and Construction Court) Decisions Blue Manchester Ltd v North West Ground Rents Ltd [2020] EWHC 2777 (TCC) (20 October 2020) BDW Trading Ltd v Lantoom Ltd [2020] EWHC 2744 (TCC) (16 October 2020) TITLE. SKBHCV2020/0110Ward, J.Delivered: 28/10/2020, Claim No. BVIHC(COM) 132 of 2016, 133 of 2016 and 134 of 2016Jack, J. In 2020, High Court Judgments, October, Saint Kitts and Nevis event 2 days ago on 11/03/20 10:54 AM Marcella A. Liburd et al v The Attorney General Of Saint Christopher And Nevis et al ANUHCR 2020/0018 & 0058Morley, J.Delivered: 30/10/2020, Claim No. Some judgments are viewable in Adobe Reader.Click here to download a free version of Adobe Reader. 240 John Flavien, Grenada Distillers Limited v Keith Newton, Director of Public Prosecution v Reece Walters, Marcella A. Liburd et al v The Attorney General Of Saint Christopher And Nevis et al, Nicholas James Gronow et al v Joshua James Taylor, Chinook Wind Alliance Limited v The Registrar Of Corporate Affairs, Millhawke Holdings (Bequia) Ltd et al v Jorg “Stanley” Dornieden et al. 240 John Flavien, St. Kitts Marriott Resort v Deborah Stevens, America 2030 Capital Limited v Sunpower Business Group Pte Ltd, Stanford International Bank Limited v Proskauer Rose LLP, Grenada Distillers Limited v Keith Newton, Director of Public Prosecution v Reece Walters, Marcella A. Liburd et al v The Attorney General Of Saint Christopher And Nevis et al, Nicholas James Gronow et al v Joshua James Taylor, Chinook Wind Alliance Limited v The Registrar Of Corporate Affairs, Barrington Pond v Netherland Antilles General Insurance Corporation N.V, Stuart A. Lockhart v Valentina Nonini et al. Most decisions are given verbally by judges in court. Submit your email address and name to subscribe for email notifcations. PLEADINGS. TITLE. GDAHCV2014/0299Actie, J.Delivered: 19/10/2020, Claim No. , Arbitration — Stay of court proceedings ACTION. DOMHCV2019/0307AGlasgow, J.Delivered: 14/10/2020, Claim No. Judgments. Additional copies can be purchased, at the fee prescribed in the High Court of Australia (Fees) Regulation 2012, by the parties and the public in the Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney offices of the Registry.