Besides, there may be people who seem perfectly normal but turn out to be anything but. This will help avoid a wide of potentially dangerous situations. Which is simultaneously liberating and slightly depressing.

Your phones can be important to keep you safe while living alone without men. So yes, they do have to fend for themselves, and it's always been that way. But, how about getting a gun and being trained in using it? Take a self-defense class, especially when you are a girl living alone at your 20s after university. Most criminals and burglars look for easy targets, such as female graduates, single models. This is especially true in college towns. So keep a balance. […] smart to be prepared instead of looking the other way. Here’s my backstory. I opened the door and she extended her tiny little hands to me, opened them up and said, “Buy gold?” In her hands were a few gold coins, and for a little kid, she was very insistent that I purchase. Besides burglars, a natural disaster is also a hidden danger for female living alone in a new city or apartment. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they shut their doors, how they park their cars, the amount of noise they make when they walk, who visits them at what time, etc. Her felon husband, a ne'er-do-well, was brought along for the repainting. Another way to protect yourself when living alone is to take precautions and use your common sense. If going out alone still sounds intimidating, your best bet is to start small, like going to a coffee shop, getting your drink to stay and sitting alone for 10 or 15 minutes as you sip it.

Oftentimes, I'll come across such questions in the forum seeking tips for women living alone for the first time in PNG, Ecuador, Midtown, Kuwait, and other areas. We sat in my apartment watching Paranormal Activity one night and were scared out of our minds.

I had to call the police back and tell them it was a false alarm.

Realizing there was an unhealthy element of narcissism to my self-consciousness really got me thinking about it differently. The beauty of traveling alone (or going on “me dates”) is that every day is (potentially) the perfect day because you get to do what you want, when you want. The first time it happened, I ignored the knocks on my door, muted the TV and played dead. Be nice and friendly, but always remember that good fences make good neighbors. Susuanunes, it's not a matter of always looking for boogeyman. If a security system isn’t within your budget, think about getting a dog. A couple years ago, my sister came to visit me from Denver, where she lives alone.

If a stranger comes to your door, ask them for ID and deal with them at your doorway, where you can be seen by other people. Should I spend money on a tight budget for a security system? So if you have a good relationship with your neighbors, you can help each other. Oh please I've been a woman living on my own for years and I'm not afraid. More stupid, patronizing advice that says women have to live their lives in fear and paranoia, and in fact shouldn't even be living alone at all. In fact, in many cases, you learn even more when you go out solo, as you have no one to fall back on but yourself. This can include how to secure the front door, back door, windows and more. Just because a woman points out the truth of men targeting women that enjoy living alone doesn't mean feminism is wrong and women should go back to But at least I’ve since gotten to know his name. Go to a concert. Here are 43 things every woman should do alone at least once in her life: 1. But more importantly — real talk here — a woman shouldn't have to be afraid to go out by herself at night. My biggest concern was getting pinkeye (if one got it, we all got it). Some of the most important steps to stay safe while you live alone as a single female are not always obvious, so it's a good idea to draw up a checklist. And I will definitely be living alone.

I like coming home after work, taking my pants off, throwing my hair on top of my head in a big pile and laying in my bed to read or watch shameful television… alone. You should actually introduce yourself to your neighbors before you even buy or rent a place.

Check your local sex registry often because they tend to move.

Know how to escape if a fire or natural disaster happens. I only intended on staying for an hour (I had never been to an auction before I was curious), but ended up eating homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner from their snack counter, making friends with the auctioneer and accidentally purchasing a baking cabinet from the 1830s over the course of six hours. Submission failed. It’s really not that bad. Seems like something you wouldn’t have to worry about, right? The second time, I was reading in bed and the mystery neighbor knocked once… twice… and finally I said “One second!” He (Bruno) said, “Your keys are in your door.

Besides, how many times have you gone to a show with a friend and planned to go out for a drink to “talk about it” afterward, but end up either going home because you’re exhausted, or completely forgetting to talk about what you just watched? Try living in the real world. Whenever you are not at home, always lock your doors and windows. I just sat there open-mouthed, giggling, trying to pick up the (heavy) door and then wobbled around my kitchen trying to stand the door upright. I’m not suggesting that you shun your friends, family members and co-workers in favor of living as a public hermit, but there are certain circumstances where going out alone is truly the best option. Never let strangers into your home, especially if nobody else is around. Is Paris safe for a single young woman? Copyright 2020 © Reolink All Rights Reserved. I have a lot of funny stories where I’ve acted a fool, but hidden within these stories are legit tips for staying safe when living alone, especially if you are a woman. And it’s more than conflicting schedules: Friends are great, but they don’t always share your interests. So when I accidentally left my keys in my front door (on two different occasions, mind you), my neighbor’s attempts to alert me were perceived as dangerous and mysterious threats to my safety.
I tell her to make comments like bye honey as she leaves the apartment and other tips to help keep her from being a potential target. The thieves had taken more than her possessions; they stole her sense of security.

I woke up the next morning for work, opened the door and found my keys in the door. Have emergency contacts on speed dial in case seemingly harmless events like this take a turn for the worse. For the most part, though, I don’t have to resort to any of these tactics because most people are too caught up in their own lives to notice me sitting there by myself.

Enjoy your time living alone, but be alert and aware of what is going on around you at all times. Has nothing to do with feminism. Living alone can be exciting, but you should never look down upon security issues. Not my photo, used for context I recently picked up on Salsa and Bachata a few Google is a trademark of Google LLC.Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Always make sure your phone is fully charged, especially at times when you are leaving your home at night. Hi. You could meet some neighbor that you would not feel safe living close to. Needless to say, that instance left me feeling a little sketched out. When something like a break-in happens to someone you care about, the investment suddenly becomes worth it. I always start with an hour but end up staying for two or three—by myself, singing my favorite songs at the top of my lungs, to an audience of zero. If they know that you are live alone, you may be at greater risk of being burgled. Make a habit of letting people know when you make it home safely. :).

Don’t give out clues that you’re out of town, that you live alone or that you’re going out for the night. And you can refer to reviews on the area. If you don’t have a peephole, get one. I went to Miami Beach last year, did a food walking tour and a boat tour and talked to some nice people during those, but mostly kept to myself with my book, my music and my beach towel. Before you move into a new property, research the area and the property that will become your new home. I have to say that the amount of unwanted attention I get when I’m solo has dramatically dropped as I’ve gotten older. Well, just one month ago, I opened my front door and it just fell off. Is it safe to live alone in Indy as a 25 year old woman? Oh please I've been a woman living on my own for years and I'm not afraid. For example, a few months ago I attended an antiques auction in a small town in upstate New York. You can install mobile apps that are designed to improve security.

As a single lady living alone for the first time, it is best to buy security cameras to help you feel safer. Finally, once you have made friends with people you trust, ask them over to your place every now and again, so that your home looks like a busy place with plenty of people around. A range of alarm apps and GPS tracking facilities ensure that you can react to any issues you may have. You certainly do not want to live near or in the same building as one.

Solo folks face unique challenges for eating healthy, beyond a lack of cooking skills. Be cautious about posting information about your daily schedule on your social media, like Facebook, and Twitter. Here we go. All of her doors were open, and burglars had stolen all of her valuables. Sure, it may be a little vag-centric, but there’s nothing precluding non-menstruators from carrying a product or two. Communicate with the landlord if some appliances, such as doors, windows, locks, are broken.