Zur gleichen Zeit ist Peola weggelaufen. Lana Turner plays Lora, a single white mother whose Hollywood starlet ambitions come at the expense of any meaningful relationship with her daughter, Susie (Sandra Dee). Susan Courtney says that the PCA participated in "Hollywood's ongoing desire to remake interracial desire, an historical fact, as always already having been a taboo. Even more significant was its subplot which addressed sensitive racial issues (light-skinned vs. dark-skinned blacks) that were rarely acknowledged in Hollywood films.”, „[Der Film] ist näher an Fannie Hursts Roman und präsentiert einen sozial sehr viel progressiveren Standpunkt als Sirks Version. Others highlight the similarities between the two mothers, both of whom adore their daughters and are brought to grief by the younger women's actions. They take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner and try…, Pete St. John is a powerful and successful political consultant, with clients spread around the country. [7] Molly Hiro of the University of Portland wrote that the script of this film "closely followed" the storyline of the original novel. [10] Joseph Breen objected to the elements of miscegenation in the story, which "not only violates the Production Code but is very dangerous from the standpoint both of industry and public policy. But success doesn't save them from sorrow with the passing years. But, because of Ana’s mental illness, their relationship slowly collapses. Imitation of Life is a 1934 American drama film directed by John M. Stahl. At the end, Bea starts to tell Jessie about her insistent demands for her "quack quack" and the day they met Delilah. [16], Imitation of Life was nominated for three Academy Awards – Best Picture, Best Assistant Director for Scott R. Beal, and Sound Mixing for Theodore Soderberg. One may add that Stahl's film was somewhat unique in its casting of a black actress in this kind of part – which was to become a Hollywood stereotype of sorts. And a fantastically successful business is at the center of the story. Eccentric British painter J.M.W. [9] Claudette Colbert was borrowed from Paramount. 1959 drehte Douglas Sirk eine gleichnamige Neuverfilmung mit Lana Turner und Juanita Moore. $11.99 Buy. ... Obviously she is the most interesting person in the cast. The lives of a widow and her housekeeper are united first in mutual need, then success and ultimately, in heartache in this Academy Award-nominated Best Picture. The only hope is to get the forest preserved because it’s the home of a protected bear,…, In 1951, New York poet Elizabeth Bishop travels to Rio de Janeiro to visit Mary, a college friend. Delilah becomes a mainstay of the African-American community, supporting many lodges[6] and charitable organizations and her church, but we do not learn the extent of this until her death. All versions of Imitation of Life issued by Universal after 1938, including TV, VHS and DVD versions, feature re-done title cards in place of the originals.