Read more of Anna’s story here and Nastya’s story here. News Director, 100% Noticias; Twitter: @LuciaPinedaU.
The 2018 Knight Award winners were Maria Ressa, an intrepid editor and media innovator who has held a spotlight to the Philippine government’s bloody war on drugs, and Joseph Poliszuk, who has reported on high-level corruption in the midst of Venezuela’s economic collapse. - British Journalism Awards: Investigation (Highly Commended) and Technology Journalism (2019) - International Emmy Awards: Current Affairs (2019) As one of a team of self-shooting directors for Exodus: Our Journey to Europe won: - BAFTA: Best Documentary Series (2017) - Broadcast Award, International Emmy and RTS Programme Award (2017) FUNDSFORNGOS LLC Office 1018 1060 Broadway Albany New York - 12204 USA.
ProPublica, Electionland Coalition, Breaking News, Small Newsroom Honolulu Civil Beat, General Excellence in Online Journalism, Medium Newsroom
For more, visit It is the biggest prize in the history of international journalism.
Funds raised at the events sustain critical organizational programs and grants, including direct support for the IWMF’s Emergency Fund, which supports female journalists in crisis. This investigation reveals how twelve million Muslims are living in a human laboratory where the world’s most sophisticated surveillance state is being created to control them, destroying their cultural identity and creating technologies that are being exported to authoritarian states worldwide. Award Categories. All three shared the belief that the news media's role is to expose, investigate, and articulate issues of concern to average citizens. Undercover: Inside China’s Digital Gulag Hardcash Productions / ITV United Kingdom ITV goes undercover into China’s secretive Xinjiang region. Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your NGO, Funding Landscape for Developing Communications for Social Change, A Short Guide on How to Conduct Successful Donor Meetings, How can Short Concept Notes attract Large Funding, Things to Know When Applying for USAID Grants, How to Prepare Your Proposal in under 60 Minutes, How can Sample Proposals help you write the Perfect Grant Proposal, A Simple Guide on How to Submit a Funding Request to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
1625 K Street NW, Suite 1275
About the Gannett Foundation Tomas Ayuso, The Al Neuharth Innovation in Investigative Journalism Award, Small Newsroom Babinets was attacked by the government for months in 2016 for her investigation into presidential off-shore companies while Stanko was taken hostage and held captive in 2014 by Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
Suddenly politics and the pursuit of liberty mattered more than economics even though the people of Hong Kong know that they were fighting a losing battle against an unflinching power.creating technologies that are being exported to authoritarian states worldwide.
(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Babinets and Stanko, both based in Ukraine, have covered government corruption while combatting censorship by leading the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and the “Stop Censorship” movement, respectively.
Opportunity Desk is the one stop place for all global opportunities. Agora seeks to articulate a vision and practice of journalism inextricably linked to the health of our democracy. The International Emmy® Current Affairs & News categories are presented alongside their American news and documentary counterparts as part of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' News & Documentary Emmy® Awards. International Emmy® Current Affairs Winner. 2020 ICD Award entry deadline is March 29, 2020 ENTER HERE: 2020 ICD JOURNALISM AWARD FORM. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - @opportunitydesk. The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications is driving innovation and engagement across the disciplines of advertising, journalism, public relations and telecommunication. The award celebrates those who have used the recognition from ICFJ and Knight Foundation as a springboard to launch innovative, investigative news outlets that break new ground and reach a broad audience despite the risks. The Gannett Foundation is a corporate foundation sponsored by Gannett Co., Inc. whose mission is to invest in the future of the communities in which Gannett does business, and in the future of our industry.
All nominations must be submitted by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Friday, Feb. 22, 2019. ITV goes undercover into China’s secretive Xinjiang region. Candidates who meet the awards criteria may nominate themselves. Described as, “the dean of Middle Eastern correspondents,” Sly’s decades in journalism have rendered her fearless, despite constant government surveillance, immense personal risk and incessant surrounding violence.
A fabulously wealthy financial hub, supposedly driven mainly by the pursuit of profit, stood up to its own government and its masters in Beijing even though this was a willful act of economic self-harm.
The ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award recognizes excellent reporting that makes a difference in the lives of people around the world.