Un homme corpulent qui contrairement aux autres personnages dit n'avoir aucun souvenir des événements précédents son enlèvement. De plus, le jeu garde en mémoire tous les dialogues des parties précédentes et donne au joueur la possibilité de les couper. The purpose of the AB Project (the Anima Body Project) was to transport human consciousness through the barriers of space and time, specifically, Sigma's and Phi's consciousness to December 25h, 2028.
When Junpei picked up dry ice, Aoi wondered how hot it would have to be to become gas and mentioned that it could be used to make an explosion. Everyone at Akane’s funeral: -stares nervously at the coffin-, i found an akane i never posted. Knowing that Dio was infiltrating the facility for the Myrmidons and for Brother, she willingly let herself be killed by him in front of the "TWO MILKMEN GO COMEDY!"
Un troisième jeu Zero Time Dilemma venant compléter la série Zero Escape est sorti en 2016 sur Nintendo 3DS et PS Vita[22]. Feed dumping into mixer wagon This allows the 12 year old Akane to connect with Junpei via morphogenetic resonance.

On Phi's route, after solving Room Q's puzzle along with Sigma and Phi a hologram message began to play. Kyle desperately tried to find a way to stop her and Akane did her best to convince him that everything was going to be fine. He then scanned himself and dove in. It's unknown what they discussed, but she probably received information such as how to survive the antimatter explosions tomorrow (by going to the Moon).

Akane enters Door 8 with Santa and Lotus, while Junpei, Clover and Seven enter Door 7. If the player chooses to go through the Cyan door in, Akane's identification card has an extremely blurred URL on the bottom right of her identification card. Zero Time Dilemma The Boy and the Ring scene. The group panicked at seeing only one door, but were soothed by Seven, a detective who managed to get on the ship and intended to rescue them. She told Kyle that she would like nothing more than to marry him and live a happy life together, but she couldn't. Akane was instead told that her parents died in an "accident" (possibly a car crash, but this is unconfirmed) and the two became orphans. can’t link properly on this post, but their twitters are el3phantbird and alivealf respectively, “Jumpy… I’m sorry… I… I might not make it. She was assisted by her older brother, Aoi. Carlos believes that Akane had killed Junpei, angering her for thinking that she killed her childhood friend. She broke up with him through e-mail and he wasn't able to contact her at all afterward. Given the life he lived now, there was no need for that future, as he himself had what he had always wanted and wasn't going to allow someone he's never met to take that away. Akane Kurashiki (倉式 茜 Kurashiki Akane), also known by her codename June or her nickname Kanny, is a central character in the Zero Escape series, appearing as a key character in all three games. Junpei, however, protested, as he didn't want her to have to see the 9th Man's corpse. Akane wears purple, and Junpei wears red and blue and they are both capable of doing two-way communication. Chaque porte numérotée du jeu ne laisse passer que des équipes de 3 à 5 personnes et ne s'ouvre que si certains badges portés par les personnages sont présentés. Female Every year for Christmas, Aoi would tell her to write a letter to Santa Claus asking for a gift or two that she wanted. She reluctantly agreed, and the Door 4 group then became her, Aoi, Clover, Lotus, and Ace.

Après ce temps, le navire sombrera. Before long they were millionaires and eventually formed an organization called Crash Keys to help with the execution of their plans some time between 2022 and 2028.

Due to being an esper who saw through the eyes of Junpei 9 years in the future that Cradle Pharmaceutical would suddenly become a huge company, she told Aoi to buy stock in Cradle Pharmaceutical when they were cheap, so they made a ton of money when it was eventually listed on the stock exchange. She then returns to the hospital room with the others, pretending nothing has happened. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors characters, mysterious child with superhuman strength, https://twitter.com/aksysgames/status/832660547170496514, Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, https://zeroescape.fandom.com/wiki/Akane_Kurashiki?oldid=60044. Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward PS Vita Walkthrough Part 99 (End or Beginning 2 Part 2). This 1,200 square foot condo features 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. They then searched around the kitchen for a while longer, eventually finding the Saturn Keycard and escaping the room. Zero Escape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. June - état civil : Akane Kurashiki.

While in the kitchen's pantry, Akane mentioned the Titanic again, this time saying that the disaster was predicted in a book called Futility. 999 Virtue's Last Reward Zero Time Dilemma Token 1 Oz Silver Trade Unit Morgan Dollar Tokens. Since she was not helping his father, Sigma, with his research, Akane would spend most of her days with Kyle.

Ace - état civil : Gentarou Hongou. Aliases La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 28 avril 2020 à 10:52. Extreme Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors - Alterna (極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉 オルタナ, Kyokugen Dasshutsu 9 Jikan 9 Nin 9 no Tobira Arutana?).

Meanwhile, the remaining players (besides Clover) go through Door 1, while Clover stays behind at the central staircase.

Before they did, they decided to go by code names, as to prevent Zero from figuring out who they were in case he didn't already know. and Tenmyouji have a conversation in which Tenmyouji feels he has no desire to speak with Akane because she is no longer the Akane he knew. Later, Akane entered Warehouse A, wearing a player bracelet. 1 Oz Walking Liberty Silver Round Ira Roved 999.

Sigma's home computer mysteriously stopped working, and his Buddhist professor said he still had to work on Christmas and hand in his paper that night.

While the two spoke, the nuclear antimatter plant reactors explode, which leads to the "Red Earth" state which has been this way since April 2029 and remains in 2074. All of them were angered upon knowing Ace killed Clover. During the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, Akane appears as an older woman. I’m sorry I took so long! . After that, his consciousness would return to December 25, 2028, so he and Phi can help her investigate the Mars Mission Test Site in Nevada and stop Radical-6 from ever spreading out.

He quickly goes back to the staircase and pretends to be dead on it. As a result, there will be no Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) insurance indemnity for June. After leaving the chapel, Akane's team meets up with Lotus and Seven at the central staircase. It could be thought that her strong desire to save life and end suffering was instilled into her when she was unable to save the rabbits, traumatizing her, yet also motivating her to prevent something like that from ever happening again - the ending and elimination of suffering, a great and important role yet also heavy and difficult. Tenmyouji's photo of Akane from over 50 years ago. Sigma elaborates on her ability to view all individual timelines from the perspective of a higher-order intelligence, comparing it to a human consciousness looking at termites constructing a mound. Akane notices Junpei and is happy he came, and tells him not to worry about her. I absolutely love South Florida and enjoy all of the beaches, bike trails, festivals, sports and community events that the area has to offer!

Her twelve year old self is found to have been using the morphogenetic field to communicate information to Junpei.

Their connection is especially shown in the Submarine Ending. Now, I'm co-hosting mornings on Miami's heritage KISS Country 99.9 and this is such a total dream! She somehow opens it and dashes to the Storage, Ace in hot pursuit. The two eventually managed to figure out who the killer was when they stumbled upon five 8th graders from a different school. Akane had gathered all of the players and was ready to begin. She tried to explain that there is a future where no one will have to die, but Kyle refused to listen. Now, I'm co-hosting mornings on Miami's heritage KISS Country 99.9 and this is such a total dream!