I could shoot him a message and see what they say. The 30th anniversary skateboard and Clock88 hoverboard are great. The point is that this wasn’t a random student that showed up, but an integral part of the life of a young and impressionable Lorraine Baines. This is it. Sorry for shouting, but this seems like one of the most obvious cases. The first commercial skateboard wasn’t available until 1959 (made by the Roller Derby company.). This page was last updated: 08-Nov 14:36. From what I gather Valterra was a low end bargain brand skateboard. That’s a good point, but even though he was only with them for 8 days, he still made a significant impact. Search refinements. Surely they would have wondered where he went, or why they never heard from him again? Earlier this week, we told you about the amazing “We’re Going Back” 30th Anniversary Back to the Future celebration which will be held in Los Angeles this October. Skateboarding as we know it didn’t really take off until the 60s and 70s–and even then it was a fringe/niche activity. The madrid pros, who did the skateboard stunts, most likely modified the board and added their sponsor's company stickers. There is no way they would not remember one of the most significant people from their formative years. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Almost one year later I had found everything I needed for what is simulateneously the most accurate and least accurate replica ever made. I doubt we'll see any future release aside from what they already manufactured for the 25th anniversary. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The skateboard as we really know it–and the culture–can pretty much be narrowed down to the mid-70s with the rise of more commercial boards and the advent of skateparks. What a great time to be a fan of Back to the Future! They remember so many other details about Biff being the reason they got together, that you think Marty would have entered the equation when telling that story. Miniature 1985 Valterra Back to The Future Skateboard | eBay, http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/budmataul/image_zpscda45592.jpg, Madrid x Valterra Mcfly Skateboard "Remastered". Is that an uncut sheet or 3 put together really close? I think the fact that he was only there for 8 days seems even more significant. She tried to get him to stay in her house, went on a date with him, and even kissed him. Calvin Klein’s face must be so burned into his memory from the hatred that it’s amazing that he doesn’t see it. Categories. The only thing left on it thats factory is maybe the risers, with all other components replaced. I read your comments on offto55 about the board in my research. This would obviously be a jarring memory for anyone, but George has every detail of the outfit correct–down to the Walkman on the belt clip, and even the zipper right down the middle. I just think it’s bizarre that they didn’t–and especially that Biff doesn’t. The one from 1985. We put it to work and completely redesigned the 30th Anniversary boards to match every possible detail, and we’ve returned to our friends at Madrid Skateboards to manufacture these officially licensed skateboards exclusively for We’re Going Back. The name Calvin Klein would have stuck in her mind because not only is it a really specific name, but it would also have been burned into her memory due to her infatuation with him. That's a fantastic display you have there. Marty McFly's hoverboard antics may get all the glory, but he had a much more reliable method of transportation: a skateboard, now available as a replica. Turns out so is my own, but its close. Again, another thing that wouldn’t fade from memory. Shop with confidence on eBay! Dave is tall and their vertically-challenged son would have to stand out the way the short Marty did back in 1955. I replaced it with an original. Don't want to see this ad? Perhaps they were modified for the film or merely a couple of production errors. Here it is in progress and more details that may help with future replicas. This is the final reissue of the highly requested Marty McFly Madrid/Valterra skateboard. OK, let’s set this straight once and for all. The first big splash Calvin Klein made (the company) was selling 200,000 pairs of jeans in one week in 1978. Nor have I. I have come across mention from other fans that they are out there. JavaScript is disabled. Find out more details on the Marty McFly skateboard replica, after the jump. Thanks so much! My Buddy: The Inspiration For Chucky In Child’s Play? Really nice boards, that graphic in the second picture messes with my head ha! Marty stayed in her house, in her bed, and met her family. O jego życiu, sprzed pierwszego filmu niewiele wiadomo. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I also wonder if the original movie board was slightly concaved, a feature on the replica. This would mean that Lorraine would be aware of the Calvin Klein brand right around when her son was about 14 or 15,  and wouldn’t look too different than the 17-year-old she intimately knew in 1955. “Hey Lorraine, remember that if it wasn’t for BIff would never would have fallen in love? Calvin Klein didn’t really become the iconic brand it was until the early 80s. NECA is thrilled to present the Ultimate Marty McFly from Back To The Future featuring the official licensed likeness of Michael J. And add to that that the kiss was very weird for her. The Florence nightingale effect is real and one of her first love’s wouldn’t fade that easily from her memory. 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