please let me know if you…, Jayce Fryman 18,689 films 2,931 99 Edit, This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films. The latter included what Veryne dubbed “shadeberry spread,” because the largest wild blackberries grew in the shade. Earlier this year, I had a chance to watch the 1962 version of the movie musical, State Fair. She should have gone with her initial impressions, but she learns her lessons slowly. Hell, is Dana Andrews gonna show up anytime soon, 'cause I'm damn close to turning this thing off. She is as anonymous and unnoticed as Big Tex and the Texas Star Ferris Wheel. Music by Richard Rodgers: Lyrics by Sorta late to the game, here, but I enjoyed your raucous review. Every film that has ever been nominated for an Academy Award in any category. Then what’d be wrong with you and me sitting down over there and exchanging our ideas about life over a Coke?”. It's also the in-universe invention of Pa Frake, meaning it's an early example of a Dad Joke on film! Sources include IMDb, Wikipedia, and the…, the ultimate list of pre-code films sorted by name,, (excludes pre-1910 films and most shorts made post-1930), There doesn't seem to be a complete listing of films in the National Film Registry here, so I decided to…, Movies that were nominated at the Academy Awards year by year for the Best Picture Oscar, including the winners (see…. “Every time I asked to go to town to eat,” she writes in the entry for her award-winning cherry pie, “my Grandma reminded me that if they didn’t raise it or grow it on the farm, I didn’t need to eat it. To learn more or withdraw consent, please visit our cookie policy. This could even have been explored a bit further: Rogers and the hog as a double act comedy team, with the hog as the straight man. A beautiful film that grants a hog full characterhood (see also the cow close-ups in IN OLD CHICAGO). I may be one of the few people who has watched this version of "State Fair" before the 1945 and 1962 versions. Reply. But will everyone return home safe and happy or will hearts be broken? Just blasting down a dirt country back road in the middle of Texas practicing for the Targa Florio. This…, Shawn Stubbs 1,291 films 1,532 75 Edit. Ships, farms, and hotels were left high and dry when 90 percent of the water disappeared. The principal young stars were Pat Boone, Bobby Darin, Ann-Margret and Pamela Tiffin. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. This is a great character,  great costuming, great casting, and a great performance. Barkers, Vendors, Judges, Fairgoers: Kelli Barclay, their adventures at the Fair, written of course by Pat Gilbert without The route that Mennonites took to the Sunflower State was a circuitous one. Momma wins and Frake family pride is upheld on a yearly basis once again as with Blue Boy. He makes a $5 bet that something is bound She remembers her family tucking into the fluffy, snowman-shaped buns during vaspa, or Sunday lunch, and dunking them in coffee or a barley-based coffee substitute known as “prips.”, “The proper way to eat a zwieback was to pull off the top ball, whether you ate that first or saved it till last was a personal preference,” writes Fry. In the end, his parents are actually pretty intelligent about matters of the heart and the ways of fast women in the big city. Cute! Son, Wayne, is disappointed that his girlfriend has to stay at home. I’ll gladly stick with today’s mincemeat. At the beer tent, Abel and his cronies sit around trading Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons – To make the crust, combine the flour and salt in a bowl. The Fair is almost over, and she realises he is probably This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. (Photo attribution:  “Pamela Tiffin 1965” by ABC Network – More Than Just a Friend (Sweet Hog of Mine) (Lyrics by Richard Along with equipment and more than 500 pounds of treats, she lost something far more precious: her grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ handwritten recipes. Its safer on the farm. Once my sister won a pig scramble. Pat is on hand to capture the euphoric moment. And she does in spades in the form of Bobby Darin’s too old for her TV creep, Jerry Dundee, who unctuously creeps on her from the “Oh My God” instant he sees her. Earlier this year, I had a chance to watch the 1962 version of the movie musical, State Fair.. Add the powdered sugar until you get a nice spreading consistency to spread on the cake. Brush the top of the crust with milk and sprinkle with sugar. Dave Miller that he proposes an evening of family fun and dancing. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden. Cool. And its safer back in the early 60s, too. Mobile site. For her, this is personal: When her grandmother died, she took her famous spaetzle-and-sauerkraut recipe to the grave. Melissa is concerned about the children, but Abel assures her that they Pat: “What’re you afraid of?”Marguerite: “I’m not afraid of anything.”Pat: “Good. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. Then he breaks into song right on the winners podium in a Juan Manuel Fangio meets Evita moment that is strange and uncomfortable. Add the yeast mixture and beaten eggs to the lukewarm milk in a mixing bowl. Jane Fry grew up eating zwieback, a double-stacked bun enjoyed by Mennonite communities in Kansas. Not like the other Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals - it was made ten years earlier, for a start. Drums; Percussion ( 2 timpani, orchestra bells, xylophone, vibes, This whole little State Fair romance made me queasy. Along with her parents and siblings, as well as her aunts, uncles, and cousins, she would go from one farm to the next to help with the daily chores. Pa (Will Rogers) is seeking the blue ribbon for his prize pig "Blue Boy." It has been a long and tortured arc to go from the cornball yuks of State Fair to, lets say, The Comedy Central Roast of James Franco. He is new meat in town and the big city is gonna gobble him up fast. She has a hard promiscuous look that yodel boy can’t resist. IMDb full movie available on youtube, in english or with english subtitles available, chronologically listed. Immediately following. Report this film. You might recognize her. The Frake parents are so mean to her it is painful. For the mincemeat: This recipe comes from the 1907 Ladies Aid Cookbook of our church that my grandma and grandpa’s families founded. Cut with a floured biscuit cutter or sharp knife. I hope Dana shows up sad and ruins the party. Brush with melted butter. Grind the apples and suet. It’s hard to give this the rating I’m giving it because I was pretty excited to watch this but I just have too. If you can watch the mincemeat pie contest, and pie judge Hipplewaite, played by Wally Cox, without feeling copious amounts of pain, I envy you. For the mincemeat:3 pounds green tomatoes3 pounds apples2 pounds raisins (plumped in hot water for 1/2 hour)8 cups brown sugar2 tablespoon salt1 cup suet1 cup vinegar2 tablespoon cinnamon2 teaspoon ground cloves1 teaspoon nutmeg For the batter:2 cups sugar1/2 cup cooking oil (I would suspect that my grandma used melted lard, but I used vegetable cooking oil)4 cups flour2 teaspoons baking soda1 teaspoon salt2 cups buttermilk1 pint (2 cups) mincemeat1 cup chopped walnuts (of course my grandma would have used black walnuts from the walnut trees that we dried, shucked and picked)1/4 cup sourmash (bourbon) For the icing:1 teaspoon vanilla2 cups brown sugar1 pinch of salt1 stick of butter5 tablespoons of cream1/4 teaspoon baking powder. and Abel cannot contain his joy. for the ring toss where he is hustled by the barker. Despite James Hemings’s leading role in Jefferson’s kitchen, he’s credited with only a handful of recipes. Would they? Knead the dough until very soft and smooth. Every Film Ever Nominated For An Academy Award In Any Category, My mom told me she wants to watch happy movies and musicals, Here it is, chaps, loureviews' 1000 recommended films. In this Rogers and Hammerstein musical, a family looks for prizes and romance at the Iowa fair. Meh. More details at Beverly Weaver Rossell remembers the sumptuous spreads her great-aunt Veryne laid out for her great-uncle and the hired hands who worked their 200-acre farm. © Letterboxd Limited. a beer she tells Wayne she is determined to become a Broadway star. Henry King directs the material as a story of juxtapositions—the leisurely pace of the country scenes and the bustle of the fair; the righteous civilians and the swindlers; the biological family and the created community at the carnival. In fact, I will take anything. Who knew State Fair would be such a sordid affair? Of course, hers is the best in all of Texas year after year. in alphabetical order, link to all the films:, Buttersgreer 2,339 films 1,099 67 Edit, I do not include shorts, documentaries, live musicals or musicals on stage in this list, as they are not considered…. At the Exhibit Hall that afternoon the pickles and mincemeat are being Blue Boy needs a new life. I would hazard that this is the only such race in the history of racing. But the judges must be convinced. Amazing! I’ve been trying to compare the 1945 and 1962 versions of this film, and have come to the same funny conclusions about both movies- though I like the later version much better. The daggers are out for our bad girl. Thank you. every time jeanne or vivian came on screen i started crying but i couldn't tell if it was because i'm ugly or because they're so beautiful. 3. But Pamela Tiffin’s presence in this film is its own reward. Early that night. a special plaque. The Frake family is getting ready for the Iowa State Fair – each with their own hopes for the trip ("Our State Fair"). (It takes about an hour.) As Margy rushes off to cheer I really didn’t enjoy this movie. August 15, 2014 Our State Fair is a GREAT State Fair! Harry enters, pleading to Margy to accept his proposal. Mobile site. In 2004, Amy Wertheim saw her family’s candy store burn to the ground. Dot with butter.