Eventually, some parents discover that Bachir has no teaching qualification; previously, he had run a restaurant. Desperate to fill the position, the principal, Mme Vaillancourt, takes him at his word and gives him the job. “Deceptively simple and straightforward, Monsieur Lazhar resembles a clear, clean glass of water: transparent, utterly devoid of gratuitous flavorings or frou-frou, and all the more bracing and essential for it,” wrote Ann Hornaday in the Washington Post (April 27, 2012), calling the film a study in boundaries. He thinks the classroom is a place of friendship, work, and courtesy, not a place to infect people with your despair—which he seems to think Martine did, and which he refused to do by sharing his personal pain: like a disciplined artist, his pain is the source of his compassion, rather than his message; and yet his resistance to sharing that history cuts him off from starting a new relationship with a woman, a fellow teacher. [28] Critic Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post called the film one of the ten best of 2012. Speaking, before dinner, at the home of a woman teacher who may be attracted to him, Bachir Lazhar says that he has the nightmare of the children always sounding like children. Essential or unnecessary? When the new Algerian teacher is warned about touching or hitting children, he smoothly denies having hit a child. Music Box Films, 2011. First, lying corrupts the most important quality of my being human: my ability to make free, rational choices. [17] By 19 December 2012, it made over $1 million in the U.S., with Falardeau also claiming success in Japan, the Netherlands and Spain. Monsieur Lazhar is a 2011 Canadian French-language drama film directed by Philippe Falardeau and starring Mohamed Saïd Fellag, Sophie Nélisse and Danielle Proulx. Und als schließlich aufgedeckt wird, dass er noch niemals Lehrer gewesen ist, muss er sich von der Klasse verabschieden. The complexities and contradictions of living sabotage beautiful ideas. Our interpretations are intended to provide clarity and logic, understanding; but they are intended also for comfort, to give us grounding in the world, frequently protecting our ego, heart, pride, or faults—and if those interpretations lack balancing qualities, such as self-awareness or generosity or restraint, they can endanger us or others. 10 minutes (2408 words), Monsieur Lazhar Two of the children in Monsieur Lazhar’s gorgeously diverse class are friends, a boy and a girl, Simon and Alice, the ones who saw the teacher’s lifeless body. Among the children, Simon refuses the accusation he thinks Alice is making, but he comes to admit that there is more truth in it than he wants to accept. The principal filming occurred in the summer so the production could use the school and so the educations of the child actors were not disrupted. Der Film war 2012 für einen Oscar in der Kategorie Bester fremdsprachiger Film nominiert. It is revealed that he tried to get her into trouble after she tried to help him through his family struggles.