Michigan Supreme Court . No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of noninfringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents of this site or links to other external resources. MEASURING COURT PERFORMANCE PREPARED FOR THE MICHIGAN TRIAL COURT FUNDING COMMISSION Brian J. Ostrom, Ph.D. National Center for State Courts. Incumbent justices may file an affidavit of candidacy, asking to be placed on the ballot. BOX 437214 E. CENTER ST.ITHACA, MI 48847(989) 875-5224, HILLSDALE COUNTY1ST CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE29 N. HOWELL ST.HILLSDALE, MI 49242(517) 437-4321, HOUGHTON COUNTY12TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE401 E. HOUGHTON AVE.HOUGHTON, MI 49931(906) 482-5420, HURON COUNTY52ND CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING250 E. HURONBAD AXE, MI 48413(989) 269-7112, INGHAM COUNTY30TH CIRCUIT COURTP.O. Box 30048 . Failure to comply with the rule or with the policy established by the chief judge may result in a fine, including confiscation of the device, incarceration, or both, for contempt of court. ... National Center for State Courts. BOX 30022LANSING, MI 48909-7522(517) 373-0786The 4th District includes the balance of the State. Any interested person may request that a new form be developed or an existing form be revised. BOX 296631 N. STATE ST.STANTON, MI 48888(989) 831-7363, MONTMORENCY COUNTY26TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE11265 M-32, P.O. Interpreter Certification. endstream
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The jury reform effort, initiated by the MSC in 2005, resulted in amendments to the Michigan Court Rules last year. Welcome to our one-stop hub for name and gender change information. Incumbent judges may file an affidavit of candidacy. A court can reject a form for filing under Michigan Court Rule 8.119(C) if all needed copies are not included with the filing. BOX 186MANISTIQUE, MI 49854(906) 341-3655, SHIAWASSEE COUNTY35TH CIRCUIT COURT208 N. SHIAWASSEE ST.CORUNNA, MI 48817(989) 743-2239, ST. CLAIR COUNTY31ST CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING201 McMORRAN BLVD.PORT HURON, MI 48060(810) 985-2031, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY45TH CIRCUIT COURTP.O. The 1st District includes the counties of: Calhoun, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe and Wayne. h�b```���@�1�03�0�1G�N�N&�؎0x5 L���3��0�k��� >������3'�Mo�po``����#m��K9������eM����sN���O����RtCp��}��׀���:z�T��"e��۩�T�>�I��06�w4 The information is updated frequently based upon the needs of our users. BOX 30052 (48909)FOURTH FLOOR925 W. OTTAWA ST., 4th FL.LANSING, MI 48915(517) 373-0120COURT OF APPEALS, 1ST DISTRICTCADILLAC PLACE3020 W. GRAND BLVD.DETROIT, MI 48202(313) 972-5678The 1st District includes the counties of: Calhoun, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe and Wayne. The written examination . h�bbd``b`� Home; Staff; NCSC International; Companion Sites; Who We Are; About Us; See also the National Center for State Courts for materials on community relations. A nonpartisan organization with a national membership of judges, lawyers and other citizens interested in the administration of justice, American Judicature Society (AJS) works to maintain the independence and integrity of the courts and increase public understanding of the justice system. COURT OF APPEALS, 4TH DISTRICTHALL OF JUSTICE925 W. OTTAWA ST.P.O. JOHNS, MI 48879(989) 224-5130, CRAWFORD COUNTY46TH CIRCUIT COURTCRAWFORD COUNTY BLDG.200 W. MICHIGAN AVE.GRAYLING, MI 49738(989) 348-2841, DELTA COUNTY47TH CIRCUIT COURTDELTA COUNTY BLDG.310 LUDINGTON ST.ESCANABA, MI 49829(906) 789-5103, DICKINSON COUNTY41ST CIRCUIT COURTP.O. Nonpartisan Election. The key provisions of the rule are that no photographs may be taken of any jurors or witnesses, no photographs may be taken inside any courtroom without permission of the court, and the policy regarding the use of cell phones or other portable electronic communications devices must be posted in a conspicuous location outside and inside each courtroom. The information is updated frequently based upon the needs of our users. Information on the court forms development and revision process, including committee membership and documentation of committee meetings. The elections are also marked as incumbent positions. COURT OF APPEALS, 2ND DISTRICT201 W. BIG BEAVER RD.SUITE 800TROY, MI 48084(248) 524-8700The 2nd District includes the counties of: Genesee, Macomb, Oakland and Shiawassee. BOX 520BELLAIRE, MI 49615(231) 533-6353, ARENAC COUNTY23RD CIRCUIT COURTCTHSE, 120 N. GROVESTANDISH, MI 48658(989) 846-6131, BARAGA COUNTY12TH CIRCUIT COURTBARAGA COUNTY CTHSE16 N. THIRD ST.L'ANSE, MI 49946(906) 524-6183, BARRY COUNTY5TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE220 W. STATE ST.HASTINGS, MI 49058(269) 945-1286, BAY COUNTY18TH CIRCUIT COURT1230 WASHINGTON AVE.BAY CITY, MI 48708(989) 895-4265, BENZIE COUNTY19TH CIRCUIT COURTP.O. NCSC Vice President and General Counsel Robert Baldwin will present the award to the Court and pilot project judges following the Court’s first oral argument on October 9. Revised July 19, 2019 . You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Export. BOX 609705 S. STEPHENSON ST.IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801(906) 774-2266, EATON COUNTY56TH CIRCUIT COURTEATON COUNTY CTHSE1045 INDEPENDENCE BLVD.CHARLOTTE, MI 48813(517) 543-7500 EMMET COUNTY57TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING200 DIVISION ST.PETOSKEY, MI 49770(231) 348-1748, GENESEE COUNTY7TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE900 S. SAGINAW ST.FLINT, MI 48502(810) 257-3252, GLADWIN COUNTY55TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE401 W. CEDAR AVE.GLADWIN, MI 48624(989) 426-9237, GOGEBIC COUNTY32ND CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE200 N. MOORE ST.BESSEMER, MI 49911(906) 663-4211, GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY13TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE328 WASHINGTON ST.TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49684(231) 922-4701, GRATIOT COUNTY29TH CIRCUIT COURTP.O. The information is updated frequently based upon the needs of our users. Interpreter Certification. Selection and retention methods and term lengths are prescribed by Article VI of the Michigan Constitution. BOX 70CHEBOYGAN, MI 49721(231) 627-8818, CHIPPEWA COUNTY50TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE319 COURT ST.SAULT STE. If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them to the web master via e-mail, Americans with Disabilities Act Resources, Developing Comprehensive Public Information Programs for Courts, Use of Portable Electronic Communication Devices, Summary Report on Race/ Ethnic and Gender Issues. DR.SUTTONS BAY, MI 49682(231) 256-9803, LENAWEE COUNTY39TH CIRCUIT COURTMARTIN JUDICIAL BLDG.425 N. MAIN ST.ADRIAN, MI 49221(517) 264-4597, LIVINGSTON COUNTY44TH CIRCUIT COURT204 S. HIGHLANDER WAYHOWELL, MI 48843(517) 546-8079, LUCE COUNTY11TH CIRCUIT COURTGOVERNMENT BUILDING407 W. HARRIE ST.NEWBERRY, MI 49868(906) 293-5521, MACKINAC COUNTY11TH CIRCUIT COURT100 S. MARLEY ST.ST. BOX 8851092 NEWELLWHITE CLOUD, MI 49349(231) 689-7269, OAKLAND COUNTY6TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE TOWER1200 N. TELEGRAPH RD.PONTIAC, MI 48341(248) 858-0345, OCEANA COUNTY27TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING100 S. STATE ST.HART, MI 49420(231) 873-3977, OGEMAW COUNTY34TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING806 W. HOUGHTON AVE.WEST BRANCH, MI 48661(989) 345-0215, ONTONAGON COUNTY32ND CIRCUIT COURT725 GREENLAND RD.ONTONAGON, MI 49953(906) 884-4699, OSCEOLA COUNTY49TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE301 W. UPTONREED CITY, MI 49677(231) 832-3261, OSCODA COUNTY23RD CIRCUIT COURTOSCODA CO. COURTHOUSE311 MORENCIMIO, MI 48647(989) 362-3485, OTSEGO COUNTY46TH CIRCUIT COURT225 W. MAIN ST.GAYLORD, MI 49735(989) 731-7500, OTTAWA COUNTY20TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING414 N. WASHINGTON ST.GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417(616) 846-8315, PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY53RD CIRCUIT COURT151 E. HURON, P.O. 300 Newport Ave, Williamsburg VA 23185 Phone: (800) 616-6164 | Fax: (757) 220-0449. BOX 818ROSCOMMON, MI 48653(989) 275-7610, SAGINAW COUNTY10TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE111 S. MICHIGAN AVE.SAGINAW, MI 48602(989) 790-5470, SANILAC COUNTY24TH CIRCUIT COURTSANILAC CO. COURTHOUSE60 W. SANILACSANDUSKY, MI 48471(810) 648-2120, SCHOOLCRAFT COUNTY11TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE300 WALNUT ST., P.O. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of noninfringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents of this site or links to other external resources. Access to general court records, friend of the court records, and juror records are regulated by local administrative orders of the trial court. National Center for State Courts Alternative names . Download it now. History; Resources; Relationships; Places; Subjects; Occupations; Functions; View Collection Locations Archival Resources. The Michigan Supreme Court is providing the information on this site as a public service. A sample policy is available. Although every effort is made to maintain accurate information on this site, the Michigan Supreme Court does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. BOX 40771VETERANS MEMORIAL CTHSE313 W. KALAMAZOO ST.LANSING, MI 48901(517) 483-6500, IONIA COUNTY8TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE100 W. MAIN ST.IONIA, MI 48846(616) 527-5315, IOSCO COUNTY23RD CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING422 W. LAKETAWAS CITY, MI 48764(989) 362-3485, IRON COUNTY41ST CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE2 S. SIXTH ST.CRYSTAL FALLS, MI 49920(906) 875-3673, ISABELLA COUNTY21ST CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE300 N. MAIN ST.MT.
is a product of the NCSC, and Michigan . JSON EAC-CPF XML Hide Profile. The award, conferred by the National Center for State Courts, is given annually to recognize significant improvements or innovations for juries, NCSC President Mary C. McQueen said. **The standing committee on judicial qualifications of the State Bar of Michigan interviews, evaluates, and rates candidates for appointment to judicial vacancies as requested by the governor and submits a confidential report to the governor. PLEASANT, MI 48858(989) 772-0911, JACKSON COUNTY4TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE312 S. JACKSON ST.JACKSON, MI 49201(517) 788-4268, KALAMAZOO COUNTY9TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY BUILDING227 W. MICHIGAN AVE.KALAMAZOO, MI 49007-3757(269) 383-8950, KALKASKA COUNTY46TH CIRCUIT COURTP.O. P.O. hޔR�n�0�>�2I�(�^n����(��9�cԑ[Aۿ/)�I���Y H��:���`��C� �����˃�Id�R��I�nY�~Tl���C'K��
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JOSEPH, MI 49085-1187(269) 983-7111, X8395, BRANCH COUNTY15TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE31 DIVISION ST.COLDWATER, MI 49036(517) 279-4304, CALHOUN COUNTY37TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY JUSTICE CTR.161 E. MICHIGAN AVE.BATTLE CREEK, MI 49014(269) 969-6530, CASS COUNTY43RD CIRCUIT COURTLAW & COURTS BLDG.60296 M-62CASSOPOLIS, MI 49031(269) 445-4412, CHARLEVOIX COUNTY33RD CIRCUIT COURTCHARLEVOIX CO. BLDG.301 STATE ST.CHARLEVOIX, MI 49720(231) 547-7243, CHEBOYGAN COUNTY53RD CIRCUIT COURT870 S. MAIN ST., P.O. BOX 189125 MAIN ST.CENTREVILLE, MI 49032(269) 467-5500, TUSCOLA COUNTY54TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURTHOUSE440 N. STATE ST.CARO, MI 48723(989) 673-3330, VAN BUREN COUNTY36TH CIRCUIT COURTCOURTHOUSE212 PAW PAW ST.PAW PAW, MI 49079-1492(269) 657-8218, WASHTENAW COUNTY22ND CIRCUIT COURTP.O. Want to get forms updates as they happen? IGNACE, MI 49781(906) 643-7300, MACOMB COUNTY16TH CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTY COURT BLDG.40 N. MAIN ST.MT. The, key provisions of the rule are that no photographs may be taken of any jurors or witnesses, no photographs may be taken inside any courtroom without permission of the court, and the policy regarding the use of cell phones, Failure to comply with the rule or with the policy established by the chief judge may, result in a fine, including confiscation of the device, incarceration, or both, for contempt, The Michigan Supreme Court is providing the information on this site as a public service.