"Great," Diego muttered, turning away angrily. ", Vanya nodded reluctantly. Diego asked, turning around to face Klaus. They certainly left a bitter taste in his mouth. It was high time they left the hospital. Mom announced cheerfully. "Vanya, Vanya, listen to me! "Master Klaus is correct," Pogo announced, and Jesus, Klaus hadn't even noticed him coming into the room. ", "Why would my siblings do anything to me?". She went to a library? She still didn't seem convinced. and "I'm sorry" over and over. He had no idea where Klaus was, but hopefully still somewhere in the house. ", Luther was shaking his head. Behind him, Diego made a strangled noise and Ben whispered "shit.". Suicidal people exhibit certain tendencies, strange behaviors.". He gestured to Allison. Apparently it was under new management, but the nostalgia was still there. I didn't mean to. He saw Allison frown and turned to her. "And no one is forcing her to take any medication she doesn't want to. The mausoleum flashed in his mind again and the ghosts seemed to get louder. "-he killed himself." Allison's smile had turned sad, Diego had turned back to face the windshield. But it wasn't his fault-he couldn't tell who was dead and who was alive, and slamming into a patient would probably look even worse. He couldn't have snuck any drugs when they weren't watching, could he? "You need to leave," Vanya told Harold, her voice stronger than Allison was expecting. "I swear to God, Klaus, if you're lying." On instinct, Klaus swerved around the ghosts, weaving through the hallway in a way that was definitely making nurses eye him warily. "Look, you can bust down the door and waste time looking around for someone who's not there, or you can trust me for once in our lives. He still had some drugs stashed somewhere. Goody Two Shoes. Luther was holding Klaus against the wall by his throat, Klaus scrabbling at Luther's hand and begging to be let go. More specifically, from his hands, which he'd clenched into fists without noticing, and were, in case he hadn't mentioned, glowing. Klaus had died. More difficult than you could ever know.". "It's-it's incredible," Allison half-smiled at Vanya. "You're weak! But whatever was going on, they'd have to address it later. Not with his super strength. But Vanya latched onto her hand, squeezing it desperately. All rights reserved. I mean you might have. Luther insisted, standing up and leaning across the table towards Klaus. "It's go time, mofo.". Nothing new, of course, but highly unpleasant. "Excuse me, what?" "This is why none of you ever wanted me around.". Klaus looked at Diego, standing awkwardly beside them, and could see dawning recognition on his face as well. ", Something uncomfortably like guilt settled in Diego's stomach. She seemed on the verge of tears. Hadn't Five said something like that yesterday? We soldiered together in the A Shau Valley in the Mountain of the Crouching Beast." Allison grabbed the phone and dialled the Academy. why now? Klaus finished with what he thought was an appropriately dramatic and mournful expression, just because he could. So they did. Allison was smiling encouragingly at him in the rear view mirror. She glanced at Allison and Klaus as well. Vanya was standing in the middle of the room, violin still halfway to her chin, staring at the three of them. "That's not really any of your business. "Well, it definitely sounds like it's connected to both sound and your emotions. Allison saw Klaus's body slamming into the wall, the trail of blood he left behind. Not Ben, not Vanya, and definitely not Klaus. Diego knew for a fact he couldn't be high right now, had been with him for hours at this point, but still he was concerned about Klaus zoning out. Holed up in his office and room all day and night. Klaus stood up from the table and moved towards the stairs. "Well now it all makes sense," she accused. She set plates of eggs and bacon in front of them all, but no one moved, engaged in a tense stand-off of sorts. Hopefully she would be able to compose herself. Hah, joke's on him, Klaus thought, heading towards his room. Served him right, Allison thought savagely. He turned to Vanya. The now familiar wind picked up, everything in the apartment rattling. Couldn't do things the easy way at all.