... Silas. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Forest – Locke, Banani, .., Vipin, Forest campers, Gum. 1. The same thing happened to me with a family member. 150 American girls were named Tallulah in 2016, the same number as Tamara and Kaisley, Hi my name is bianca and my friends/family. Finally, in the mid-70... My son was named after my husband's 2 best friends. Urban was the regnal name chosen by 8 Roman Catholic Popes. ", "My son is named after my husband's grandfather (first name) and my father/my husband's ...", "... in college and as one person pointed out Loki was the Norse god of mischief. ... Well, my son's name is Parker so of course that is my favorite. I like Mackenzie Kayla. Isn't that beautiful!) Matteo Hunter In elementary school I thought my name was "old" C.. Katheryn Elizabeth Cash 1961), American actor, director There are going to nicknames with any name you pick. I think it flows better. Famous real-life people named Forrest. Nicknames such as Foby, Fody, Fofo, Foster, Woody. We use cookies. The same number were named Fahd and Furqan. Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes: There were 143 baby boys for each name. Can't change Forrest and it has to be the middle name. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. forest protector. Husband Upset by His Sister "Stealing" His Name for a Son.   “I’m just glad you didn’t do a story about Forrest Tucker.” Try to think about the people with the name that are looked up to or that set a good example. I know its not unique but I love Dylan, Ethan, Jacob. Were Your Kids Named After Anyone? I'm 34 weeks pregnant with son #2. Copy the link to this page and share it with your friends. My husband & I are thinking about naming our new baby (due in February) Forest. Channing Forrest Jeremy I didn't even like th... Of the two I like Mackenzie Kayla best. When speaking of the other boy ... You make a great point, that you haven't even had your next baby yet and it may not even be a boy. Meanings and history of the name Forrest. I started to say to find names that are meaningful to you. Forry, Woody, Gump. I don't have an alternative to Loki, but if you're looking for a middle name (that I think would go well with Riot), I really like the name Ranec (pronounced Rennick)... Hello! Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. Katheryn Nicole Famous people named Forrest or its variations. Hudson is kind of hard to say and Mason is super popular and you already have several in the family. When I was a kid, everybody called me "Kristine" or "Kristina" and it drove me crazy ! It means Ocean. My daughter's name is Elliana Rosa Lyn. Kai (pronounced Kye. 1961), American actor, director 2. Chester’s rank in 1995 was 924 because, alphabetically, it comes before Lyle, Ryder, Treyvon and Vaughn. Mattias On this page you can find the random username generator (name maker) with the presets related to Forrest. My boyfriend wants to be a little more traditional. HELP.....finding A Unique Name for Our Son!!! The last time was in the 17th century. I was constantly saying that my name was Kris--ten ! 9 articles. Forrest Edward Mars, Sr. (1904-99) American candy tycoon My son is Ramon just like his father. If you don't like either, please be honest..my family doesn't like Ma... Hi Moms. Ezekiel De... We really wanted to name our son Fleetwood. Forrest Meredith Tucker (1919-86). I named my son Caiden thinking it was a safe name, and of all people, my Grandpa started calling him Cajun = P Some how, some way, somebody will come up with a name..... Hi, I think you should name your child Forest. We both agree we want something different and uncommon. Congratulations! So it must be weird. Forrest Omar Caleb I liked that one. Forrest Ethan Forrest Meredith Tucker (1919-86). If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Forrest, try our name generator. Maddox There are going to nicknames with any name you pick. Grace Katheryn This baby is YOURS to name. I've got some suggestions for you... Its pretty boring...along the lines of John Anthony. Read more – Cookie Policy. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Forrest – Frosty, Forrester, Forester, PKR kate, AWN, Deforest. you’re gonna get.” Forrest Gump (1994) “Life’s a box of chocolates, Forrest. Acacia – Greek name of a flowering shrub Arvid – Old Norse for “Eagle Tree”. You never know what Here are some more forest inspired names, ranging from the conservative to the adventurous. I was named after my mother, which was a tradition her side of the family (she was named after her mother - her mother's first name became her middle name, same for m... Anna Katheryn By using this site you agree to the following Terms of Use. Personal experiences with the name Forrest Nicknames for Forrest. and candy inventor (M&Ms, Mars Bars) Malachi I was so angry for soo long until i had my child then i named him the same anyway. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. When I was pregnant my husband and I went online to baby name sites and wrote down any name that we even remotely liked on our "list" we ended up with tons of names. I have a friend whose daughter is named Lily Katherine but they call her Lily Kate which I think is pretty. I've always liked my name, but I didn't like that the only possible nickname is a boys' name. I would not go with Mason either if there is a nephew with t... Parker. Hi Gail, American actor 3. With time as his personality matures you will end up callng him a nickname. Good luck! Mason is my ... My husband and I are having a little girl and we can't decide on a name so we are taking a poll. Forrest Spencer. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Forrest. Don't worry about what your family thinks. 18 Nicknames. I've probably suggested 50 names... "I prefer Mackenzie Kayla Kelb, probably because Shelby is also a unisex name and you ...", "I was named after a Beatles song like Bug. Silas is based on the name Silvanus, and the two are used interchangeably in the Bible. Looking for cute usernames based on name Forrest? Forest Steven Whitaker (b. American actor Liam Skky Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Forrest – Frosty, Forrester, Heracross, AwN. And nick name him woody .. We seriously liked it.But our last name is Peterson "Woody Peter-son" So his name is Caleb. I am hispanic and wanted his name to be the same in English an... Stockard Let me preface this with saying that we have two daughters that my husband absolutely adores. Check out our couple name maker which can combine two names into one. I remember growing up there was this guy named Sterling. Try to think about the people with the name that are looked up to or that set a good example. Preston (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 16 names similar to Forrest. Hudson William sounds really good. ", "I studied Norse mythology in college and as one person pointed out Loki was the Norse ...". My husband and I can't agree on a name. Katheryn Rose Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Such as: Forest whi... Did You like Your First Name When You Were a Child? They'll get use to the name eventually. nicknames for forrest Related Questions & Answers. It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration! I am constantly getting called Victoria by mistake. Girl names are coded pink, boy names are coded blue and unisex are coded green. 12 American boys were named Farouk in 2012. Were You? Suggestions would be appreciated! Funny you ask. See if your sister-in-law would be willing to use the name as a middle name. I saw Sebastian in a couple of posts below, but I used that name and my son had another o... My sons name is Noi (pronounced No-ee), I too wanted something unique and then his named just appeared. Since many of the forest-y connections are subtle, often explanations are given. Forest Steven Whitaker (b. December 23, 2007 M.P. Katheryn Grace Names That Mean Forest. There are too many forrests to name here; A few Forrest names include:Black ForrestHocking ForrestMt Airy ForrestAmazon ForrestSherwood Forrest Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. NewsRadio: Inappropriate (1995), Famous people named Forrest or its variations, 1. DeForest, Farris, Ferris, Forrester, Forest, Forester, Forrest TV and Movie Quotes: Forrest Middle Names I like William Parker, it sounds sophisticated; but at home he'll be Billy P. Hi B., 3. I am at a loss for names I like that would go well with Forrest. You might look at the popularity of the name too. 2. I wasn't happy with it at all and complained about it the f... ok here we are again at the never ending battle of comming up with names i would like to find something that goes good with katheryn be it a first or middle name, no ... Quite the debate going on with my husband.I am 28 weeks, so we still have some time, but not too long. Corbin (means Raven)   Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. Skylar Xander Drake Forrest Dalton Mason, Parker and Hudson are the names we like. I am quite the fan of quirky names. I have to agree with the posts that say don't go with what your family likes or doesn't like. :o) Cole