xref The McGill Guide indicates that titles should be abbreviated according to Appendix C in the Guide and that Prince's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations should be consulted if an abbreviation is not found in the McGill Guide. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL LAW … 0000002390 00000 n You will be surprised at how many very common abbreviations are actually legal-based. 1, 1969- ), Alternative abbreviation = Aust Contract Reports, Access via Lexis Advance (vol. Police acronyms and abbreviations in English used in the United States of America cover everything from everyday events to extreme emergencies. In some places the NATO phonetic alphabet is used. 0000001827 00000 n 0000002838 00000 n Our extensive collection of U.S. Having a common set of abbreviations is very important because it allows everyone reading a legal document to understand what is being presented in writing without having to spell out terms that are frequently utilized. 0000001421 00000 n Most people are familiar with simple 10 codes for police, like 10-4. You can check out codes used by your local law enforcement agency by checking out their website or visiting in person. 29, 1986), Access via Lexis Advance (vol. Journal Title Abbreviation Examples Environmental law reports . Police departments often use an alphabet provided by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International, or APCO, to spell out words over their radios. Put a rush on the bus! 40, 1973), Access via Lexis Advance (vol. Radio codes are extremely important when there is an emergency and time is of the essence. When deciding which version of a case to cite, rule 2.3.1 sets out the following hierarchy: Tip #1:  To find out if a case has been 'reported', look up the judgment in a case citator (e.g. 0000000967 00000 n Access via AustLII (vol. trailer We pay our respects to those who have cared and continue to care for Country. Just like anyone else, police often come up with slang words and other terms that cover common situations they encounter. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL LAW CASES A Int'.L.Cas. 1994-1997), Access via CCH IntelliConnect (vol. 1, 1901 - vol. Env.L.R. You will become familiar with the use of legal abbreviations over time. When deciding which version of a case to cite, rule 2.3.1 sets out the following hierarchy: Authorised report series ALL CANADA WEEKLY SUMMARIES A.E.L.R. For all titles in the Library, see Library Catalogue 1 A. ATLANTIC REPORTER A.B.A.J. 1, 1985- ), https://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/legal_abbreviations. Abbreviation: LPELR Owned by: Private. There are hundreds of police abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon words used in paperwork and on the radio by law enforcement officials. Since ten codes have become common knowledge over time, some police departments use other codes, like eleven codes, to communicate. Law reports are usually referred to by an abbreviation of the title. <<42DA742EBF190A4A9A25D79A9469B9C0>]>> Law Reports Abbreviation Examples. 1, 1970s- ), Hard-copy available in the Law Library (vol. Limited online coverage available via the, Hard-copy available in the Law Library (vol. Law Pavillion Electronic Law Report is currently the best Electronic law report in Nigeria. There may be variations between areas, but this is the police alphabet from the LAPD. Understanding these terms can also help you understand what’s happening if you’re arrested. It is common practice in legal documents to cite other publications by using standard abbreviations for the title of each source. 1, 1974 - v. 15, 1989), Access via Lexis Advance (vol. Whether you’re working towards a career as a police officer or you want to better understand what’s happening on your police scanner, learning police lingo from a police terminology list can be fun and informative. AC Appeal Cases . Specialized police units and task force are more commonly known by their acronyms. Things like directions, injury assessments, and motor vehicle documents all have abbreviations so officers can quickly share information about traffic stops and accidents. Jargon is basically a type of shorthand. Over the years, Law Pavillion Electronic Law Report has earned itself so much prestige and trust from lawyers, judges and legal scholars in Nigeria. 73 0 obj<>stream Some jurisdictions may interpret some of the terms contained herein differently. Codes are numerical abbreviations that can allow help to arrive faster by indicating the type of emergency. Legal abbreviations are commonly found in anything from a book to court documents. x�b```f``���$���(��"{&:j�2� ���UV�!�0�h������:���š@ RZ�f�%LKڬ@Ld1T�����`�������(��(��5�H�0(�$\�[�x������#���� �݌�B�g_Ȇ�3f`X�d[�%��4 �D. 0 %%EOF 0000002914 00000 n Police paperwork covers a lot of detail, so abbreviations are often used to keep reports shorter. 1, 1999- ), Hard-copy available in the Law Library (vol.1, 1928 - v.20, 1964), Access via Lexis Advance (2 vols. This list of 1, 1983- ), Access via Westlaw AU (vol. There are hundreds of police abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon words used in paperwork and on the radio by law enforcement officials. 0000001096 00000 n It's common for leading cases to be published in several law report series. 1, 1864 - vol. 1, 1982- ), Access via Lexis Advance (vol. 1, 1976- ), Alternative abbreviations = ArgusLawRp ; Argus LR, Access via Westlaw AU and Checkpoint (vol. List of Top Legal Abbreviations. 0000007474 00000 n 58 16 0000000887 00000 n startxref ACC - Accident and Compensation Cases; ACC(SC) - Accident and Compensation Cases (SC) ACJ - Accidents Claims Journal For example, Western Weekly Reports are referred to as W.W.R. ALL ENGLAND LAW REPORTS A.I.L.C. 21, 1999). Below are some common law report and legal journal examples. We acknowledge the tradition of custodianship and law of the Country on which the University of Sydney campuses stand. Although the FBI does publish a standard list, many abbreviations are the result of local court "ingenuity." 0000002356 00000 n 1, 2007- ), Access via Lexis Advance (vol. 11-27 - Driver’s license check; Driver being held, 11-80 - Traffic accident - serious injury, Bailed out - Subject jumped out of the car and ran, Been made - Undercover officer’s identity is now known, Berries and cherries - The lights on top of a police car, House mouse - Officer who doesn’t go on patrols.