PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM -SHIVANI SHARMA -ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - SARDAR PATEL SUBHARTI INSTITUTE OF LAW 2. What Is The Difference Between Parliamentary and Presidential Government? A prime minister (i.e. tinguish parliamentary and presidential government with respect to matters such as the formation of the executive, its structural nature, or its relationship with the legislature in the context of the models provided by Great Britain, the cradle of parliamentary government, and the United States of America, the paradigm of pres idential government. Difference Between Communism and Socialism, Difference Between Conservatism and Liberalism, Difference Between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Difference Between Holocaust and Genocide, parliamentary and presidential government, Difference Between Coronavirus and Cold Symptoms, Difference Between Coronavirus and Influenza, Difference Between Coronavirus and Covid 19, Difference Between Wernicke Encephalopathy and Korsakoff Syndrome, Difference Between GMO and Transgenic Organism, Difference Between Spun Yarn and Filament Yarn, Difference Between Enthalpy of Atomisation and Bond Dissociation, Difference Between Hydrogen Bromide and Hydrobromic Acid, Difference Between Anterolateral System and Dorsal Column System, Difference Between Abscission and Senescence, Difference Between Root and Shoot Apical Meristem. This influenced the constitutional makers of the United States of America, who created the office of President, for which direct elections were to be held. • In a parliamentary government, the parliament is inferior to the legislature of the country while the situation may be different in a presidential government. President while the real executive is the Prime Minister, who is the head of government. Parliamentary systems generally give distinguishment between the head of government as well as head of state with the head of government being the PM, Prime Minister and the head of state often being a President (elected either popularly or by the parliament). Let’s understand what these are: A Parliamentary form of democracy is also known as the Cabinet form of government or the ‘Responsible Government’. The members of the legislature can ask questions and discuss matters of public interest and put pressure on the government. Being more democratic compared to parliamentary form of government, presidential government is better and favorable for the people as they can participate directly in choosing their leader. The tenure of the Prime Minister depends upon the majority support in the Parliament, and is thus, not fixed. A parliamentary form of government is a democratic form of governance where the branch of government that executes and enforces laws (i.e. The chief difference between these systems is the extent of power separation between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. Parliamentary Form of Government. premier) may also exist in a presidential system, but the position is answerable to the president. Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela. Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; India; Iraq; Israel; Japan; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lebanon; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Singapore; Thailand. Political rivalries are forgotten and people look at problems from a national view, rather than a party view. In this article, we compare both systems for the polity and governance sections of the. They also say that its complex mechanisms of separated and shared powers, checks and balances and it require far more deliberation and compromise of different interests in making laws than occurs in the parliamentary system whereas some claim parliamentary system to be better because of the check on the power of the executives and the ease of passing any legislation. As the head of the government, he acts as the chief real executive.