Rutgers University is an equal access/opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age, or any other category covered by law in its admissions, programs, or activities. These 32 projects will save students close to $1.6 million in the course of the year. Please enable your browser's JavaScript or use another computer. If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 848-445-6800 or email Click on either of the SRAR buttons located on: the Welcome page, or; your status screen under Required for Application Review We know how to bring your future into focus. To start the application for undergraduate admission to Rutgers University, please create your account with your valid email address. Rutgers School of Health Professions (SHP). Firefox, If you have never enrolled in courses in a degree program at Rutgers, apply using the Rutgers Application. Use just one application to apply at any Rutgers location. I received a full Rutgers University-Newark financial aid package, and without it, I would not be in college. We are sorry we can't meet you in person right now, but we invite you to visit us virtually. Choosing the correct application is the first step in applying to Rutgers. You will see on your Rutgers status the receipt of required credentials and official notification of all decisions. View the academic profile of admitted students and the required high school courses. For best performance and overall experience, we recommend latest versions of To link the SRAR to your Rutgers application, log in to your Rutgers status screen. December 1 is the first-year regular decision application due date. View schools that are still accepting applications. If you have fewer than 30 credits, please use the Undergraduate Application above. Rutgers-Newark has provided me with the tools and opportunities to grow as a scholar, leader, humanitarian, and role model. Verify that required credentials are received, If you were previously enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at any campus of Rutgers University and wish to return to take undergraduate courses for either degree or non-degree study, please use the, If you were previously enrolled in the School of Health Professions and wish to return, please follow the, If you are currently enrolled in a Rutgers University degree program and wish to enroll in a degree program at another Rutgers school prior to graduating, please use the. Every one of the teachers here wants you to succeed. As the anchor institution in New Jersey's largest city, we lead in research and scholarship and foster an exceptional academic and civic engagement tradition. Step outside the classroom and discover what it is like to fully experience Rutgers. December 1 is the first-year regular decision application due date. Once you submit your application, you will continue to use this site to follow the status of your application. If you have questions regarding our nondiscrimination policies, please contact the University-wide Title IX Coordinator at University Ethics and Compliance, 330 George Street, Suite 2100, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, 732-234-5304 or email Safari or There are a lot of kind, caring people who want you to do well. If you previously enrolled in a Rutgers undergraduate degree program (other than the School of Health Professions) and wish to return to take undergraduate courses. If you are currently enrolled in a Rutgers undergraduate degree program (other than the School of Health Professions) and wish to transfer to another Rutgers undergraduate school prior to graduating. To start the application for undergraduate admission to Rutgers University, please create your account with your valid email address. Choosing the correct application is the first step in applying to Rutgers. French & Philosophy, Honors College student. Students who applied early action have until Nov. 30 to submit required credentials, including the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) and test scores (optional). Review the applications below and determine which is right for you. Note: First-year students who applied by the Nov. 1 early action due date have until Nov. 30 to submit required credentials, including the SRAR and test scores (optional). For over 250 years, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, has been a leading national research institution. Learn when to apply, when you will receive a decision, and what we consider when we make admissions decisions. You’ll belong from the beginning on our easy-to-manage campus and receive the encouragement and opportunities you need to excel. If you already have an account, please click the log in button below to continue the application process. Your application will be saved between visits until you are ready to submit it. For questions or comments about this site, email Undergraduate Admissions. All rights reserved. © 2020 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Undergraduate Admissions | Rutgers University, More for Part-Time & Non-Degree Applicants. Chrome. Information regarding public safety at Rutgers is available in the Safety Matters report. Review the applications below and determine which is right for you. Internet Explorer, versions 8 and lower, are not supported. All instructions on the correct application to use and the how to complete the application process are available at Applications. First-year or transfer students applying for the first time, or who haven't previously enrolled at Rutgers University-Newark, Rutgers University-Camden, or Rutgers University-New Brunswick should use this application. © 2020 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Undergraduate Admissions | Rutgers University, More for Part-Time & Non-Degree Applicants, Rutgers Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR), Coalition Application (Fall Admission Only), Continue Coalition Application (Fall Admission Only). If you have questions regarding our nondiscrimination policies, please contact the University-wide Title IX Coordinator at University Ethics and Compliance, 330 George Street, Suite 2100, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, 732-234-5304 or email Learn what additional credentials are required to apply. Applying by Dec. 1 ensures you can be considered for all schools, as well as honors and merit-based scholarships. Information regarding public safety at Rutgers is available in the Safety Matters report. After you submit your Rutgers Undergraduate Application, you must submit and link your Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR). With 13,000+ students, our undergraduate and graduate degree programs offer 100+ areas of study. Monitor the progress of your application, view official admissions decisions, update contact information, and accept your offer. Create Your Account. Applying by Dec. 1 ensures you can be considered for all schools, as well as honors and merit-based scholarships. Independent decisions will be made for each school to which you apply. © 2015 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.