Elect the Dead Symphony – pierwszy album koncertowy Serja Tankiana.Został nagrany w Nowej Zelandii.Na wydawnictwie znalazły się piosenki pochodzące z albumu „Elect the Dead” nagrane z towarzyszeniem orkiestry symfonicznej.Płyta została wydana na DVD i CD. Na wydawnictwie znalazły się piosenki pochodzące z albumu „Elect the Dead” nagrane z towarzyszeniem orkiestry symfonicznej[3]. This song was known to have been considered for System of a Down's Hypnotize album and a rehearsal was recorded, a brief excerpt of which appears on the DVD side of that album's dualdisc edition. Produced by Serj Tankian. Elect The Dead Lyrics [Verse 1] Arms are raised Above the sky But all I … A live version of the song also appears on the album. https://soad.fandom.com/wiki/Elect_the_Dead?oldid=2975. System of a Down Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. The official tour for Elect the Dead commenced on October 12, 2007 with a show at Chicago's Vic theater. Został nagrany w Nowej Zelandii[4]. Empty Walls, The Unthinking Majority, Money, Feed Us, Saving Us, Sky Is Over, Baby, Honking Antelope, Lie Lie Lie, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition, Beethoven's Cunt, Elect the Dead Empty Walls (Acoustic), Blue, Feed Us (Acoustic), Falling Stars Material for the performance is from Tankian's solo debut, Elect the Dead with some additional previously unreleased songs.[2][3]. It is available in CD, CD/DVD, LP, and Digital Download formats. The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra - Elect The Dead Symphony (Album)", "Chartverfolgung / Serj Tankian / Longplay", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elect_the_Dead_Symphony&oldid=946609350, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 March 2020, at 07:37. Album Elect The Dead. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (studio version; DVD only during credits), "Serj Tankian Releases "Elect The Dead" Orchestra Dvd", "Serj Tankian feat. Orchestral arrangements were by John Psathas. It was not included on the album, but a live version appeared on the Axis of Justice compilation the following year. The album was leaked on October 18, 2007. The sole studio track is the first officially released studio recording of "Charades", with the revised title "The Charade". Elect the Dead Symphony – pierwszy album koncertowy Serja Tankiana[3]. The album showcases the writing and arranging prowess of a man best known for his inimitable vocals, incisive lyrics, and dedication to … Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 30 lip 2020, 00:18. The version on Elect the Dead Symphony is the first studio recording of the song to be released, and has also been released as a single. One of the most unconventional frontmen in rock, System Of A Down singer Serj Tankian emerged as a solo artist with his debut album Elect The Dead. Elect the Dead Symphony is the first live album by System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian. Korzystasz z Wikipedii tylko na własną odpowiedzialność, Elect the Dead Symphony - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, Elect the Dead Symphony - Serj Tankian - Płyty - Muzyka w Onet.pl, https://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elect_the_Dead_Symphony&oldid=60510919, licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach. Elect the Dead is the solo debut album by (System of a Down frontman) Serj Tankian. Płyta została wydana na DVD i CD[5]. Elect the Dead Symphony was released on February 23, 2010 on iTunes and March 9, 2010 in all other formats. Elect The Dead je první čistě sólové album zpěváka skupiny System of a Down.Celé album (složení hudby, textu, nahrání, mixování, produkce,… ) vyprodukoval Serj Tankian zcela sám a vydal prostřednictvím svého vydavatelství Serjical Records.Pomocnou ruku poskytlo pouze pár … Elect The Dead Serj Tankian. Elect the Dead Symphony is the first live album by System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian.It is available in CD, CD/DVD, LP, and Digital Download formats. Elect the Dead is the solo debut album by (System of a Down frontman) Serj Tankian.Tankian played a majority of the instruments himself but did receive assistance from System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan and former Primus and Guns N' Roses drummer Bryan "Brain" Mantia, along with Dan Monti on guitar and bass, opera singer Ani Maldjian and some string players, Antonio Pontarelli among them. Serj Tankian Elect The Dead: nagylemez: Megjelent: 2007. október 23. Tankian played a majority of the instruments himself but did receive assistance from System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan and former Primus and Guns N' Roses drummer Bryan "Brain" Mantia, along with Dan Monti on guitar and bass, opera singer Ani Maldjian and some string players, Antonio Pontarelli among them. It features the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra at the Auckland Town Hall in Auckland, New Zealand.