It's easy! Rice Casserole Side Dish . Sign up for a new account in our community. Breakfast Casserole with Tater Tots and Sausage, Hamburger Tater Tot Casserole with Cheese. Another idea is baked polenta - just make it up a bit drier than if you were serving it creamy and then spread it in a pan and grill it. anotherid, August 26, 2008 in Miscellaneous. Be in the know on current and upcoming trends. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. If there is vegies in it i serve it with bread rolls or bread. Now, if you’re a fan of the sweet and savory flavor combination, this side is for you. In my opinion, that entirely depends on the casserole. 0 0 0. A shepherd's pie is a one-dish meal: potatoes, meat, veggies, gravy. I love them personally. I have never considered a side with most casseroles as I tend to put in everything up front. Started Friday at 11:45 AM, By MumLOA The cook may blanch green beans and toss them together with olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and lemon zest for another alternative side dish that may go well with the casserole. Relevance. Salads or other vegetable-based side dishes go well with tater tot casseroles. I have no Idea what side dishes would go with this. Started September 25, © 2020 Nine Digital Pty Ltd Tonight is a beef casserole. Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? Started 6 hours ago, By I always serve it with either mashed potato or white rice. Sides that go with Chicken Casserole? Therefore, a light vegetable dish makes a refreshing accompaniment to counter the heaviness of the casserole. Aside from giving your breakfast casserole that sugary goodness, monkey bread also offers an ooey-gooey chewiness that not all breads have. With it we had sweet potato mash, rice with peas and corn mixed through and honeyed carrots. Oh yes! Started November 2, By EB - helping you feel like a worse parent than you already are. A typical tater tot casserole is rich and greasy with meat, dairy and deep fried potatoes in the form of tater tots. Chelli 5 years ago. MMmmmmmm I need to make it again soon, Nothing, If there is lots in it, If its looking a bit lean I will serve it with Rice or mashed potatoes. A dish of melon slices, or a bowl of orange or clementine segments, is lovely, as is this refreshing salad of honeydew, cucumber and green grapes. Started 2 hours ago, By By Tonight is a beef casserole. herbed biscuits, salad. I always put a suet mix pastry lid on my casseroles and put diced potatoes and carrots in it then I don't have to serve anything with it. Subscribe to O, The Oprah Magazine for up to 72% OFF what others pay on the newsstand — that's like getting 19 FREE issues! Answer Save. 6. I make my casserole from scratch, ensuring it has loads of vegies in it, so I only serve it with Mashed potato and cabbage. 1 decade ago. Started Tuesday at 06:00 AM, By If you do shepherd's pie, you don't really need a side dish. Started 8 hours ago, By Watch full episodes and live stream OWN whenever and wherever you want. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Good luck, Oak. mash, rice, pasta/noodles, cous cous - depends on what the caserole is! Advertisement . I would suggest adding peas to the casserole to add a vegetable, then a nice salad on the side. Well I am doing a pantry challenge (trying to eat out of my pantry and only purchase minimal groceries) this week. Therefore, a light vegetable dish makes a refreshing accompaniment to counter the heaviness of the casserole. 1 1. A herby cobbler topping on top is delish! The Watch OWN app is free and available to you as part of your OWN subscription through a participating TV provider. Salads or other vegetable-based side dishes go well with tater tot casseroles. OPRAH IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF HARPO, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2020 HARPO PRODUCTIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please help with some idea's? Ernegirl Apparently they're out of fashion but I don't care LOL I really don't like casserole so this is one thing guaranteed to get me to eat it, the kids love them too & I sneak herbs into them for something different if I have time. Powered by Invision Community, So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye. I actually don't remember the last time we ate a casserole. Shauna. Started December 29, 2019, By Cut it into slabs and serve the caserole on top. depending on what it is - mashed potato (or pumpkin / sweet potato), steamed potato & mixed veg, pasta, or yummy bread. If you do the tuna casserole, I would recommend some steamed or sauteed vegetables on the side. Find simply delicious ideas for vegetables, salads, biscuits, casseroles and more. Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? mombo. A typical tater tot casserole is rich and greasy with meat, dairy and deep fried potatoes in the form of tater tots. No veg then i do mashed potato! crazypenguin May the cat eat you and the devil eat the cat. If Your Casserole Has a Spicy Kick. What Dermatologists Know About Wrinkles That You Don't, 6 Morning Habits That Make You Look 10 Years Older, Elizabeth Gilbert On Being Her Late Partner's Caregiver: "It Broke Me". If there's not enough vegies in the casserole, I'll often also serve with steamed vegies (whatever is in the crisper) and frozen peas (cooked first, of course ). Usually rice because DH loves rice with everything. What Side Dishes Go Well With Tater Tot Casserole? Nozycat Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. Lv 4. I also do a beef one...I serve with peas/corn/carrot, mashed potato & rice /or pasta. Lovesherboy A cook may prepare a simple salad to go with a tater tot casserole by tossing mixed green leaves through a dressing that comprises of Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and olive oil. I cut up squares of puff pastry to go with it. If Your Casserole Is One of 2 Italian-American Classics, If Your Casserole Prominently Features a Popular Pairing, Federal law may not actually state that you must serve, Tater Tots, mushrooms, ground beef and cheese, combo of shrimp, white beans, wine and bread crumbs, Easy Ways to Make an Amazing Mother's Day Brunch, Healthy Breakfast Recipes That Taste Like Dessert, 5 Energizing Breakfasts for Coffee-Less Mornings, DIY Cereals That Taste Better Than Store-Bought, 11 Scrumptious (and Energizing!) If you go with the Mexican style casserole, a good Mexican rice would do it, and maybe some cornbread. If you want to be liked by everyone and hated by no 1, be boring. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. By 12 Answers. Lv 4. Rather inclined to giggle. Download the Watch OWN app and access OWN anytime, anywhere. Because even a one-pot meal can feel a little lonely sometimes. I often feel green beans prepared in method of choice (roasted, steamed, sautéed, grilled, pickled…and so forth, not boiled though), are a safe answer. My girls love both. Doesn't put things away. Same as a PP, if the casserole has heaps of veg in it, I serve with rice/or pasta & breads (fresh crusty loaf for us & garlic bread for the kids). Source(s): 0 1 0. When you need a recipe to round out your meal, look no further than these quick and easy side dishes. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. Stick with the salad, and maybe some kind of bread. Monkey Bread. Well I am doing a pantry challenge (trying to eat out of my pantry and only purchase minimal groceries) this week. Or you can provide any green vegetable for a side. SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTERS TODAY AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS. Excercise Enthusia Whether you're going Tex-Mex, with a jalapeño- and chili powder-spiked chicken dish, or Middle Eastern, with a cumin and cayenne-scented pilaf, your best bet is to serve something cooling on the side. Although, any of the first 5 would go well IN the casserole also. Daffy2016 Have expert advice and tips delivered directly to you.