ARCHIVE PHOTO OF THE DAY Kuwait sunset, 1998. edition (see entry for Rome, Italy) began publication All rights reserved. Production continued to December to November 25, 1945. Began publication April 16, 1943. on January 20, 1945. 41). Library The newspaper was printed specifically for the armed forces and reported on the progress of the war, activities of the U.S. troops, and news from the home front (including sports, comics, and editorials). "To be able to share this historic content with those who serve in uniform and their families is something we've been working for years to achieve," said Max D. Lederer, Jr., publisher of Stars and Stripes. The Stars and Stripes was published in Arkansas City, Arkansas and with 46 searchable pages from . print holdings begin January 17, 1945 (Vol. The final edition was printed This partnership, which also includes microfilm preservation of Stars and Stripes newspapers, gives libraries, historical societies, educational institutions and individuals online access to more than one million pages of historic newspaper content never before available. Bibliography of Library of Congress holdings of the U.S. military newspaper Stars and Stripes, with a bibliography of published works and Internet sites about Stars and Stripes Anyone interested in learning more about Stars and Stripes can visit The archive is the culmination of nearly two years' worth of work assembling the best microfilm of the Stars and Stripes collection available, scanning it into digital form, inspecting each image for irregularities and quality issues, correcting any problem images, and building a fully-searchable digital archive website. to November 24, 1944. In 1999, Heritage Microfilm launched the brand, the world's largest historical newspaper database online. General Reference Dept: (202) 707-5000, The New York Public Library it. Search the Stars and Stripes newspaper archive. The newspaper's archive offers readers a global perspective on events that shaped the world's history, such as the Vietnam War, the moon landing, the fall of the Berlin Wall and much, much more. Forces in Italy and the Mediterranean received this edition This edition merged with the Oran, this edition moved from Algiers to Rome. You may contact them at: Library of Congress probably Cherbourg, moved briefly to Rennes, and finally to Paris 101 Independence Ave. contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1759 to present, spanning almost 3,000 newspaper titles and 762 cities. Stars and Stripes is likely the only independent news media in the world to operate from within a nation’s defense department. publishing September 29, 1944 and ended on September 30, 1945. by the Rome edition. from June 5, 1944 until production was closed on June 2, 1945. Cedar Rapids, Iowa (PRWEB) It ceased publication October understanding of this complexity, please see the Publication History section. The last issue was printed York, NY 10018-2788 Stars and Stripes, the daily independent news source for the U.S. military community, has partnered with Heritage Microfilm to digitize and make its entire microfilm archive available online. The Stars and Stripes was published in France by the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) of the United States Army from February 8, 1918, to June 13, 1919. The North Africa and Mediterranean editions (1942-1945) from World War II are now available! Stars and Stripes is a wonderful research tool for historians and genealogists, containing a wealth of information about American service members and the events which shape their history.". Forces in the British Isles from April 18, It is the mission of Heritage World Archives SEZC to be the world's leading provider of historical newspaper content, focusing on individual people and the events that impacted their lives. The first issue rolled off the press on August 12, 1943 and the Washington, D.C. 20540 Stars and Stripes provides online access to the majority of its editions and years of publication through its digital archives. Stars and Stripes makes many of its editions from 1942 - 1999 available through the Stars and Stripes Digital Archives. Publication began June 3, 1945 and ended January 20, 1946. The fully-searchable online digital archive, now available at, includes Stars and Stripes European editions and Pacific editions from 1948 to 1999. where it was published from September 1944 until the last issue, edition ran from August 29, 1944 to September 12, 1944. SE is the first commercial newspaper archive online. were published during World War II. unique content. The Stars and Stripes was published in Arkansas City, Arkansas and with 46 searchable pages from . Began publication December 6, 1943 and ceased publication January 1, no. © Copyright 2020 Printed Monday to Friday from April 15, 1943 to July 15, 1944. Patrons interested in years not available online can contact Stars and Stripes Library & Archives for assistance. 21, 1945. European Stars and Stripes,February 20, 1956. Began publication September 14, 1944. The last issue 1, No. Two separate but similar editions of Stars and Stripes Questions about your PRWeb account or interested in learning more about our news services? Two issues printed on July 2, 1944 and August 3, 1944 for what was printed on December 1, 1944. Publication of this edition Powered by Library holdings incomplete. Don't just take our word for it; take a look at the Search Pacific Stars And Stripes newspaper archives with birth, death, marriage and divorce records from Tokyo, Tôkyô on April 9, 1970, p. 9. was moved to Strasbourg, France in December 1944. A North African edition was published in Oran from May 3, 1943 Library holdings begin December 4, 1944 (Vol. 1942 to October 15, 1945. © 2020 Stars and Stripes. Editorially independent of interference from outside its editorial chain of command, it provides commercially available U.S. and world news and objective, staff-produced stories relevant to the military community in a balanced, fair and accurate manner. Questions about a news article you've read? Library print holdings begin July 1, 1945 (Vol. last was printed on June 2, 1944. Lederer went on to praise the library staff whose devoted efforts made the project a success. February 1, 1946. Began publication as a weekly on December 9, 1942. Read 1948-1999 European Stars and Stripes Newspaper Archives from Darmstadt, Hesse. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Visit our Special Collections, the AccessNewspaperARCHIVE institutional service, or read about our Publisher Partners. "The Owner of the Stars and Stripes." Every newspaper in the archive is fully searchable by keyword, date, place, and title making it easy for you to quickly see if we have the article you’re seeking.