The film had a somewhat goofy premise, but it never devolved into laughing at the film. This is a list about the releases of Art Subs…, The Hipster Llama 535 films 255 4 Edit, I've gained 15 new Twitter Followers through making this list, A list of every horror film that I have rated 4/5 or better that was released between 2010 and 2019.…. Tem seus problemas de ritmo, eu comecei 100% imerso naquele mistério que o filme apresentou, mas isso foi se perdendo com algumas reviravoltas. A torrential rain. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Play now The Similars on the web movie with out downloading. But, like the original series’ hour long episodes, it creaks under its own weight. If You Have Any Legal Issues Please Contact The Appropriate Media File Owners or Host Sites. Don’t even read the tag line. Classic Cinema Online. DISCLAIMER: This Site is Absolutely Legal and Contain Only Links to Other Sites on The Internet: (,, in top video format. Classic, influential, historically significant, or popular films of both Mexican and Mexican-American cinema. 19. ‘Los parecidos’ Within each year…, So many horror films come out every year that it's no surprise when a good one slips through the cracks.…. But, like the original series’ hour long episodes, it creaks under its own weight. Film data from TMDb. Echoes of The Thing blended into the Twilight Zone in a blender made of 50s sci-fi. ... Release The Similars in HD Video 720p ... Full Streaming The Similars in Best Video Format,,,, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015), Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn (2015). Step Three: GET WEIRD! The Similars ist ein herrlich verrückter Mysterystreifen aus Mexiko, der mit seinem Aussehen und seiner Story deutlich aus der aktuellen Genrekost herausragt.Oktober 1968, irgendwo in Mexiko: Während einer verregneten Nacht warten acht Fremde in einer Wartestation auf den Bus. More details at At times, it works. yall silly as hell not giving this the 5 stars it deserved. The Revenant (2015) 7.2/10. Original Title : Los Parecidos Movie title in your country : The Similars Year of movie : 2015 Genres of movie : Status of movie : Released Release date of movie : 2015-09-25 Companies of movie : The use of colour is eye catching and very well done and it never becomes overbearing or too arty despite  its commitment to the cause. The Similars leans hard into the Twilight Zone similarities (pun intended). The combination here is key, nothing overtakes anything else, it is all aligned in the best way to help keep your eyes and ears fully committed.