She took me out of school so I could start an online homeschooling program. We also work to empower the family through education and guidance to promote the child’s school attendance and success. It's been a very long time since an NBA champion has been to the White House. The committee should explore the reasons why students drop out, including; If you do not go to the meeting, the team can still make this plan for your child. Anita Irving (left) and her family, including mother Anita Lester (right), appears before Judge Gloria Rhynes to have Irving's truancy case involving daughter Marianah Lee (center) dismissed at the Alameda County courthouse in Oakland, Calif. on Friday, June 20, 2014, after the family completed the District Attorney's truancy and attendance program. From there, your child will be referred to the school's "student assistance team" or other school intervention team.

Rhynes said before grabbing her gavel and giving it a good whack on her bench.

In the past two years, the parents of 30 Alameda County children were dragged into Superior Court and charged with violating state truancy laws. I live in Texas and I have to go to truancy court tomorrow and I'm really nervous about it because the school said I have a hard judge. You may be summoned to appear in District Court if: Your child is "under your control" (i.e., lives with you); You received written notice from the school about your child's truancy and the plan that was developed to correct it; and; Your child has … "What it shows is that the justice system, over and above everything else, is powerful and doesn't necessarily need to be punitive.". Through the Alameda County district attorney's truancy program, a social worker was assigned to the family, helping guide Allen and her son through the troubles. Launched in 2005, CFCC’s Truancy Court Program (TCP) is a voluntary, non-punitive, holistic, data-driven intervention that works to identify and address the root causes of truancy for each child, seeks to improve behavior and student and family attitudes toward school and helps build a foundation for long-term academic success. Locals danced in the streets, poured champagne, and cheered in joy. If you don't make sure your child attends school regularly, you may be brought to court on a civil violation. The school district must provide the parent with written notice of the attendance violation 3 days before filing a citation and bringing court proceedings against a parent. The process begins when the School Board Attorney, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, files the truancy petition. The school can ask the local district attorney to come to this meeting. The team will decide: If the team decides there is a negative effect on your child, the team will make an "intervention plan." After you get this notice, your child must go to school within 3 days. She took me out of school so I could start an online homeschooling program.