Discover more KS2 English videos and activities. If you and I each have a clock that are perfectly in sync - and you stay on earth and I travel into space at 50,000 mph, we would find that our clocks are slowly drifting apart in what they show as the current time (my time will slow down in relation to yours based on my faster speed in relation to yours). Gravitational and Velocity Time Dilation and Length Contraction in More Detail In other words, if all observers have to agree on the speed of light being 300,000 km per second, then they can't agree on the time it takes for other objects to travel relative to them. If one reference frame assigns precisely the same time to two events that are at different points in space, a reference frame that is moving relative to the first will generally assign different times to the two events (the only exception being when motion is exactly perpendicular to the line connecting the locations of both events). What is a pronoun? According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it is impossible to say in an absolute sense that two distinct events occur at the same time if those events are separated in space. It means that time is relative to the observers and the speed of the observers in relation to each other. The idea of relativistic time is a direct result of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. 0:00 / 2:50. Einstein also suggested that space-time wasn't flat, but curved or "warped" by the existence of matter and energy. •. How is a story structured? 0:00. Find more primary resources from BBC Bitesize. It doesn't matter how much our lives are governed by the same seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks, regardless of where we live on the globe, time will never be absolute. One of the most revolutionary concepts that we learned in the 20th century is that time is not a universal measurement. Live.