Outer Space Suit skin > swimsuit skin. Tsathoggua date quest end. Surtr is probably the highlight, though Behemoth and Kenta both have a good number of uses. Welcome To Gacha Hell. An alarm goes off you were asleep for a few hours now, you turned onto your other side and saw Tsathoggua fast asleep. You were snapped out of thought and you sat down looking at games. Things are still, sort of the same, thought most interactions are different. Alright. Upon seeing the suffering of those in other worlds, the Mc decides to make a place to help them, move on from their suffering and Pain! You thought about it for a while, anything I want?Without question? Now don’t get him wrong, he has seen things that were gross or creepy(Heck a few of siblings and family themselves were nightmarish to look at),But Tsathoggua has never seem something that looked to be an abomination of nature such as a water bear. cause that has a lot ways things can go, mostly for mc, but it’s a nice a though. Show your true self Mix and match the looks and voice to create your ideal protagonist! I just want to say, that i regret nothing and I will ship and write as I like, cause it gets my blood going! Kenji falls fast asleep on Tsathoggua’s belly. In niche cases, such as the Setsubun event, Motosumi does spectacularly. I was just…leaving!”, And with a quick turn the wolf ran out the doors, leaving the occupants to look back from the doors to the large blue guy standing, as Tsath calmed down from his…whatever it was called he did. Anonymous said: Maybe draw tsathoggua- Answer: I offer thee a fluffy boi with pudding- I hope you like him! There are a few things I want to talk about today; namely, the platinum tickets and the event reprints. Also known as Generically, The Dog’s Battlefield is probably the easiest equipment to recommend, with a reliable and useful effect that can go on a bunch of units. My lover be looking nice. It’s so fluffy and smooth like a pillow.”. Well that and Arc-V would be a good fit Housamo, if cause we can use multiply mcs or different counterparts of the same mc, with another character being their Ray as it were. A lot. The first description of Tsathoggua in which the protagonists encounter one of the entity's idols: Later, Tsathoggua is described again: Tsathoggua is often found asleep. He also gives your whole team a pretty large CP buff with his charge skill. Fire type limit break items … His life was perfect. Request are welcome as well . All of the sudden your phone was ringing, you answer and an easily recognizable voice answered:“Um…Hey[Player] it’s me Tsathoggua…I was wondering, if you’d come play some games with me and eat some snacks, yeah?”. Affiliations Giving the wolf a bored look, Koji shot him down. I’m largely basing the below recommendations on the 4★ units – 5★ units are 1) pretty powerful across the board, and 2) not worth chasing, unless you are a glutton for punishment. Understood?”. Out of instinct you give him a big hug, trying to wrap your arms around his largeness. I also recommended Thunderbird, Seth, Arsalan, Musashi, and Volos as practical units. Fire type limit break items … @fluffydragongamer You have to limit break a charater to 3 then set who want them to “date”, depending on the pick a bit, you might get specal lines, but otherwise for charas that have a date quest, you can do their quest. After all what did he have to be jealous of? Not that people are complaining that much. He blushed while asking, but you were happy to help him. Outside, looking from a far thought the windows of the ice cream shop, was the same yellowed furred wolf, that Tsath had ran off, looking at the two love birds as they didn’t dance around their feelings for once. But he wasn’t deep like the others, or had done something valent like. I struggled a bit in whether to recommend this gacha or not – the 5★ in it are so strong that they overshadow the 4★ ones by a large margin – but ultimately I think any of the units here are worth developing. While Tsathoggua knew Koji liked him, a bit more than others(but Tsathoggua knew Ryota was a close second, cause even Tsathoggua knew that it was impossible to hate Ryota, no matter who you were, the guy was just so lovable and nice to people.