* Locally, Wetzel County had the highest voter turnout at 65.37 percent. All their machinations in general are failing. COVID Data Manipulation is in no way Unique to the Nashville Mayor, Those 71 Million Americans are Trump Voters, Not Republican Voters, Sunday News Roundup: Joe Biden is not President-Elect Yet; Not by a Long Shot. Then we go out to our car, grab the candy bar we just bough, and wallah, the germs have found their target. The problem is, in Fairfax, Arlington (where I lived) and Alexandria is deep blue as Dave says, and there are probably just not enough GOP voters to match the Dem mob. Despite this massive line, no complaints here. A renowned singer lost her voice after a sexual assault. Turnout in Iowa and Nevada fell short of expectations. I’m beginning to think a landslide is very probable. In New Hampshire, it exceeded the record previously set in 2008. Sanders saw a more modest 10 percent increase over the 275,000 votes he won in Virginia in 2016. I am a Fairfax County resident. Virginia Voters Stage Massive 1st Day Turnout – Trump Voters or Biden Voters? The number of votes also surpassed the 986,000 cast in the 2008 primary. I usually vote on the actual election day. WTOP.com | Alexa | Google Home | WTOP App | 103.5 FM, Jill Biden could become the only first lady to work paid job outside White House, Senate GOP declares ‘Senate is last line of defense’, What’s open, what’s closed for Veterans Day 2020, History in a single frame: DC-area street photographer freezes moments in time, Police seek driver who struck Virginia State Police car on I-66, NAVSEA shifting modernization focus from technology to mission outcomes, State Dept. Democrats see voter turnout as an electoral game changer, arguing that the more people who show up to cast their ballot, the better the party’s chances are of defeating President TrumpDonald John TrumpMary Trump celebrates Biden-Harris victory: 'To America. My God, it looks for all the world like a waiting line to get into a Trump Rally. This All of which raises the obvious question: Are these anxious early-voting souls mostly Trump voters or are they mainly Biden/Harris Harris/Biden voters? Hawaii and Texas have already exceeded their 2016 voter turnout by 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively. That’s nearly double the roughly 780,000 votes cast in the state’s 2016 Democratic primary race between former Secretary of State Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonRegardless of party, the next Congress must prioritize disability issues Is Michigan's collapse in union membership a sign of things to come? Pennsylvania will even accept ballots with no postmarks and will not bother to verify the signatures. I personally know of a LOT of people that are democrats voting for trump this year , on the riots alone….. quietly, I think bringing troops home and peace deals not previously thought possible, a successful economy prior to covid and all signs of a rapid rebound post shutdowns (throw in the possibility of a vaccine or 7 in months as compared to years) , and the absolute hate and terror from the leftists towards anyone not as left as them is a recipe for a Trump landslide win. But, I would rather be at my church at 5:30 AM on Election Day rather than wait hours in line to vote–especially with my inability to stand for very long. It’s either or, not both. As the nation absorbs the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, official and unofficial numbers show that voter turnout was down across the area compared with four years ago, though to varying degrees in the District, Maryland and Virginia. The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax. The contents of this site are ©2020 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. tells passport services employees without high-risk conditions to return to work Nov. 16, CISA preps for 5G with testing framework, workshops and working groups, Navy awards contract for next generation of submarines expected to cost $110B.