There is an old saying that "A sailor has a girl in every port " Have you got someone in every section on? Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. [13] In 2002 the song featured as a bonus track on Nirvana's "best of" compilation album Nirvana. All in all, although the film is not one of the greats, it certainly has some great moments and is well worth seeing. [5][6], Like numerous other folk songs, "In the Pines" was passed on from one generation and locale to the next by word of mouth. The reply to the question, "Where did you get that dress/ And those shoes that are so fine?" She dresses as a boy, they hop freight trains, quarrel with a group of hobos, and steal ... See full summary ». Like Lanegan, Cobain usually screamed its final verse. However, as Eric Weisbard writes in a 1994 article in The New York Times, "...the enigmatic train is almost as frightening, suggesting an eternal passage: 'I asked my captain for the time of day/He said he throwed his watch away.'"[7]. But when one decides to finally settle down, will this mysterious young women come between them? Certificate: Passed 2011 • 1 song, 3:45. Directed by Howard Hawks. 17 of 18 people found this review helpful. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. 9 years ago. This FAQ is empty. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Early history. La Roche. Nirvana occasionally performed the song during the early 1990s. I sailed the seas to learn the stars. Answer Save. Hello, Frisco, Hello (1943) - I've Got a Girl in Every Port 1080p beggo321. Lead Belly is often said to be the author of the song, e.g. The Four Pennies recorded and released the song as "Black Girl" in October 1964. Two sailors with a rivalry over chasing women become friends. Add the first question. No. Mark Brady is appointed warden of the state prison where many of the criminals he prosecuted are incarcerated. In 2003 the Nirvana version reached number 29 on WYSP's Top 30 most played songs,[14] and in 2004 reached number 20. (1928). 1 0. At the prompting of... See full summary ». Two sailors with a rivalry over chasing women become friends. But when one decides to finally settle down, will this mysterious young women come between them? The story of trench life during World War I through the lives of a French regiment. see me dance with all the girls in London town. The song is most associated with Nathan Abshire, the Louisiana Cajun accordion player, for whom "Pine Grove Blues" was his biggest hit. A Girl in Every Port - 2005 Remaster, a song by Cliff Richard & ABS Orchestra on Spotify. There’s a girl in every port. [1][2], Versions of the song have been recorded by many artists in numerous genres, but it is most often associated with American bluegrass musician Bill Monroe and American blues musician Lead Belly, both of whom recorded very different versions of the song in the 1940s and 1950s. Lv 6. [15] A solo Cobain home demo, recorded in 1990, appears on the band's 2004 rarities box set, With the Lights Out. Another familiar version was recorded for Moses Asch, founder of Folkways Records, in New York City. Listed as "Black Girl" or "In the Pines", this version appears on compilations such as Where Did You Sleep Last Night – Lead Belly Legacy Vol. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. by Nirvana on their MTV Unplugged album in 1994. Chiquita - Girl in Rio de Janeiro Haha. Olli. The Cajun French word "negresse" and the masculine counterpart "negre" are terms of endearment without regard to race. 1 (1996), and The Definitive Lead Belly (2008). Her rapist, a male soldier, is later beheaded by the train. once I was a handsome man. "In the Pines", converted into the Cajun French language and sung under the titles "Pine Grove Blues" or "Ma Negresse", became one of the landmark songs of Cajun music. This verse probably began as a separate song that later merged into "In the Pines". As music historian Norm Cohen pointed out in his 1981 book, Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong, the song came to consist of three frequent elements: a chorus about "in the pines", a verse about "the longest train" and a verse about a decapitation, but not all elements are present in all versions. (from "Wonderful Life" soundtrack) There’s a girl in every port. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. It was posthumously released on the band's MTV Unplugged in New York album in November 1994, and as a promotional single from the album. Lv 6. By using our website and our services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. An Arab prince born and raised in the desert and a beautiful Frenchwoman from Paris fall in love and marry, but the tremendous differences in their backgrounds and the cultural differences between their two different societies put strains on their marriage that may well prove irreparable. but I soon forgot ‘em. In 1925, a version of the song was recorded onto phonograph cylinder by a folk collector. His first rendition, for Musicraft Records in New York City in February 1944, is arguably his most familiar. Bill Monroe's 1941 and 1952 recordings, both under the title "In the Pines", were highly influential on later bluegrass and country versions. 9 years ago. She hides from this by sleeping in the pines, in the cold. This was the first documentation of "The Longest Train" variant of the song, which includes a verse about "The longest train I ever saw". In her 1970 Ph.D. dissertation, Judith McCulloh found 160 permutations of the song. However, Lead Belly didn't write the song, but reinterpreted it, as did other musicians before and after him. His melody is a hard-driving blues, but the lyrics, when translated to English, are the familiar "Hey, my girl, where did you sleep last night?" Since then, Abshire's version has been covered by a wide variety of Cajun and zydeco musicians, including the Pine Leaf Boys, the Lost Bayou Ramblers, Beau Jocque, and Cedric Watson. World War I ace Dick Courtney derides the leadership of his superior officer, but Courtney is soon promoted to squadron commander and learns harsh lessons about sending subordinates to their deaths. A Girl in Every Port I loved them just for sport. Play on Spotify. After killing her treacherous step-father, a girl tries to escape the country with a young vagabond. The Walking Dead: Season Two - Episode 2: A House Divided, Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folk Song. 1. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. "[7] The theme of a woman being caught doing something she should not is thus also common to many variants. 7 Answers. Huddie Ledbetter, better known as Lead Belly, recorded over half-a-dozen versions between 1944 and 1948, most often under the title, "Black Girl" or "Black Gal". Anonymous. I mainly stick to the P&S section anyway. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Take for example when one of our heroes picks up a Dutch girl, dressed in full traditional Dutch costume which was common at the time. As men are killed and replaced jaunty Lt. Denet becomes more and more somber. 42 song search results for A Girl In Every Port . According to the American folklorist Alan Lomax, Lead Belly learned the song from someone's interpretation of the 1917 version compiled by Cecil Sharp, and by the 1925 phonograph recording.[7]. from one version is, "From a man in the mines/Who sleeps in the pines. After a failed attempt at running for governor, D.A. While early renditions which mention the head in the "driver's wheel" make clear that the decapitation was caused by the train, some later versions would omit the reference to the train and reattribute the cause. Cobain earned critical acclaim for his acoustic performance of the song during Nirvana's MTV Unplugged appearance in 1993. [9] As well as rearrangement of the three frequent elements, the person who goes into the pines, or who is decapitated, is described as a man, woman, adolescent, husband, wife, or parent, while the pines can be seen as representing sexuality, death, or loneliness. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Loading... Unsubscribe from beggo321? Answers.Even in the motoring section. 20 in the UK,[4] but was not released by their label in the US.[10]. Use the HTML below. An early effort by director Howard Hawks, the bar and fight sequences are fast, at times comical and always colorful.Another interesting thing about the film is that we get a chance to see what ordinary people looked like in the 20's. Jim Oblon's version is in season 4, episode 12 of True Blood, A version of the song, as of yet unidentified, can be found playing in certain parts of the Ubisoft video game, This page was last edited on 20 October 2020, at 15:16. Being about two sailors and their adventures ashore, we a shown a much more exotic world than we might see today. It is likely that Cobain drew from Lead Belly's 1944 Musicraft version for his interpretation of the song; Lanegan owned an original 78 rpm record of this version,[7] and it is the one that Cobain's version most closely resembles in terms of lyrics, form, and title—even repeating Leadbelly's interjection "Shiver for me" before the instrumental bridge. [4] A live performance by the American grunge band Nirvana reinterpreted Lead Belly's version and was recorded during their MTV Unplugged performance in 1993. Was this review helpful to you? Lyrics in some versions about "Joe Brown's coal mine" and "the Georgia line" may refer to Joseph E. Brown, a former Governor of Georgia, who famously leased convicts to operate coal mines in the 1870s.