Dumb And Dumber To: Kathleen Turner On Fraida Felcher & How She Fits Into The... Dumb And Dumber To: Peter & Bobby Farrelly On How Jim & Jeff Bring These... November Preview: 19 TV Shows & New Movies to Watch at Home. Whatever. |, December 19, 2014 Another Classic ruined by yet another awful sequel. While you shouldn't expect something as classic as the original film, this film delivers tons of laughs from start to finish. Lloyd trying to return the briefcase). That's not the only issue here, as the bad guys are kind of the biggest joke in the movie and Lloyd finally crosses the line from cute to creepy. Everyone has piled into this dumber, sillier, more consistently funny reprise with an enthusiasm that’s infectious, and not in a low-grade medical way. The original was mean spirited, low-brow, over-the-top and at times, obnoxious. When the jokes work, they work pretty well. There are surprise appearances from the original movie. It was first-draft type stuff. Lloyd tries to make the parents, who are visibly very uncomfortable, see how funny the circumstances were that caused their son's death. That's all it take to get Harry and Lloyd back on the road for more antics AND... they tried too hard. | Rating: 3.0/4.0 I just found film, with the typical Farrelly bros. brand of humor of gross-out gags, slapstick, and stupidity, to be really empty. This movie. But it is NOT a good movie at all. Yes I know it's only one "o" and not two. I don't understand this new trend in Hollywood.. critics love **** comedies like The Hangover, Neighbors, 21 Jump Street! It is worth saying right from the start that you have to be in the mood for the film. There's absolutely no spontaneity, like when Harry chucks the salt over his shoulder or Lloyd puts laxative in Harry's tea. | Fresh (45) | They've become purely sad parodies of their former selves. Everyone who grew up watching the first film are adults now, and the demographic they were going for with a PG-13 rating, has no idea who Harry and Lloyd are, hence the disappointing numbers at the box office. So let's get started. Dumb and Dumber To is the sequel that the franchise deserved. But it's just how people react, whether consciously or not. |, September 7, 2020 But it also feels like they're still behind the times with films like Superbad, This is the End, Knocked Up, Neighbors, among others, picking up the slack and adding a little twist to the old raunchy routine. Lloyd Christmas: That's three hours away. And it seemed the only reason they made this sequel is because the directors and one of the actors haven't been doing good stuff, the last couple of years. Plus, Harry and Lloyd are more immature in this than the first. There are gags that work, that pay off in a big way, and gags that fall flat, derailing entire sequences. Dumb And Dumber To: Lloyd Is Questioned About Harry On The Way Into The... Dumb And Dumber To: Jim Carrey On The Story Behind The Film, Dumb And Dumber To: Jeff Daniels On Where We Find Harry And Lloyd In This Film, Dumb And Dumber To: Lloyd And Harry Try To Get Travis To Play He Who Smelt It, Dumb And Dumber To: Harry Tries To Call His Daughter For The First Time, Dumb And Dumber To: Harry Shows Lloyd Their Old Apartment, Dumb And Dumber To: Harry And Lloyd Have A Drink At The Funeral Home, Dumb And Dumber To: Rob Riggle On Working With The Farrellys And The Cast, Dumb And Dumber To: Laurie Holden On Her Character Adele, Dumb And Dumber To: Bringing Back The Mutt Cutt, Dumb And Dumber To: Jeff Daniels Is Dumb (Featurette), Dumb And Dumber To: A Look Inside (Featurette), Dumb And Dumber To: Rachel Melvin On Working With Jim Carrey. After all, there is so much that can go wrong. Still, I laughed — enough to feel mortified at myself. It's a silly and splendid way to spend a couple hours at the movie theater. Harry and Lloyd felt like exaggerated versions of themselves, the storyline was just OK, and I think what threw me off the most was that so much of the movie was recycled. Regal It shouldn't be that way, if you enjoyed it then you enjoyed it and no shitty sequels should, hopefully, change that. So why not take that opportunity to try something new. Trying to write and produce a sequel is always a difficult feat! All rights reserved. Metacritic Reviews. This was fantastically hilarious in so many ways and on so many levels. Copyright © Fandango. © 2020 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The first 30 minutes or so of the movie, with the exposition, were actually pretty goddamn terrible. The key to the movie, I think, is that there's an underlying sweetness to the humor: Lloyd and Harry (Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels) are never presented as malicious. Easily best comedy of the year! The occasional uproarious moment is small reward for the long scenes we're forced to endure of Carrey and Daniels gurning and grinning as if they are fresh out of bedlam. Worst of all is that Daniels' Harry and Carrey's Lloyd have completely lost the chemistry that once bound them. Just confirm how you got your ticket. User Ratings Dumb and Dumber To isn't as funny as the first, but it has its moments. And Jeff Daniels too, for that matter. When the jokes don't work however, its just embarrassing and awkward to watch. It's like the film was shot in its figurative knees and it just hobbled out the gate. and the Terms and Policies, Conundrum Entertainment, But one or two laughs in a 100-minute movie just isn't enough. | Rating: 1/5 Everyone in the theater was laughing the whole time. Maybe you won't like it, but maybe it will be one of your favorite movies. Those worries quickly dissipated, as To is a forced and aggressively unfunny gross-out comedy. You can see thought and talent went into this, despite it being a hit and miss. Unfortunately, several attempts throughout the movie at humor were in very poor taste, and overacted. Boy, I sure wish I could have been there when she was little. well, Dumber and Dumber To is the same type of comedy as the original..but still f-cking hilarious! The Farrellys are still not much interested in film as a visual medium, and when Lloyd and Harry aren’t smacking each other or dropping their pants, you might as well be listening to a radio play. These are the films from 2020 (and early 2021) that have the best chance... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future. It's the absolute worst kind of sequel: the kind that repeats old jokes to try and get a cheap cheer of nostalgia. I checked out the movie rating at the rotten tomatoes site and it did not get a good rating; which once again points to the fact that critics and moviegoers are far apart when it comes to what they like. Who writes the good reviews? Either way, this movie is still non-stop funny from beginning to end. LIke many others I thought this movie was going to be that sequel you wish they didn't make. I think there were only a couple moments where I actually laughed out loud, though. The movie maybe a rehash, but what they do again is just as a funny the second time around. Wow folks, you have to see this; and the comedy doesn't lag during the whole movie. I like the first film, in all its stupidity, but it's not a film I was in love with in any way, shape, or form. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. :-). We're not. And I couldn't blame him for that, to be honest, in most of these cases, that is the case. So the sequel being largely bad, with a few exceptions of some funny lines and moments, doesn't really affect my like of the first film at all, since I didn't love it. I totally sucked you in. |, December 19, 2014 Think of the bright side. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Personally, I think it's better than previous one. | Rating: 2/5 One of the most disappointing and unsatisfying experiences I've had at the theater, Perhaps my expectations were too high for this recycled movie. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Charles B. Wessler Entertainment, January 16, 2015 So maybe some of this is hilarious. Not only does it see two men in Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprising roles in the 50s and 60s, respectively. Something is off here...the pacing, the jokes, I can't entirely put my finger on it. | I literally felt dumb and dumber after walking out of this disappointing and mediocre 20-year reunion with Jim Carey and Jeff Daniel's two beloved cult characters from the ever superior first film. Not only is it unfunny, but it actually manages to be offensive. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be funny after I read those stupid reviews by users..Like "It's disappointing" or "worst movie" or whatever...But I just wanted to watch it cause I really like "Dumb and Dumber" (first one) and I am also a fan of Jim Carrey. | Rating: 3/5 Maybe I'm taking this too seriously. This one might be the best of the whole series it really knocked me for a loop, maybe because it's been a while since I actually laugh out loud at a comedy to the point of having to rewind because I missed what they said next on account of actually laughing my a** off! I walked out about half of the movie. 1994's was fresh and majorly innovative. Harry Dunne: Whoa, Lloyd. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. I wouldn't spend money on it in theaters though. The cop gets a bad surprise when he tests what he thinks is an open bottle of beer, but that gag misfires because its final shot is just plain not funny. Let's face it, honking, braying dullards no longer feel like a novelty in mainstream entertainment. I never thought this was going to be good anyway, but I had an open mind. So I was kind of curious and gave it a shot. Sadly the charm of the original Dumb and Dumber wasn't replicated here. I hated every single one of these movies, they're not even movies, they're unfunny and sad attempt to make something new, guess what, you've failed, those movies suck!!!!! |, October 11, 2020 That's not really rewarding to me, but I guess it is for some people. And the Farrellys have simply not adjusted the style to the times and it makes this movie feel completely out of place and out of time. It's actually really cool and even sweet in some regards. (It was normal) But, hey, it's a comedy. It's not that Carrey and Daniels are too old, there just hasn't been one down in so long, the result was one repetition and reuse from the first after another with little new things. But I was excited about this getting our two main characters back together (literally).