Use Resonating Blast to weaken the Brand. Not only will this result in some fun gameplay, it's the best way to achieve this achievement without the boomerang trick. Speak with your friends.; Aurene will fly to the left wing, where more targets will appear. Ty. "Inform" Kralkatorrik of your presence. If you fail, log out to Character Select to reattempt the achievement. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. IMO they put way too much of this on auto pilot, and kralk should have been moving around more, summoning more crystals and we should have had control over aurene's movement while we shot at kralk, only being interrupted to travel through the portal to the next gas cloud color that is a gigantic middle finger saying, "You're never getting this content now so stfu. Destroy at least 10 of the Crystal Dragon's weak points. input.readOnly = true; Do you have a question about this achievement? Salt the Wound is a Ranged ability that can be bought from the Shattered Worlds reward shop for 63,000,000 shattered anima as a package along with the Mutated Dazing Shot ability. Had to try it 4/5 times but in the end i managed to do it. During this on-rails section, focus on one target, then move on to ones further ahead. Successfully inflict 10 wounds on Kralkatorrik during The End. Once Aurene reaches the front, Kralkatorrik will enter the Underworld. Whereas the party leader's skills are unlocked throughout the course of the event, assistants have access to all of their skills immediately. = null; Comments. Salt in the Wound achievement in Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers: An opponent's last permanent left the battlefield (Expansion 3) - worth 15 Gamerscore It seems to me that I can only get 9 shots in. Salt on the Wound Achievements Story Journal War Eternal. }; During this instance, Aurene and the Commander chase down Kralkatorrik, showing off his full body for the first time ever. The next one you target likely shouldn't be the next nearest one, or else she might pass it before you can shoot three times, which in turn makes it harder for you to hit the next one in line. But there was little time to celebrate, since Kralkatorrik remained in the Mists. I've "heard" that some people have done it solo, but that may be like seeing a unicorn. }, false); Board the airship to Thunderhead Keep from Lion's Arch. Caithe's flowers from the previous episode will regrow. Description: Be assisted by a familiar face in Dragonfall. — In-game description. Story Instance: The End: Worked Together to Wound Kralkatorrik 1: Scissors of Fate 1; Help block the ley nodes that are healing Kralkatorrik in under 5 minutes. FR Le couteau dans la plaie. Salt the Wound is a Ranged ability that can be bought from the Shattered Worlds reward shop for 63,000,000 shattered anima as a package along with the Mutated Dazing Shot ability.. 7. The instance doesn't do a good job of letting you know it's time to start shooting, and it doesn't do a good job of displaying Aurene's LoS during the two flyover sequences. Attack the Crystal Dragon with all your might. link.addEventListener('click', function () { Salt on the Wound 1; Successfully inflict 10 wounds on Kralkatorrik during The End. Salt the Wound is a Ranged ability that can be bought from the Shattered Worlds reward shop for 63,000,000 shattered anima as a package along with the Greater Dazing Shot ability.. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. binary += String.fromCharCode(data[i]); Skimmer diving. 3. You cannot switch targets by tabbing; they must be clicked manually. Eligibility may be tracked via Eligibility: Salt on the Wound. var data = []; var binary = ''; ● Fominos ● Gavin K. ● Adri C. ● Andrew W.  ● Christian S.  Most of this instance has forced, scripted movement; these moments will be telegraphed with  Dragonflight. Approach Caithe. input.focus(); DE Salz in der Wunde. The third skill will unlock, to open a portal to Tyria. Stopped That Spazzy Skritt's Crime Spree 5: Crystal Desert Explorer 5; Explore all areas in the Crystal Desert. You will have two opportunities to attack Kralkatorrik's weak spots: once in Melandru's Realm, and again in the Underworld. We chased him through different parts of the Realms of the Gods. if (!type) { Take the fight to Kralkatorrik! There's more than 10 weak points to target across the two phases you have to do it. It came out with the zone, Dragonfall in the Crystal Desert (south of Orr).