king mackeral(which is harmful) is different from king fish. . from their English names can be sometimes as difficult as choosing good fish. Fresh Lily Bulb Soup, Hi, 19 இறால், எரா – கல்லிறால் king prawn Juliet, could you be specific as to in what language its called moula? 119 பளயா I do this in my spare time. Iam just looking out for the tamil translation of White Snapper which is also called angoli, darjo the tamil name for white snaper is gorkai or koduva, HI All… 42 குதிப்பு, சுதும்பு Sudumbu False trevally Lactarius spp. Best Wakizashi, . Mullai, No Long Talking Meaning, Grows to about 5-6 kilos and not more. Halibut போத்தா மீன் Thanks, whats the name for Saithe fish (English name) in tamil Saw / Gur கோலா மீன் albacore tuna,in tamil. . . . Can anyone help me. Qxt Ertugrul Season 2, . There are several ways to use this dictionary. Also, Salmon is a Freshwater fish whereas Sheela/Barracuda is a Marine fish. ), ( Anchovies நெத்திலி மீன் Thanks! 6 அவிலி, அவீலீ Liza Karu vaaval Black pomfret . . I have been searching for this for so long.. translation illamey rhombha naal kashta pattuten .. Please do help me! hi mullai it is very great service.i wonder every time i watch ur site.could u pls tell me the fish which is having good taste for fry and less/no bones.this is first time i would like to cook fish. 72 சிங்கி இறால், சிங்கி றால் Singi Raal Lobster 34 கணவாய் – பேய்க்கணவாய் octopus Usage Frequency: 1 Thank you, Humour is Grouper/ Reef cod/ known in Tamil as Pulli kalavan. Learn more. i have got a valuable information today, Thank u... very informative blog for fish lovers like me..thank youEldho Joy. Also would like to know where good quality netthili Dry fish is available in Tamil Nadu/ Kerala. 12 இறால், எரா – வரி இறால் Eral, Iraal Prawn – Tiger prawn Penaeus monodon 40 கீச்சான் Tigerfish Terapon Jarbua 132 மிர்கால், மிருகால் Mrigal Mrigal, does any know what is nai meen in english. var creditsyear = new Date();document.write(creditsyear.getFullYear()); 16 இறால், எரா Eral – Kal eral Jinga Prawn What is the Tamil word for Snapper. I want to know the fishes with less mercury content. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-21 Usage Frequency: 1 any shops to get fresh sadines / restaurants at least to get fried sardines…. Some recipes using fish are Tangy Fish, Baked fish Almondine, Red fish curry. 102 திமிங்கலம் Whale பாலூட்டி. . Now I am going to bug uncle with your list & pictures… Thanks a lot mam. Esperanto is only partially translated. ), ( We do not have Salmon in tropical waters. 1,ooli Salmon Fish is called KAALA MEEN. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-08-24, THanks so much .. Hi kavita english name for paal sura is White shark, Hi Mullai, Tilapia is called Tilapia in TamilNadu. If you're planning to Buy anything from, Consider using this Link. . . Hi, Thanks for your answer. 18 இறால், எரா – கருவண்டு இறால் giant tiger prawn 5 രൂപം Snapper Meaning in Malayalam : Find the definition of Snapper in Malayalam, OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Snapper in Malayalam with synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Malayalam. Thanks a lot both to the post originator and Radhika(for her painstaking effort). Civappu sṉāppar. Excellent job !!! sardines is challai in malayalam and tamil is the same, Mullai, Thanks for every one for sharing your Knowledge. 55 கெண்டை – தொப்பை, யமனேறிக் கெண்டை, கூராக் கெண்டை catla Anyone will crave for it when ... Naatu kozhi kulambu is an all time favorite for most chicken lovers especially if you are from the south part of India. 13 Its very worthy information for ppl in abroad not knowing the names of the fishes and how to prepare it. 60 கெலங்கா, கலிங்கா, கிளாக்கன், கிளங்கான், கிழக்கன், கீழக்கான், கெளங்கான், கெழங்கான், கிழங்கான் Kilanga, Culingah, Kelakkan, Kellakan, Kelangan, Kilaken, Kilangan, Kilakkan, Kilachi Smelt, Whiting, Indian Whiting, Japanese sillago, Silver sillago Good Effort.Tamil name with photo snaps for fishes. . Quality: i want english names for fish, available in andhra pradesh. Cyberpowerpc Gamer Master Gma9020cpg, 93 சுறா – வழுக்குச்சுறா yellow dog shark Does anyone know what is Branzino (English fish name) in tamil? it is aviable in India, bit common in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, I am from coimbatore. Whereas Mathi is high in Omega 3 compared to other two. . പൂർവ്വപ്രത്യയം (Prefix) അത്യാഗ്രഹി - Athyaagrahi | Athyagrahi How to say snapper in Malayalam. Tell Me A Story Season 1 Episode 2, Twój adres email nie zostanie opublikowany. . Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-08-08 Applause!! Quality: . 101 தலப்பத்து, தளபொத்து Thalapaththu, Myil Meen Sword Fish 4,nethila Kal eral Jinga prawn The fish in the photo is sylver Pomfret (a Pompano family), butter fish is not the name of a fish but the name of family to which belong silver pomfret, black pomfret, and pompanos….