With an army of ghouls, they stormed Hellsing HQ. Gekijouban Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, Free! A foolish colonel who failed to realize that the men's loyalties lied with The Major, and made the mistake of incurring their wrath. He is not human and this wasn't a real war (it went down in history as a terrorist attack: The Zeppelin Incident). It is implied that he is trying to release her, but doesn't know how to do so. During Alucard's flashback in OVA X, there is an image of Harker protecting Mina. It is implied that he is trying to release her, but doesn't know how to do so. Type of organization Pre-war Nazi Remnant, Base(s) Hindenburg II (Deus Ex Machina), Jaburo, Brazil. Extremely powerful, to the point where he qualifies as "nature" in terms of man vs. x conflicts, Alucard is a vampire who is well over 400 years old. The Millennium Organization To this end, Walter suggested the use of a SR-71 Blackbird, whose flight capabilities would allow it to approach the Eagle undetected. The Doctor (Hellsing) The Shi - Character; Character Study; Fandom Kombat 2020; Dark; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Missing Scene; Summary. She has an intense fixation on Seras for some reason. Alucard, probably born from being defeated, at his mightiest by Abraham Van Helsing and restoring his faith in humanity, Suddenly sour and bitter Integra in her fifties begins to smirk and smile again after Alucard's return with a good excuse, Walter reveals himself as a Nazi and after Alucard disappears. He is an anti-hero in the Hellsing manga and Hellsing Ultimate OVAs. She appears again in Chapter 2, in which The Doctor describes her as "perfect" and "horrible". Alucard proceeded to use the jet as both transport and weapon, crashing it into the deck of the Eagle and setting much of the carrier ablaze. 1 History 2 Quotes 2.1 Part 1 2.2 Part 2 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Walter is captured by The Captain during their invasion of England. Jan uses a pair of heavily modified, suppressed, , while Luke has a Walther PPK concealed up his sleeve and uses a pair of sawed-off. With her gun. In Chapter 93, Sorcerian 2, the Doctor stands before a door marked "No. Jan, on the other hand, is volatile and rude, constantly spewing forth random profanity and making lewd (often disturbing) comments. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. "In the time it took you to walk down the hall, I went all the way to London, had a freakishly large gun shoved in my mouth, got my head blown off, and came back here.". The Major refers to her as "our beginning and our end" and says that "once before, sanity and insanity fought over her", that "they trampled her underfoot", and that "she is just what is left over". There is a metal seal in her skull written in the lower-right corner "SS Gestapo", Hitler's secret police service during World War II, implying the Gestapo was involved with Millennium for some time. Despite attempts to hold her off, they are are all wiped out down to the last man. By then, Millennium's manpower was largely depleted, numbering only 572 troops not to mention the Iscariot gunships inflicted severe damage on their blimps with huge amounts of missile barrages, including the flagship. Alucard returns by killing all his souls except his own and that of Schrödinger, and now he's everywhere and nowhere. The invasion of London began after occupying a Royal Navy carrier (which in turn was destroyed by Alucard), arriving at the city at night. Led by Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, the Hellsing Organization finds its trump card not in the power of man, but in the strength of a monster it has tamed. Integra got angry and kicked her as result, Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy, https://allthetropes.org/w/index.php?title=Hellsing/Characters&oldid=1824227, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Averted, after the fight with Anderson, Alucard made it clear he wasn't in a rush to die. Aliases By their clothing and mannerisms, Luke is reminiscent of an English dandy and Jan, a stereotypical chav. Van Helsing defeats Dracula by punching a stake through his heart and successfully kills him, though later it is revealed that the Hellsing Organization took custody of his body, reviving the vampire as well as experimenting on him to make him the ultimate vampire. Most of the team members are itching for an excuse to kill her, but Anderson knows that keeping her alive is a one-way ticket to fighting Alucard, so he tells them to shut up, act polite, and guard her from Millenium's soldiers. In the manga he was shot by the Casull to the face and the Jackal to the legs)THe recut fixed that. Alucard: If I'm a dog...then you're dog food. Seras Victoria and The Captain fought, and with the aid of Pip Bernedotte, Seras was able to kill the Captain. She is the commander of one of Millennium's Zeppelin forces, and a formidable fighter, wielding a giant scythe with enough force to cut a man in half. These "magic bullets" are even able to change their trajectories in mid-flight and repeatedly hit a target before disintegrating. His weapon of choice is blessed bayonets, which he carries in great quantities, throwing them with unerring accuracy in order to hit his target in as many places as possible. She still has her less sane moments. The reason for the Vatican's assistance to the Nazis is so they could continue to fight communism, which they considered a godless government. While in London, Millennium found itself facing another enemy: the Iscariot Organization led by Archbishop Enrico Maxwell, which arrived with a far larger army backed up with gunships. Under the direction of Sir Shelby M. Penwood, British forces attempted to retake the Eagle with a squadron of SAS helicopters, only for the entire force to be shot down by Rip.