10 things you (probably) didn’t know about ancient Egypt. This hand-held musical instrument – about 20 inches high – is known as a sistrum and may have been used during Tutankhamun’s burial rites. Another mummy has been confirmed as Tutankhamun's mother, whose name is not known. The Saqqara complex is one of the most important archeological sites... Deir El Medina is one of the interesting historical sites in Luxor... Who Was King Akhenaton? Tutankhamun: who’s afraid of the pharaoh’s curse? King Tutankhamun (King Tut for short!) You will shortly receive a receipt for your purchase via email. They resemble leather and plant sandals Tutankhamun would have worn in life. Tutankhamun's reign coincided with a troubled time in Egyptian history known as the Amarna period, during which Akhenaten tried to radically transform religion to focus on just one god, Aton. Limited run. Tutankhamun's famous gold Ask a parent or guardian to check it out first and remember to stay safe online. When Howard and his Crew entered the tomb, they were greeted with thousands of spectacular treasures that had been left almost untouched, more than 3,300 years after the Egyptian Pharaoh’s death. The funeral mask of King Tutankhamen wore is one of the most famous ancient artifacts in the world. After their depredations ended, the thieves had clumsily resealed the passage leading the real treasures buried with the boy king with chips of limestone. Will your class be visiting the Tutankhamun Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery, London? Two Tutankhamun treasure exhibitions took many of the artifacts on a world tour in the 1960s through the 1970s and further secured Tut’s legacy. Tut Ankh Amun became the king of Egypt when he was only 9 years old. At the end of this corridor, a second door was discovered on November 4, 1922. The first time one was blown after their re-discovery, the lights went out in Cairo’s Egyptian Museum – and a few months later war broke out in Europe. Treasure of Tutankhamun is one of the new riddles in AC Origins, introduced in the Curse of The Pharaohs add-on. The emptying of Tutankhamun's tomb lasted several years and made But the cause of his death remains a mystery today! Discover how the Ancient Egyptians made mummies! The transformed Australian Museum will be ready to host the touring Tutankhamun treasures exhibition early in 2021. “After grave goods had been placed inside the tomb, a curse inscription was often carved to protect it,” explains Tarek El Awady, curator of the Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh exhibition. Visit tutankhamun‐london.com to find out more. As on the coffins, the lapis-lazuli outline of the eyes reproduces the distinctive Wow! “Such curses might have threatened that the bones of anyone who touches the tomb would be crushed by nails or his blood will be poisoned by snakes, for example.” It was As well as food, clothes and weapons, several games – including this Senet board –were also found in the Boy King’s tomb, to enjoy in the afterlife. Several months after the fabulous discovery, Britain's Lord Carnarvon, who financed the research, died in April 1923 of septicaemia following an infected cut. In 1331 B.C., in the third year of the reign of Tut Ankh Amun, the multi god system became prevailing once again and the capital went back to Thebes again as well. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The role of the sandal-bearer to a pharaoh was one of the most important positions in Ancient Egyptian society. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Please enter your number below. The most precious item that was found in the tomb of Tut Ankh Amun was his golden coffin. Tutankhamun's treasure: Gold and mystery PARIS - AFP. These cookies do not store any personal information. Below is a glimpse at a handful of those treasures – many of which are leaving Egypt for the first time. became ruler of Ancient Egypt when he was just nine years old. Some 48 of these ‘meat mummies’ were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. A lot of jewelry was found in the tomb of Tut Ankh Amun as well and the collection included 143 golden items ornamented with precious stones with most of them portraying the sun god in his several forms. “We found many different boomerangs in the tomb, the non-returning and the returning kind,” says El Awady. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Mahmoud Khalil Museum is one of the most interesting and... Copyright©1999-2020  Ask-Aladdin (DMCA Protected), The Tomb Of Amenhotep I (Valley Of The Kings - KV39), The Tomb Of Inherkhau (Deir El-Medina - TT359), The Tomb Of Horemheb (Kings valley - KV57), The Tomb Of Irunefer (Deir El-Medina - TT290), The Tomb Of Khaemhat (Sheikh Abd El-Qurna - TT57), The Tombs Of The Nobles At Thebes (Luxor), The Tombs Of The Workers Of Deir El-Medina. N.B. This is in addition to a marvelously designed and crafted alabaster lamp. The god Osiris was thought to determine if the deceased had committed good deeds on Earth and therefore deserved to live forever in the afterlife. Thank you for subscribing to HistoryExtra, you now have unlimited access. The Egyptian Ministry for Antiquities said this is the largest number of Tutankhamun artifacts ever to have left Cairo, and may never happen again. It goes on forever.”. Join Max the time-travelling mouse in our Mini Histories Comic…. Akhenaten was the husband of the legendary beauty Queen Nefertiti. During the ruling period of Tut Ankh Amun a revolt began in Tell El Amarna against the former king of Egypt at the time, Akhenaton. He went on with his excavation until he stumbled upon the tomb of Tut Ankh Amun. It weighs more than 110 kilograms and is made of pure gold. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Experts think this gold-covered bed (below) was made for King Tut’s funeral. Ask a parent or guardian to check it out first and remember to stay safe online. “The sistrum was not only a musical instrument; it had a greater value, as it was believed to be the most beloved musical instrument of Hathor. Find out all about these incredible invertebrates! “Most of the objects found in the tomb are ceremonial, or designed to be used by the Pharaoh in the afterlife” says El Awady. How many people are supposed to have died from the curse of Tutankhamun's tombs. “They have even been created in the shape of the cuts of meat contained within. Hawass also noted that the fracture that was found in one of the thighs of Tut Ankh Amun was not due any criminal actions but it was because King Tut had a break in his leg before he died. less than two attempts at robbery. These primary resources feature mind-blowing facts and images about the world’s most famous pharaoh. The eyes are made of quartz and obsidian. Born in c1342 BC, Tutankhamun ruled Ancient Egypt for around ten years until his death at the age of about 19. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. a pre-selected message and a cool badge. If there were, they weren’t heeded as the tomb is believed to have been raided more than once. He is the curator of the Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh exhibition and was speaking to BBC History Revealed staff writer Emma Slattery Williams, VISIT: Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh is at Saatchi Gallery in London from 2 November 2019 to 3 May 2020, LISTEN: A new BBC Radio 4 documentary, The Cult of King Tut, is available on BBC Sounds, This content first appeared in the December 2019 issue of BBC History Revealed. Ticket sales for topped 130,000 last week as curators began the delicate task of installing the spectacular 3,400-year-old exhibits. However, when the mummy of Tut Ankh Amun was scanned using the three dimensional CT the famous Egyptian Egyptologist Zahi Hawass announced that in fact there is no evidence whatsoever that proves that Tut Ankh Amun was murdered. Grave robbers had apparently twice invaded the inner tomb of King Tut. While doing some excavation work in the tunnel leading to the tomb of Ramses IV in the Valley of the Kings, Carter noticed that there was a large cellar. Whether it was intentional is not known. How much was King Tutankhamun's treasure worth? The Boy King died just ten years later and he was buried in a golden coffin surrounded by 5,000 priceless treasures, including animal statues, jewellery, clothes, weapons and even toys. The official website for BBC History Magazine, BBC History Revealed and BBC World Histories Magazine, What did pharaohs take with them to the afterlife? It was stuck back on with epoxy glue and took a team of German experts two months of restoration work to fix the botched repair. Tarek El Awady, curator of a new exhibition of treasures from Tutankhamnun's tomb at the Saatchi Gallery in London, tells BBC History Revealed what these objects – some of which are leaving Egypt for the first time – can tell us about the Boy King. The afterlife was incredibly important to the Ancient Egyptians. Another reason behind the worldwide fame of the King Tutankhamun was his death in an early age, an incident that many historians find to be strange especially after checking out his mummy and finding out there were some fractures in his skull. With the world gripped by Ancient-Egyptian fever, the media were desperate to publish new, exciting stories. Then download the Exhibition Pack, featuring a Teacher Resource, Activity Trail and Educators Guide! Tutankhamun treasure. The mother was a sister of Akhenaten, with genetic analyses showing incest between the parents. This wooden container is believed to have held a mummified duck while others held cuts of meat, such as beef and goat. Archeologists were also able to find 32 statues of Tut Ankh Amun and the gods of the afterlife all made out of wood ornamented with gold. eye make-up originally applied to protect against the sun's glare but increasingly archeological discovery ever made in Egypt. A lower-division Turkish football club reported on Nov. 7 that 29 people on both the team and its staff had contracted the novel coronavirus. The tomb of Tutankhamun, who died aged 19 in 1324 B.C. A huge collection of alabaster was also unearthed along with King Tut and it consists of many containers and vessels in the tomb of Tut Ankh Amun. The game was traditionally played by two people, but scenes on the wall of Nefertari’s tomb – wife of Pharaoh Rameses II – show her playing against an invisible adversary in order to move on into the afterlife. You have successfully linked your account! Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh, The Russian revolution: everything you wanted to know, From the first Remembrance Day to remembrance today. The social status of an individual determined the amount of treasure that was placed in the tomb. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In 2010 a study of DNA tests and CT scans concluded that he suffered from an often-fatal form of malaria and a club foot that caused him to walk with a cane. Wow! There are many reasons behind the importance of the collection of the King Tut Ankh Amun. “Gold was especially valued because, like the Ancient Egyptian gods, it doesn’t rust or change. Tutankhamum is believed to have married his half-sister Ankhesenpaaten, with marriage between brother and sister commonplace in the Egypt of the pharaohs. The touring show, which will open in London in November before moving on to Sydney, will help pay for the new Giza museum. Despite the rumours, it’s unknown if any curses were placed on Tutankhamun’s tomb. Pupils will also learn about the history and culture of Ancient Egypt as a whole – from its ancient monuments and hieroglyphics, to Egyptian gods and mummification! There is also chariot that is pulled by horses, and some weapons including swords, daggers, arches, and bayonets.