The name given to Himura Kenshin during the Bakumatsu, the Meiji Revolution, in the anime Rurouni Kenshin. Flag.

Hitokiri Battousai. D&D Beyond Heavies Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

"Senbonzakura" (千本桜; lit. ", The Enma helm set features the following writing: "我は死神だ." The term originates from the prefecture now known as Nara, and is meant to be an expression in regards to the sight of many cherry blossoms blooming in spring.

The Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu (幕末四大人斬り, Bakumatsu Yondai Hitokiri) was a term given to four samurai during the Bakumatsu era in Japanese history. • Hitokiri is a 1969 film directed by Hideo Gosha and starring Shintaro Katsu as Okada Izo and Yukio Mishima as Tanaka Shinbei. It should not be mistakenly interchangeable with the term "ono" (斧; lit. These four samurai were warrior elite and widely considered undefeatable by normal people. [1] The four men were Kawakami Gensai, Kirino Toshiaki (also known as Nakamura Hanjirō), Tanaka Shinbei, and Okada Izō.
", "Shingetsuha" (新月波) translates to "ray of the new moon. They wander the land clutching their masakari, the mighty axes they used to sentence criminals.Their presence on the battlefield spreads a dark cloud of death that can terrify all enemies. Many of Hitokiri's emotes and signatures use Japanese four-character idioms as their names. "Fortitude and Decision") translates to "dauntless and decisive. Oct 3 Word of the Day. The Hitokiri wear Japanese ceremonial garbs made of leather, linen and cotton, coloured with ashen grey and crimson, with rope bindings for both their upper body and limbs. "time and situation") translates into "the course of events in time. Be not afraid... your soul is now mine! Male/Female "human pillar") translates to "human sacrifice. Passive | Gain Damage Resistance after executing an enemy Hero. 145 "A million regrets") translates to "highly regrettable. "a thousand cherry petals") refers to a phrase that has been used popularly throughout Japanese popular culture, from song titles to terms used in manga/anime. The Samurai have a name for former executioners – Hitokiri, a word that means “manslayers” with no heart. The Hitokiri uniquely has ambient sounds when walking outside Guard Mode, where aside from their raspy breathing, there is an ominous hum. ", "Hitobashira" (人柱; lit. ", The North Star helm set features the following writing: "お前はもう死んでいる." The cherry blossoms have been a symbolism for mortality and the transient nature of life. This article is about the four samurai known as, 『歴史ポケット人物新聞 回天ふたたび 坂本龍馬』p95 及川拓哉著 大空出版 2008年8月1日,, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Hitokiri is a playable character in the videogame, This page was last edited on 14 September 2020, at 06:36. ", "Reigi" (礼儀) translates into "manners" or "courtesy. "axe") which is the general classification term for axes in Japanese, while the term Masakari is specifically given to large axes or an axe with an exceptionally long cutting edge. "unreasonable, intangible") translates into "by force. Masakari Axe - This large double-headed axe has been used by the Hitokiri to deal the death blow in executions. Historically, the Masakari was not actually used as much on the battlefield, as noted by Roman in the April 25th, 2019 Warrior's Den stream. These ghostly warriors have lost all faith in humanity. Hitokiri - Name Meaning - Is the name of Hitokiri helping or hurting you? "courteous rudeness") translates into "hypocritical courtesy" or "superficial politeness, rude intent. General Information ", "Murimutai" (無理無体; lit. Soon enough they were killed, enshrined and banished to the mountains. [2] They opposed the Tokugawa shogunate (and later, supported the Meiji Emperor).

", "Inginburei" (慇懃無礼; lit. This follows the possibility of tattoos in ancient Japan being implemented for spiritual purposes. Rurouni Kenshin Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. ", "Tokiyojisetsu" (時世時節; lit. Passive | You can still sprint when out of stamina. The word hitokiri (人斬) literally means "manslayer" or "man cutter," as the kanji 人 means person, while 斬 can alternatively mean slay or cut. Often, one carries the weight of his assassinations for the rest of his days and those in the know are able to tell a hitokiri by his very presence or the depth of his stare. Hero Type ", "Goukikadan" (剛毅果断; lit. The Hitokiri themselves may be based off the, It's apparent that Hitokiri's thematic also takes from Japanese horror and. This is counted as an FX, therefore controlled by FX volume in the volume menu. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Yato" (夜刀) likely is a reference to "Yato-no-kami" (夜刀神; lit. "Mugen-ryu" (無限流) literally translates to "way of the infinite" or "infinite style. They dictate the flow of combat with charged attacks and uninterruptible moves. Many, whether outright murderers or shameless braggarts, have claimed to be hitokiri in order to make others fear them, but it is said that being a hitokiri is not about killing - Not only does when one turn down the path of a hired blade to kill for a purpose and ambition, but a true hitokiri carries the weight of the lives he's taken upon his back as they drag him down into a hell of his own making all throughout his life for that very motivation. Discover your core purpose and make it a reality through a Balanced Name - ancient wisdom for a modern world. The word hitokiri literally means "manslayer" or "man cutter,"[3] as the kanji 人 means person, while 斬 can alternatively mean slay or cut. ", "Meikai" (冥界) translates to "lower world" or "Hell.

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