Finding the Fish. 2285 FARMINGTON AVENUE
In big water like St. Lawrence and Delaware Rivers, American eels are a favorite food source. Our local Delaware River is listed as one of the largest spawning grounds on the east coast. The lake owned by PPL holds primarily smallmouths and some largemouths in the shallow-water coves. Freshwater striped bass nail these fish when they are at the surface. The St. Lawrence River is also a big destination. These are the famous "Cape May Rips." 1997 17,250 Striped Bass Fingerling
Striped Bass
They will even follow bait schools into very shallow water less than 3 feet deep. From stripers to flounders and everything in between there is a spot to wet your line. I’ve read reports from anglers who turned on a boat light for a second to untangle his line and all the explosions at the surface stopped, only to start up again minutes later 100 yards away. striped bass record Vacant. Locate humps in the main body of the lake where the water can be as shallow as a few feet surrounded by deep drop-offs to deep water around it. Stripers will continue to take chunks of bunker until early December. click logo for the striped bass home page, Click Here for The Striper Forums
Hold on tight as these are big fish you’re dealing with and they have the power to match. I usually cut this part of the bunker up and throw it into the water to attract more fish. Broadkill Slough. It’s an exhilarating feeling, the feeling that I crave, and it is the reason I go fishing. When this happens, I focus my efforts on areas that hold this alternative forage, such as mud flats and reefs. Many people use the fish-finder rig so they can ‘feed’ a striper on the bite before setting the hook. 213 YOGI BLVD
Striped Bass
I toss pieces of cut bunker over the side when the tide is slack or moving at a slow to moderate pace. The following seasons, sizes and creel limits apply to the Delaware River and to Delaware River tributaries from the mouths of the tributaries upstream to the limit of the tidal influence and the Lehigh River from its mouth upstream to the first dam in Easton , Pennsylvania. If you are on a lake that freezes over, you can catch hybrid striped bass ice fishing. I live close to brinkmans. Lake Arthur covers about 3,225 acres. Stockings of pure stripers take place within the Delaware River and Susquehanna River drainages, where the fish are native. State Fishing Regulations, Pennsylvania
I think until you get your first strike, to cast at 45-degree angles to locate fish instead of casting straight out. Fish them exactly as I laid forth above in the alewife section. Each night during May and June in many reservoirs, these baitfish come up to the surface to spawn in pairs. To see a video about Delaware Bay Striped Bass Fishing, follow this Link:
These will almost always occur on defined points over fairly deep water. If the current is strong, you may need to reel faster to compensate. In the spring, stripers go up the Delaware River to spawn and to chase River Herring. But for sheer action and intensity, nothing beats the summertime night fishing associated with the spawn of their primary food sources. While the herring arrive in mid-April, small stripers move into the Schuylkill River following the Delaware River spawn before moving downstream for the summer. Since then, I've lived across the country and have really taken that passion for fishing to a new level. for Central Pennsylvania
There is nothing like having multiple hookups on cow striped bass! Striped Bass, Fayette County Pennsylvania Striper Fishing
Once the water temperature drops below 52 degrees, the bunker start to disappear and so do the bigger bass. Started September 12. If your state allows, you can rig tip-ups with live bait to include gizzard shad, threadfin shad, and alewives. I covered this in great detail earlier in this article but it deserves more coverage. To prevent the unintentional establishment of a non-native species in the Ohio River drainage, only hybrid stripers, which cannot reproduce, are stocked there. During summer, look for raised humps of shallow water surrounded by deep water. WORLD OF REPTILES * .00
Figure out what depth the bottom of the school is at and using a reel-mounted line counter, drop your spoon or jig about 10 feet beneath the bottom of the school. Late fall chunking often means weeding through dogfish and occasionally bluefish, but if you stick with it, you will get your stripers. Fisheries managers in the state do not tend to stock the striped bass hybrid in lakes and rivers that lead to Delaware or Chesapeake bays to minimize the chance of the hybrids mixing and reproducing with wild marine striped bass. 1. Use the least amount of weight possible to hold bottom – you’ll want to pack weights from 2 to 6 ounces. 184 GRANGE ROAD
2002 11,498 Striped Bass Hybrid Fingerlings
BOYERTOWN, PA 19512-0311
Going to try this method tomorrow. But you can still catch some stripers in rivers if you pick the right spot. There are also many privately stocked class A lakes listed at the bottom of the page with striped bass hybrids or pure bred stripers stocked in them as well. On these nights, toss lures that will sink down 2-6 feet deep. Striped bass or hybrid striped bass are found in Blue Marsh Lake, Lake Arthur, Lake Erie, Raystown Lake Wallenpaupack Lake, Beltsville Lake, Lake nockamixon, Lake Redmond, the Youghiogheny River Lake, a tributary of the Monongahela River. These stripers can be tougher to locate in bigger water but are usually bigger and just as aggressive. Make sure you reel that bait in very slowly and keep that wake small. MCCLELLANDTOWN, PA 15458
Started Yesterday at 05:42 AM, By Started May 30, 2018, By used, the largest stripers are often caught using the head. LENHARTSVILLE, PA 19534-9529
Do not allow any slack in the line during the hookup or the fight or else you will lose the fish. I fish the N.Y. Jamaica Bay waters where stripes are in abundance. 637 NEW HOLLAND ROAD
in water only 3 feet deep at low tide. He has over 15 years experience writing for several Fortune 500 companies. In Pennsylvania it is stocked mostly in the western part of the state, in reservoirs such as Lake Arthur and Shenango Lake, and in the big-river area of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers near Pittsburgh. INDIAN CREEK FARM * INDIAN CREEK FARM 3.30 1096 - 48 A
This type of shoreline, plus the fact that the bay is fed my numerous rivers and streams
Trying to reel in a 30-plus-pound striper against a 2- to 3-knot current can be very difficult, so you will need a beefy setup during these times, especially when fishing in deeper water. The inline sinker helps keep the bait close to the bottom where the stripers are feeding when they are in the Delaware Bay. Maximum depth is about 35 feet, though the average depth is much less. NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557-9531
It is located East of Hamburg along old Route 22. The TideRunner There will be explosions all-around your bait and it will be very exciting but they may not hit your lure at all. The sound will make a very loud “dooooosh” sound. What is important is that your bait doesn’t spin in the current, so be sure to cut your baits up and hook them in a way that keeps them from spinning. Make sure you hook them through the lips so they can swim naturally. Striped bass sleeker, larger, and have continuous black stripes on their sides. To fish these events, throw topwater swimbaits that look like shad or alewives right into the middle of the action. Identification: The hybrid striped bass’s body is stockier than that of a pure striped bass, and its lateral stripes are discontinuous and less distinct. Striped bass hang out there preying on baitfish that are swept past, and that become disoriented by the
Striped Bass, Rockfish, Striper, Linesider. When hooked up, I try to leave everything in the water that I possibly can. Locate schools of bait and you’ll likely find some stripers following nearby. / Mount Holly. Additionally, the reservoir depth occasionally fluctuates depending upon climatic conditions. It is located in Berks County on the eastern edge of Hamburg. Stripers have been known to release eggs as far north as Easton, Pennsylvania. Striper fishing back further in the bay can also be outstanding. Be mindful of this and be patient. Striped Bass, Cumberland County Pennsylvania Striper Fishing, LIBERTY FORGE GOLF COURSE * EQUITY AND JUSTICE LAKE 5.00 Acres
Tfisher This tactic leaves out the common error of the angler feeding a fish for too long and allowing the bass to feel unnatural resistence and drop the bait. Stripers will key in your bait as it looks like a shad or alewife that is panicked and going rogue away from the main body of the school. I grew up fishing for anything that swims but really cut my teeth fishing for trout, chain pickerel, bass, and bullheads in my teenage years. Through stocking, striped bass have reached the West Coast. Up north of Trenton there are resident striper 12"-30" all year round.The issue you may run into a lack of area to fish from shore down by the Walt Whitman. Add a 2 or 3 foot leader and a baited hook with a bobber to keep the bait off the bottom of the river floor. Hybrid striped bass also known as “wipers” are hybrids of striped bass and white bass. Striped Bass Fishing, Pennsylvania Stripers and Hybrid Striped Bass, Striped
1994 13,800 Striped Bass Fingerlings
Trolling is your best option in this small confined areas. Then you can get your eel down deep without using excessive weight, and
This is the optimum time to fish for stripers in rivers. In these entirely freshwater environments, stripers spend their year in the main body of the lake but go up into streams and inlets to spawn. Some productive locations for chunking for stripers in the Bay are:
Female Stripers will release eggs into the current. If you have been following my articles about "How to Catch Striped Bass on the Delaware River" this will fill in some gaps for the bank fishermen that I have neglected. It begins at the first earthen deflector that extends into the creek, and continues down to the Covered Bridge area, in the Berks County Park System. I do have a question however, are you on anchor or drifting when you are “chunking”? Spring striper in the Delaware river is very underrated in my opinion. Stripers247.com
However, much of the spawning process occurs in the tidal sections of Trenton and Philadelphia. Hybrid striped bass are especially aggressive in their feeding. shoals that form the Rips, using large lures like a "Mann's Stretch 25.". These stripers can be tougher to locate in bigger water but are usually bigger and just as aggressive. 2001 11,500 Striped Bass Fingerlings
This is what chunking for striped bass in the Delaware Bay is all about. Rocky areas, such as the bottom of bluff banks or cliffs, can also hold stripers. In the spring, stripers go up the Delaware River to spawn and to chase River Herring. Pennsylvania
I recommend a medium-heavy rod and reel spooled with braided line to deal with the hard-running tides of the Delaware Bay, especially around the full and new moons. FORT LITTLETON, PA 17223
This is the best single time of the year to fish for freshwater striped bass. These are very big baits but huge stripers devour them. Since the early 1900’s, efforts have been made to introduce these fish to large lakes and reservoirs across the country. (717)637-1321
When chunking, I will go through 30 or more bunker in a tide. Every year, in both the spring and the fall, many
These are striped bass swimming through the bait.