Photo: Cole Rodger. The difference between a loupe and a magnifying glass is simply that a loupe doesn't have an attached handle and its lens frame is slightly more conical. Now it's time to test your diamond. One of the most famous black diamonds, the Eye of Brahma, also known as the Black Orlov Diamond, is large both in size and in infamy, originally weighing in at 195 carats.The diamond was originally set into a statue of the Hindu god, Brahma, but was stolen by a monk, incurring a curse on … Most of the black diamonds sold for jewelry and engagement rings have been treated to induce the color. So cursed that several of its owners committed suicide, it was ultimately recut to break the hex. It is believed that an untreated black diamond receives its color from many multiple inclusions of graphite in the stone. Characteristics that can be used in identifying this form of black diamond are color and surface texture. If your stone does not leave a scratch on the glass, it is most likely a fake. But how can you tell if a diamond is real? These “black diamonds” are so tough that it takes a 20-ton hydraulic press to break them. However, a fine natural-color black diamond is a beautiful stone, with a distinctive look unlike other diamonds in the marketplace. Carbonados are extremely difficult to work with in jewelry settings because of how hard they are to cut and polish. Because diamonds are ranked hardest on the Mohs scale, a real diamond should scratch glass. Use your GIA report number to look up your report results. What we see more often than not are actually real diamonds of poor quality or enhancement," says Judd Rottenberg, principal at Long Jewelers, graduate gemologist at GIA and certificated gemologist at AGS. Get Our Wedding Planner App On Your Mobile Device, How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With Fog, How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With Water, How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With a Magnifying Glass, How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With a Black Light, How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With a Loupe, 32 Non-Diamond Engagement Rings That Make a Statement, 30 Insanely Creative Engagement Photo Ideas to Steal. Next, check to see if there are small flecks of minerals or slight color changes. Before we dive into the home tutorials, it's important to know the difference between mounted and loose diamonds. They also must be set with great care. Research into the cause of color in black diamonds is relatively recent. Use of this site signifies your agreement to its terms of use. Once you have one, look through the loupe, look for inclusions. Lab-created diamonds normally don't have any imperfections since these gems are produced in controlled environments. However, if you're in a pinch, we have five simple tests you can use at home to tell if a diamond is real or fake. golden ring image by Yulaki Khvenchuk from, Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Pro tip: It's also important to know if the diamond is certified within one of the three top grades – GIA, AGS, and IGI. Black diamonds fall outside this color range, so their color is evaluated based on GIA’s color grading system for colored diamonds. Experts advise that you do your homework. Most diamonds will reveal blue florescence under a black light; therefore, you'll see a medium to strong color of blue, which means the diamond is real. The resulting color is actually a dark bluish green but because the color is so dark, it appears to the eye as black. What are known as “black diamonds” may actually be two separate things. If you're purchasing a mounted diamond, you may want to ask the jeweler to remove the stone so you can have it thoroughly inspected while it's loose. 4. Many begin as gray, heavily included and fractured diamonds that are subjected to high-temperature/low-pressure treatment, which graphitizes the fractures, turning them black. Just like other diamonds, the 4Cs (cut, clarity, color and carat) should all be considered if you’re purchasing a black diamond engagement ring, loose black diamond or other jewelry. A 5.33 carat (ct) black diamond makes for a breathtaking center stone. "Occasionally, we do encounter stones that are not real diamonds. The two rubies and colorless diamond accent stones create vivid color contrasts. A black diamond’s nature is such that it may contain hundreds if not thousands of microscopic fractures. Artificial irradiation of off-color diamonds can also produce a green so dark the diamond appears black. If you see a medium to strong color of blue, you can rest assured that you’re holding a real diamond. Black diamonds have a unique and dramatic beauty. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, The Nature of Diamonds; George E. Harlow; 1998. A loupe is a small magnification device that's used by jewelers to see small details up close. Author J. R. Sutton wrote in his 1928 book Diamond: A Descriptive Treatise: “Ordinary black diamond is not greatly unlike black sealing wax. While most real diamonds often have imperfections, don't rely on this method as your final determination. There are flawless diamonds out there, but they're either lab created or pretty pricey. These diamonds may also have numerous cleavages or fractures that are … Consumers had little interest in black diamonds until the late 20th century, when designers started using them in jewelry, especially contrasting them with tiny colorless diamonds in pavé settings. Their color is that of shiny charcoal and their surface is filled with tiny bubbles resembling a combination of melted glass and lava rock. Research into the cause of color in black diamonds is relatively recent. Often, mounted diamonds' mountings can hide potential flaws, cracks or chips. It's simple physics. How to Tell if a Diamond Is Real With a Black Light . Try these five at-home tests and see how your stone responds. Then, press the tip of the tester against the suspected diamond. Consequently, GIA does not issue grading reports for these diamonds. This probably leaves you wondering how to tell if a diamond is real if there are so many look-alikes. Viewing a specimen of each type of black diamond will help to inform the novice which is a treated stone and which is not. Once you have it, turn off the lights and hold the diamond in front of the black light. How Black Diamonds Get their Color. In the jewelry-making business, black diamonds are generally a poor quality of conventional diamond that is either mined as a black stone (untreated) or is a brown or poor quality diamond that is treated via the process of irradiation to look black. Most diamonds will reveal blue florescence under a black light; therefore, you'll see a medium to strong color of blue, which means the diamond is real. Sometimes there are so many graphite inclusions the stone becomes an electrical conductor. They're not all fool-proof, but they'll give you a good idea about whether you should be suspicious of your diamond or not. Perhaps they’re best for a couple with that kind of relationship – and maybe that describes you and your future spouse. While black diamonds are eye-catching, their history is even more intriguing. © 2002 - var today = new Date(); var year = today.getFullYear(); document.write(year); Gemological Institute of America inc. GIA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. If you’re attracted to black diamonds, you may also be captivated by another enigmatic colored diamond: the Fancy white diamond. A real diamond has some qualities that can't be faked. Interest has continued to grow. For the scratch test, take the stone and try to scratch a piece of glass with it. A real diamond won't fog up easily since the condensation doesn't stick to the surface. The care and cleaning of black diamonds is the same as for any delicate gemstone: do not use steam or ultrasonic cleaners, which could cause damage. Failing to scratch one using a white diamond (the hardest stone) should prove the hardness of a carbonado. What’s more, because black diamonds are opaque – and, in most cases, heavily included – they cannot be graded on the GIA clarity scale. Rottenberg says another big misconception is that real and fake diamonds look the same. Holding each up to the light should reveal more transparency in the treated diamond and less in the untreated one. So, if you're wondering how to know if a diamond is real, know that the while the test of time will tell you, there are other ways to test your stone, too. "At first, a diamond and a cubic zirconia may look similar, but in a short period of time, a cubic zirconia stone will lose its brilliance and look damaged," Rottenberg says. A platinum setting with 1.01 carats of colorless diamonds on the shank creates a stunning contrast. Black diamonds used in the jewelry business and black diamonds used in industrial settings for boring have separate origins. Check the device to see if it has a full battery by making sure that the green light is on. how to tell if a diamond is real will vary, depending on whether the diamond is loose or set in a mounting. "The biggest misconception is there's just one type of 'fake.' Natural-color black diamonds typically are completely opaque, with a high luster that gives the stones an almost metallic appearance. They are often more affordable than other diamonds, too. Although diamond is prized for its superior hardness, these multiple fractures make black diamonds more vulnerable to breakage from sharp blows than colorless diamonds. Alex Burke holds a degree in environmental design and a Master of Arts in information management. So how can you tell if a diamond is real? You can purchase a diamond tester online. Learn step-by-step how to clean a diamond ring at home for every type of metal and setting. Today we know that most naturally colored black diamonds get their color from large quantities or clouds of minute mineral inclusions such as graphite, pyrite or hematite that extend throughout the stone. Want to know how to tell if a diamond is real? A 2.01 ct princess cut black diamond set in 14K blackened gold with black diamond side stones is the definition of a statement engagement ring. The use of 18K yellow gold softened its appearance. If you don't see the blue color and instead see a slight green, yellow or gray fluorescence then this usually indicates the gem is not a real diamond. If there are signs of slight color changes and flecks, then the diamond is more than likely real. Mined diamonds usually have tiny, natural imperfections which indicate the diamond is real. A perpetual student, Burke writes Web content on a variety of topics, including art, interior design, database design, culture, health and business.