Because this Warning that Jesus spoke of to St. Faustina, and Mother Mary at Garabandal, and now Prophets such as John Leary explain it as being so critical, I feel like the Holy Spirit wants us to focus on this and make it a mission for Jesus! This all sounds scary and gruesome, but the truth is we have to choose Jesus now to build up our Faith and Trust so that we don’t fall to temptation in the final test! x��YI��F����9�=E�*��n��-3 ��4��H.��C�X�$������Zja}��ʜa�����п 8���~~���}j��~}��� �s�""�x���L��_~�XNp1h�qr��7�h���p1�tq]Nx�!���͍[�N���#4i��/>��-�-��,����/ -V�*���rn��0�SQ���� �V���D�������r��� A��ܡ���_�9M+L��狙Np�����%���|ېYN��~e�Xp:�P �;E#3�$Z���H�zx[����&{@�#�����s|�y�GBTp��Q�3 The Warning or Illumination of Conscience. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of my visitation. %äüöß If one of the things that a prophet or a blogger I have posted in this blog offends you, that is not my intention. Just imagine how bad it is going to be many years from now, when the cup of iniquity is full! Also, latest video from Dr. Taylor Marshall, “It’s not over for Trump.” Also, President Trump releases statement after the Election! All of the prophecies that have been given about the Warning, or Illumination of Conscience is listed and description of events that take place. Also, Newsmax TV may be the new True Conservative News Media to Watch! Not only is it critical to the salvation of our loved ones souls, but all souls for Jesus! Also, another Jason A Video on Signs of the end times, and a video of the First Night of Lockdowns in London, England. guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. Healings during the Warning (Illumination of Conscience): JESUS said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read about two successful healings because they had faith in My healing power. Election Chaos by Newsmax TV! Announcement made by the Media that Biden has won the Presidency in the United States. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also, a video from Father David Nix and Padre Peregrino explaining the “Great Reset”. Posts in This Blog Explaining Why We Are in The End Times. Mari-Cruz married Ignacio Caballero in May 1970. Perhaps it is now that He wants me to highlight Fr. Posts in This Blog on “The Second Sun”, or “Great Comet of Chastisement” Our Blessed Mother Has Been Warning us About. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. New Message to Luz De Maria, November 4, 2020! There is also a booklet that Mary Refuge of Holy Love has listed by a Father Philip Bebie. I just found this blog and this post and I'm reposting it here on my blog: Part 1 Countdown to the Warning Father Joseph M. Esper <>, CAROL AMECHE LOCUTION ABOUT THE "WARNING", On Nov. 9th, 2014, POPE FRANCIS RECOGNIZED MARTHE ROBIN AS VENERABLE (MARCH 13, 1902 - FEBRUARY 6, 1981). Dr. Taylor Marshall and the invitation to the Jericho March! As my friend always says, you have to take the meat of the message and leave the bones, Luke 9: 23-24. %PDF-1.4 I ran across this article by Fr. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This blog is about surrender, transformation, relationship and discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, in the book of Revelations, Chapter 10, there is an angel that gives John a small scroll to eat that tastes sweet, but then turns his stomach sour. We always have to have hope in Jesus Christ. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. God is speaking to all Christians who pick up their cross and follow Him, and we have to learn to put our differences aside and fulfill His Will, especially as the persecution of all Christians gets worse! This is a prompting by the Holy Spirit and we serve Jesus by listening and putting into action that prompting. The enemy has a way of putting fear in our hearts to make us believe we are not following Jesus if we do this or don’t do this or listen to this. Priests and Religious Speak on End Times. Book of Revelation 6:12 of St. John the Evangelist: When he opened the Sixth (6th) Seal, I looked and there came a great earthquake.The Sun became black as sack cloth, the full Moon became blood and the Stars of the sky fell to the Earth, as the fig … Also, New insights from Father David Nix on Fatima and the Vatican! Follow Live and Love for JESUS on Matthew 24:14. The Illumination of Conscience in the Divine Will… Posted by Janet Klasson in Divine Will, dreams, humility, Illumination of conscience October 30, 2020. Joseph M. Esper and because it explains about the Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal, I decided to pos... Hi Friends: Someone sent this Web Site address to me that has some interesting reading about Garabandal. Those are just thoughts. 2 0 obj THE WARNING: TESTIMONIES AND PROPHECIES OF THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE New book by Christine Watkins, Queen of Peace Media, $17.95 softcover, September 28, 2019 This captivating book offers the world the most thorough understanding to date of “the Warning,” or “the Illumination of Conscience”—a critical moment in human history when every person alive will see … More Updates on the United States Election with Dr. Taylor Marshall! As Prophet John Leary goes into detail about the Warning, that we will have about 6 weeks before we are led to a refuge by our Guardian Angels, the antichrist will make his appearance to start deceiving many into believing he is our savior. I’d really appreciate it. As I said before, Jesus wants all of God’s children to come to Him for their salvation before it is too late. Posts in This Blog on How to Prepare for the Times of Distress Spiritually Before the Warning and the Coming Tribulation. Joining LifeSite News in Praying the Holy Rosary for November 7, 2020! Hmm it seems like your blog ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I'm posting this Message from Our Lady to Carol Ameche because it is new and contains some information about the "Warning" tha... Pope Francis advanced the sainthood causes for Marthe Louise Robin, recognizing her “heroic virtue.” Recognized as venerable was Marthe L... DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR BLESSED MOTHER TOLD CONCHITA THAT SOON AFTER A SYNOD, THE WARNING WOULD COME??? Hmm it seems like your blog ate my first comment (it was super long) so I Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. .” (Diary 1160). ( Log Out /  Don’t be afraid! The one woman had hemorrhages for many years, and she believed if she just touched the tassel on My cloak, then she would be healed. We could already be at war at this time and have had many catastrophic natural disasters and experiencing famine! Ruptly News reports and interviews individuals with issues casting their ballots. Some of you may say, well the Warning is not in Scripture, so I am not going to believe it. I thought I would pass it on t... SEER'S DEATH PUTS SPOTLIGHT ON DRAMA OF 'APPARITIONS' IN VILLAGE OF GARABANDAL By Michael H. Brown ... All four of the visionaries are married and have left the village. updated some information regarding the village of Garabandal, the current Bishop and Pastor. I did heal her both physically, and in her soul. I have already mentioned some of the bloggers that have been doing this for a while that have also been informed by the Holy Spirit on what to write for Our Lord. However, God’s timing is everything. Thomas Celso, BDV, on the Divine Will. New Show with Pastor Paul Begley and Mike From Around the World on the Coming Apocalypse and the Election! So, if we have chaos all around us and we have a person telling us if we join together in One Government so we don’t starve to death, you may be deceived into believing this is your only hope to survive. No, this is why you have to read God’s Word and know His Word, the Bible. Father Bebie is now deceased, but he wrote the booklet in hopes to explain how critical it is to evangelize the world in order to turn people back to God so that the Chastisement doesn’t occur. Do you have any points for rookie blog writers? The Warning is for every person on earth the age of seven and higher. When you learn how to discern from the Holy Spirit, you feel it in your heart first, then as you get better at understanding of this tugging at your heart or soul, you begin to understand discernment. Do not listen to any pastor or priest if he or she is telling you God will understand if you are starving to death and you take the mark of the beast to save yourself and your family. No. New Homily by Father James Altman from November 6, 2020. Change ). Priests and Religious Fighting For Jesus and Our Church Today. And then shall every man have praise from God." Garabandal cannot be reduced to simple "events of the past"; it remains mysteriously contemporary as we await the fulfillment of the "Warning", "Miracle", & "Great Sign." Posts In This Blog on The Warning, or Illumination of Conscience. President Trump’s Legal Team gives update on Election battle. Also, Archbishop Vigano’s Letter translated in Spanish and Portuguese to Faithful Catholics to Pray against Satan and against those that are causing electoral fraud! End Time Prophets, Bloggers and Watchmen. James Blount, internationally known exorcist, speaks of this coming Great Event. God is constantly calling us into service when we surrender because He needs souls like you to be a vessel to save all souls. I will post here the Warning and what it is and then I will explain more. … ( Log Out /  . Then you have to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment when reading Scripture and He will reveal the truth to you. Become a disciple of Jesus Christ and put on the Armour of God! Some of it is kept hidden for reasons only Our Lord knows. new to everything. Jesus will show us this when we are experiencing the Warning with Him. All Christians believe that we are going to have a renewed evangelization when the Holy Spirit comes and sets us all on fire for the Love of Jesus! News From Rudy Giuliani that “Networks Don’t Decide Elections”.