It is a well known fact that the vast Kryptonian powers that make him Superman also made Kal-El immortal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mxyztplk also attempted to erase Superman from all of reality and memory), Energy Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Through Torquasm-Vo, a Kryptonian mental technique, Superman can access his own inner consciousness and astral plane to build up psychic blocks and fight off telepathic attacks), Illusion Creation, Empathic Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Has survived Sub-Atomic destruction), Time Manipulation and Time Stop (Two Examples), Existence Erasure (Can withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams), Attack Potency: At least Solar System level (Should be vastly superior to his past self and Kal Kent. Superman's Ultimate Form is Stronger Than Any Hero, Ever. All abilities of his past self to a much greater degree, as well as all abilities granted by the Super Sun to Kal Kent, including: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Empowerment, Flight, Enhanced Senses (Super Vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste. Superhuman Speed: Superman Prime One Million has the ability to move and fly incredibly fast. Resistance to: Transmutation (As shown here and here), Matter Manipulation (Can survive against Doomsday’s molecular death aura), Gravity Manipulation (Withstood a powerful gravitational anomaly), Radiation Manipulation (Unfazed by cosmic radiations, and withstood an atomic explosion), Disease Manipulation (Shown here), Sleep Inducement and Sound Manipulation (Unfazed by Batman’s gases and sonic disruptor), Electricity Manipulation (As shown here) Reality Warping (Resisted Mister Mxyzptlk's realm without physics, gravity, reality as well as fractured space-time. Mxyzptlk also attempted to erase Superman from all of reality and memory), Energy Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Through Torquasm-Vo, a Kryptonian mental technique, Superman can access his own inner consciousness and astral plane to build up psychic blocks and fight off telepathic attacks), Fire Manipulation (Withstood Apokolips' fire), Illusions, Empathic Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation (Regularly absorbs nuclear energy and higher-than-usual amounts of red solar energy, all of which contain high levels of radioactivity), Matter Manipulation (Survived sub-atomic destruction), Time Manipulation (Countered a temporal modulation field), Time Stop (Broke out of full chrono-suspension), Existence Erasure (Can withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams), Possession (Neron couldn't possess him), Willpower Manipulation (Has nearly infinite willpower), Death Manipulation (Overcame death inducement and prevented his heart from being stopped), Acid Manipulation (Inhaled acid gas to protect others, and was unaffected by having liquid acid dumped on him), Electricity Manipulation (Unaffected by high levels of electricity), Magma Manipulation (Was unaffected by Lady Blaze's magma), Telekinesis (Forced his way through telekinesis), Deconstruction (Was unaffected by a disintegration beam), Corruption and Biological Manipulation (Overcame Skyhook's corrupting power), Pain Manipulation (Resisted Kalibak's Nerve Beam, which activates all its target's pain receptors), Magic (Was stated to be immune), All abilities of his past self to a much greater degree, including: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Yellow Stellar Radiation Absorption and Empowerment, Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, X-Ray Vision, Microscopic Vision, Telescopic Vision, Heat Vision, Super Breath, Freeze Breath, Super Flare, Super-Radar (ability to sense transmissions and energy waves), Superhuman Senses (includes vision, hearing and smell), Body Control (Can raise his body temperature), Can Thunder Clap (As shown here), Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Adept at boxing, and is noted to possess formidable brawling skills by Captain Comet), Non-Physical Interaction (Can counter phasing with his Super Breath), Superhuman Intelligence, Eidetic Memory, Danger Sense (Through his Super Hearing), Regeneration (At least Mid-Low), Longevity, Regeneration (Likely Mid, has the same regeneration feats as his New Earth self and is most likely on par with that of General Zod), Intangibility He is also capable of converting biological energy into Solar Radiation, Limited Space-Time Manipulation (Capable of opening and closing holes in the fabric of spacetime), Data Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, and Quantum Manipulation, Capable with alien technology, Likely several more unknown skills (Was stated to have learned various skills from all over the universe for over 50,000 years) DC One Million's Superman Prime proves to be the ultimate form of the character, presenting a hero unmatched by any other force in the Multiverse. He would watch as he outlived his parents, then his friends and allies and then even his wife Lois Lane. His Spirit Destroyed. Marvel & DC Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. He can focus up to a sub-atomic and molecular level or widen to a planetary scale. The Flash/Regime: A speed aid to his passive can result in a super fast attack from Superman. Note 2: See this thread for common misconceptions about the character. Superman M worships Superman Prime. Just like any human, Kryptonite has no effect on him because his Krypton was swallowed by the sun and there were no remnants spread throughout the universe from an explosion. He can likely achieve speeds trillions of times faster than light. Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. Resistance to Reality Warping (Resisted Mister Mxyzptlk's realm without physics, gravity, reality as well as fractured space-time. His power is amplified by his Green Lantern Ring) | Small Planet level+ (Stronger than his past self) | Multiverse level+ (Comparable to, if not stronger than, his past self after many sun dips), Striking Strength: Universal+ (Roughly on par with Kal Kent) | Small Planet Class+ | Multiversal+, Speed: Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+, Durability: Universe level+ (Comparable to Kal Kent) | Small Planet level+ | Multiverse level+. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. All abilities of his past self to a much greater degree, as well as all abilities granted by the Super Sun to Kal Kent, including: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Empowerment, Flight, Enhanced Senses (Super Vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste. While his powers burn out fast, he has some bonuses that Superman does not have. Superhuman Stamina: Superman Prime One Million’s Kryptonian physiology allows him exert himself at peak capacity for an undetermined amount of time. Superman One Million was able to punch his way 85,000 years into the future. Mxyzptlk also attempted to erase Superman from all of reality and memory), Energy Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Through Torquasm-Vo, a Kryptonian mental technique, Superman can access his own inner consciousness and astral plane to build up psychic blocks and fight off telepathic attacks), Fire Manipulation (Withstood Apokolips' fire), Illusions, Empathic Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation (Regularly absorbs nuclear energy and higher-than-usual amounts of red solar energy, all of which contain high levels of radioactivity), Matter Manipulation (Survived sub-atomic destruction), Time Manipulation (Countered a temporal modulation field), Time Stop (Broke out of full chrono-suspension), Existence Erasure (Can withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams), Possession (Neron couldn't possess him), Willpower Manipulation (Has nearly infinite willpower), Death Manipulation (Overcame death inducement and prevented his heart from being stopped), Acid Manipulation (Inhaled acid gas to protect others, and was unaffected by having liquid acid dumped on him), Electricity Manipulation (Unaffected by high levels of electricity), Magma Manipulation (Was unaffected by Lady Blaze's magma), Telekinesis (Forced his way through telekinesis), Deconstruction (Was unaffected by a disintegration beam), Corruption and Biological Manipulation (Overcame Skyhook's corrupting power), Pain Manipulation (Resisted Kalibak's Nerve Beam, which activates all its target's pain receptors), Magic (Was stated to be immune), All abilities of his past self to a much greater degree, including: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Empowerment, Acrobatics (Can leap tall buildings and was shown to be highly agile), Flight, Enhanced Senses (Super Vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste. Superhuman Stamina: Superman Prime One Million’s Kryptonian physiology allows him exert himself at peak capacity for an undetermined amount of time. Superhuman Strength: Superman Prime One Million has the ability to physically lift humongous levels of weight, and deliver physical blows of colossal magnitudes. Or be caught up by Buddha’s palm (it dosnt matter how fast or how far you go you stay stuck in Buddha’s palm). Superhuman Speed: Superman Prime One Million has the ability to move and fly incredibly fast. Standard Equipment: The last Green Lantern ring of his universe. Can hears across the planet and can identify heartbeats), Information Analysis (Can quickly analyze molecular and genetic information and electromagnetic makeups), Heat Manipulation and Limited Matter Manipulation via Heat Vision (His heat vision can match absolute zero, replace the effects of the sun, and agitate molecules to cause structures to shatter), Durability Negation (His heat vision works on a microscopic level), Non-Physical Interaction (His heat vision can hit intangible beings and counter molecular phasing), Limited Power Nullification (He can cut off external sources of power using heat vision), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2), Super Breath and Ice Breath, Limited Intangibility and Invisibility (Can become intangible and turn invisibile via phasing), Afterimage Creation, Illusion Creation (Torquasm Vo can create illusions to provide a distraction), Aura (Generates a constant aura around himself to protect his clothes and avoid grime), Martial Arts and Pressure Point Strikes, Limited Sound Manipulation (Destroyed an illusion by shouting, should be able to replicate Supergirl's sonic scream), Limited Air Manipulation (Can generate and cancel tornadoes; Can draw air out of an area by creating updrafts), Limited Electricity Manipulation (Can generate enormous amounts of static electricity), Limited Vibration Manipulation (Can thunderclap), Calmed a creature down with a touch, Astral Projection (He taught it to his wife Lois), Regeneration (At least Mid-Low), Body Control (Can control autonomous body functions, allowing him to fool sensors), Absorption of Electromagnetic Energy (Absorbed energy from an EM gun; Getting shocked recharged his strength), Geothermal Energy (Learned to leech power from the earth around him), and other types of Energy.