Think from a child’s point of view—probably, there are four parts to it: “First, it’s a compulsory subject and I don’t like compulsion.” She has a Master of Science in applied developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Education. Specific buildings | Hospitals, museums, etc. *If you wanted an organized list, I am so sorry, because it probably not what this is. Specific scents | Perfume/Cologne, fruits, the smell of a new car, etc. He may gravitate to the buildings blocks, but completely ignore a ball or crayons and paper. Thanks I like the way u propose to polish our English. Thanks for this useful article. I get alot! It is therefore easy to manage own life and those around if one understands their likes and dislikes. But, that's alright because I do like spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers." If a girl likes you, she will want to look her most attractive whenever you are around. It's all about the inflections in her voice. You may find out that she's nervous to dance in front of others or that she thinks her teacher doesn't like her. Dislike very hot weather, arrogant people, alcohol, pop/chart music, twilight. To talk about your general likes or dislikes, follow this pattern: like something or like doing something. If she shrugs off the idea, she may not have a true "like." Instead of directing the child during play-times, the parents allow him to take the lead. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. the Joker!) Shunning the crayons for the blocks one time may not mean that he hates art. A woman’s body is extremely sensitive, and every woman likes when her man pays attention to other parts of her body. Art | painting, drawing, spray painting, etc. “I like swimming” = I like swimming generally. Music | Playing, listening, creating, etc. Likes: 1.Pizza 2.Xbox 360 ( which goes well with pizza ) 3. *Also, you know what? Between the ages of 5 and 6, your child is able to start expressing her likes and dislikes in a more complex way, according to the website Scholastic Teachers 3. Specific feelings | Anger, love, disappointment, etc. *Will be updated and if you have any suggestions/things I’ve missed, please … Remembering something previously forgotten, like a sound or sensation. Sarcasm can be a great way for her to tell you that she doesn't like you without actually having to do so. Play up your curious child's desire to explore and allow him to make his own discoveries. “He really likes that new golf course.” (Remember to stress “really” in this sentence. Doing so helps you to figure out what he truly doesn't like and what he is just temporarily ignoring.