Yet the contest began, And, having begun He could give the final victory to either side any day. Certainly of the five masters - Napoleon, Bismarck, Victoria, Browning and Lincoln, Lincoln is to me the most human and lovable. What classes are … Continue reading The First St […], The world belongs to those who take action. He was one of you and yet he became Abraham Lincoln.”, “[September] 27th [1862] If I had had my way, this war would never have been commenced.”, “[September] 27th [1862] I happened to be placed, being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, as I am, and as we all are, to work out His great purposes, I have desired that all my works and acts may be according to His will, and that it might be so, I have sought His aid; but if, after endeavoring to do my best in the light which He affords me, I find my efforts fail, I must believe that for some purpose unknown to me, He wills it otherwise.”, “[August] 26th.

He is clearly talking about the mound building cultures of ancient middle America. Much like fairy stories of the early 20th century they weren't real. That race of giants who inhabited North America may have in fact been to a more advanced culture what the Indians were to the giants—a regressing people marching backwards instead of the other way around. "that's his wife over there".

They are willing to crush a sweet innocent man just to maintain that power. I met Doc a couple of times when he was … Continue reading A Tribute to Doc Thompson, Storm clouds gather over Washington DC. As it stands today, America holds the greatest possibilities in the world for anyone to achieve and yet many do not recognize or understand that. Like the Indians compared to that race there are segments of our modern society who would rather adhere to superstition, ignorance, and blind commitment to religious doctrine than to face the facts of presented evidence. History however is filled with many records proving that the last to know of America during a time a few centuries before the arrival of Columbus was Europe. It cannot come from abroad. I am a guy who likes to walk in the rain Instead they have sought to edit history of those things which they do not desire to know and that has taken us to the precipice of destruction. Among those lines of dialogue were that the Indians lived in America as “Natives” and that they crossed the land bridge from Russia into Alaska some tens of thousands of years ago and that Columbus discovered America.

Great post man as I'm up in the air on Giants as far as an opinion. They do so to protect their minds from the enormity of the implication that their version of history needs adjusting to encompass new discoveries. Lately, we have seen liberal dominated tech companies such as Google and Twitter shut down conservatives. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide.”, Abraham Lincoln, a Man of Faith and Courage: Stories of Our Most Admired President, The Civil War, Vol. North Carolina. Maybe watch Stranger Things with her and let her think about how things can sometimes be right in front of us, yet we don’t see them. I am almost ready to say that this is probably true - that God wills this contest, and wills that it shall not end yet. Never dried, never froze, never slept, never rested.". Every effect is just such as any intelligent man knowing the causes, would anticipate, without [seeing] it.

He derives glory, instead, from his being made in the image of the Living God.”, “A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive.

Jesus said something to that effect about the Kingdom of God. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. I know that she regards my thoughts on the subject as frivolous and incorrect even though I am college-educated and have studied the Bible and many ancient documents and manuscripts that tell the WHOLE picture. Both *may* be, and one *must* be, wrong. When you board a plane the safety demonstration always tells you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. It is there that the knuckle-draggers hope to hide such extinctions from their minds so to avoid the reckless direction of their present philosophy. It is also plain the water, thus plunging, will foam, and roar, and send up a mist, continuously, in which last, during sunshine, there will be perpetual rain-bows. Why is it, that there are no actual dinosaur bones in any museum except allegedly the Smithsonian? I think he may have been referring to Dinosaurs, which they'd just began to unearth and understand. I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. So his opinion of history was untainted by commitment to some religious or political order and was driven by observed fact. The democrats had just won back the house. Might be Dinos, might be humanoid giants. Tides Foundation story of stuff Rich Hoffmn communist education policy, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, View all posts by Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior, Ultimate Warning of God Before the Beginning of The Final Destruction in 2020 (Part 3) – The Truth Is From God, No Joe, America Isn’t Behind You: Massive corruption, communist insurgents, and ‘The Trump Accountability Project’, With Blue State Recounts GOP Can Easily Take Majority Lead in the House: Acting on what we have learned from Democrat and Media illegal behavior, Media and Government are Guilty of Murder: If Election Fraud of 2020 is a massive problem, Covid-19 is even bigger, Trump Wins Arizona: Biden never had a path to victory, except for cheating–and even Fox News knew it, Arnon Mishkin and the Enemies of America: If no Trump, then WAR, No Joe, America Isn't Behind You: Massive corruption, communist insurgents, and 'The Trump Accountability Project', Rules and Regulations Don't Make things Better: Observations from RV travel, The Kay Griggs Story: Understanding who "THEY" are--maybe the most earth shattering interview you'll ever hear, Arnon Mishkin and the Enemies of America: If no Trump, then WAR, The Power of Positive Thinking: Persistance is the most important attribute of success, Barack Obama's Mom Nude: See the pictures taken by Frank Marshall Davis.

But still there is more. Above all else, we respect … These are the same people who today believe that the IRS is not covering up their evidence of a major scandal or that public schools don’t lie, cheat and steal to pass school levies. There is no mystery about the thing itself. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party - and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaption to effect His purpose. Black codes were passed in state after state across the South—as restrictive as the antebellum laws governing free blacks (Richmond’s old laws had even regulated the carrying of canes). But here's where I find the most interesting fact.

The only types of people who still insist that there was not once a race of giants living in North America and acknowledge that the Indians were simply second-hander primitive types are of the same type knuckle dragging louses that history has witnessed trying to erase knowledge for millennia. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. People who will look at the evidence presented, CLICK HERE FOR REVIEW and still advance theories that the earth is only five thousand years old, or that a rock where fathers sacrificed their sons is somehow sacred are the same foolish souls who have regressed our knowledge of the modern-day for the same reasons. Giant humans didn't exist. "That" is referring to one specific species.

The world is full of illegitimate children. The world is full of folk whose taste was educated in the gutter.

I remember two months ago sitting in a hotel room overlooking Niagara Falls. Lincoln and the other presidents of his day and before were not so ignorant to assume that North America sat uncharted and uninhabited for centuries just because some European ruler had not yet laid claim to it—until Spain did in 1492. Those things you bury humanoids on purpose in? Not like crazy impossible huge, but over 7ft. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground.

Those same giants for a time in American history where well-known and talked about openly by the learned—by those who were paying attention to the evidence being dug up out of the earthen mounds in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. [1863] When an individual in a church or out of it becomes dangerous to the public interest, he must be checked; but let the churches, as such, take care of themselves.”, “[January] 26th. We literally can not know either way, so anyone saying they know what he meant, either way, is really dumb. Lincoln was killed by Jesuits. I was searching for Lincoln’s speech in which he spoke of the Giants or Nephilim with which to show my 24-year-old daughter proof that Lincoln had indeed spoke of a race of Giants right here in America.

In little over two weeks it will happen again. They have no concern for the … Continue reading Darkest Befor […], Saving America from socialism starts at home. Therefore its open to interpretation, therefore the true truth cannot be known. Never dried, never froze, never slept, never rested,;view=fulltext. Start by changing yourself. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. His death highlights how fragile and short life really is. Probably not, to be honest. Trump Won the 2020 Election: Now its time to kick the F**k out of the Deep State, With Blue State Recounts GOP Can Easily Take Majority Lead in the House: Acting on what we have learned from Democrat and Media illegal behavior, Abraham Lincoln and the Giant Lost Race: A Niagara Falls speech peering into a forgotten time, Be the change you want to see in the world, Decentralization – The Capitalist Answer to Everything, That's precisely it Wayne, that has always been the path. **, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Thank you again… Sincerely Yours, Learn how your comment data is processed. All species would have been able to see the falls in the past, so why did he chose the word "that" species, singular in its very nature, over the multiple species that would have seen the falls in the past, and use "those" species. There is always a risk of extinction if the wrong mentalities for a society are adopted.

The path for those people is into the void of human achievement destined to become the next conquered Indian living in a hut of government housing looking for a hand-out from somebody else. "The Mammoth and Mastadon---now so long dead, that fragments of their monstrous bones, alone testify, that they ever lived, have gazed on Niagara". … Continue reading Take Action, Since Donald Trump became President a lot of conservatives seem to believe that he has a magic wand, that he is all-seeing and all-powerful. The raving loony party was back in charge of policy making. Years ago when I started this blog site (originally called ‘Abundant Truth’) I would type out all of my thoughts and feelings on the politics of the day and say things like ‘we need to change this or that.’ Things have moved on a lot since then and I realize that it is up to … Continue reading Forced Change, After returning from a trip to New England last fall, which included seeing Boston and Plymouth Rock, I became more interested in how the constitution came to be and how it relates to my own English history.