She is either beautiful look what she did to Great Britain. Persepolis and Ratatouille are the favorites for being nominated and winning the Animation Oscar and it’s interesting that they’re both, in one way or another, connected to French culture. You know, the feminists become very angry when I say I am not a feminist. But that is exactly what I love about her, because she's not fishing for love. The first writing of the human being was drawing, not writing. So everything influences everything. So if I lose the bet The film Persepolis will be released on April 25. is that the veil has become a symbol of rebellion. So, last question. That is the worst. Yes, if I were him, I would have hated me. Cineuropa: Where did your interest in Marie Curie start?Marjane Satrapi: My mother was not an independent woman. Since then, she has helmed Gang of the Jotas [+see also: trailerfilm profile] (2012) and the comedy-horror The Voices [+see also: trailerfilm profile] (2014). Michael R Perry’s script for The Voices was put on the official Hollywood Black List back in 2009. We have to laugh about it, etcetera, etcetera. MS: Well, I won’t say. One of the leads would have to be killed off,” she concludes with a laugh. But, you know, life takes it swipes anyways. That doesn’t exist, because I have peed since From the scriptwriter of the 2014 Robocop, and inspired by John le Carré with a dose of Bourne Identity, this is an intriguing story about British Intelligence efforts to stop IRA attacks by planting spies in high-level positions within the organisation. So the height of irony Animal magic: Ryan Reynolds and his talking pets, Marjane Satrapi interview: ‘I’m in love with a serial killer’, You may not agree with our views, or other users’, but please respond to them respectfully, Swearing, personal abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and other discriminatory or inciteful language is not acceptable, Do not impersonate other users or reveal private information about third parties, We reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts and ban offending users without notification. friends forever, I will see you forever. people my grandmother could seem a little bit cynical. But I smoke in the room, and I have If it were another time in the history of cinema, like if it were 1928, I’d make an eight hour movie. I believe in human beings. Instead touches anything it gives its own interpretation, and the interpretation goes We spoke with Satrapi in San Francisco to discuss comics, culture shock, and the Oscars. 58 Best Christmas Movies of All Time – Classic Christmas Films, Best Hulu Shows to Binge-Watch Now (November 2020), The Best Shows on Amazon Prime to Watch Right Now (November 2020), The Best Movies of 2020 (So Far) – Best New Films of the Year, Best Netflix Series and Shows To Watch Right Now (November 2020).