Indestructible can be recast after 0.5 seconds. Please keep this in mind while reading. If the enemy picks this top you might as well dodge.There is no beating him. Cc bot with a passive that makes you do more damage. Last Checked22 Jun 2020Starting Early Essential Standard Situational Consumables At start the shield decays very slowly but exponentially increases near the end. +10% Attack Speed You may also Sign In using your Social Media. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Watch out for his crit passive and roams. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. Watch out for his mushrooms. You out sustain him and out damage him (if he doesn't prock passive). Vote Vote. Units between realms see each other as spirits, considering each other dead and negating any interactions between the two. The Potential Shield decays by 8 − 25 (based on level) every second after not dealing or taking damage for 1 second, down to a minimum of 5% of his maximum health. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results. Only the target and Mordekaiser will enter the realm; other champions cannot follow them. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! [S3 UPDATED!] Just really hard to kill later and his cc means easy ganks for him. SecretSantana 62,162 views. Active: Mordekaiser consumes all his current Potential Shield to shield himself for 4 seconds for the same amount. Mini will poke you down mega will finish you. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Active: Mordekaiser grants sight of the target area briefly and, after 0.5 seconds, pulls all enemies within for 250 units, dealing them magic damage. My MONSTROUS Mordekaiser Immortal & Full Magic Pen Build, [10.22] Raen's Mordekaiser Tips & Build (¬‿^), [10.22] Real's COMPLETE Mordekaiser Guide (All Match Ups), The only card I need is the Mace of Spades, This build has been archived and is for historical display only. Mord and leona can 2v5 if they are ahead. You can even win prizes by doing so! Please login or register. To his foes, it seemed he cared only for massacre and destruction. Good engage and his ult can help secure ghosts. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? 「 reduced by 75% for non-champion sources 」. Darkness Rise: Mordekaiser deals「 5 − 15.2 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) (+ 1% − 5% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage per second 」「 0.63 − 1.9 (based on level) (+ 3.75% AP) (+ 0.13% − 0.63% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage every 0.125 seconds 」to all nearby enemies and gains  3% bonus movement speed. Did this guide help you? +15-90 HP (lvls 1-18), +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Did this guide help you? +15-90 HP (lvls 1-18). You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! [10.22] PH45's guide to Mordekaiser, The Lord of Death! He can't kill you but his wither will make it hard to kill him too. Innate: Mordekaiser's basic attacks deal 40% AP bonus magic damage on-hit. Passive: Mordekaiser gains  magic penetration. DO NOT LET HIM GET 5 STACKS. [S3 UPDATED! Ask for ganks and loom to roam if possible. Like most assassins he isn't good vs morde since you can shield through his damage. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Did this guide help you? His passive shield is useless since you can e it away. His slow is also annoying. 2:42. If he somehow gets through dodge. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. From the fearful, dissipating souls of the sorcerers, Mordekaiser forged a weapon fit for an emperor of death—his brutal mace, Nightfall—and seized control of the army they had raised. At 3 stacks, Mordekaiser gains Darkness Rise. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results. Mordekaiser - Mace to the face! Recast: Mordekaiser consumes the remaining shield, healing for a percentage of the amount. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. The ability will cancel and go on cooldown after the cast time if: The ability will cancel but will not go on cooldown if: The boundaries are not considered terrain (, The allied health, resource, and ultimate indicators (champion portraits located on the screen) will not update between realms as the. Play passively and ask for ganks. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Watch out for ignite though it will eat through your shield and stop you from healing with w. Similar to yasuo but the stun can be a problem if you get ganked, otherwise you destroy her. He will sit back and poke you down. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or … Great engage and provides mord an escape. Harass her if she goes for cs but don't engage unless she is really low and you have ult and ignite/exausth. Please login or register. Poke him out of lane and try to kill him if you can, keep him from getting stacks., Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as. Not much of a threat by himself. We recommend you take a look at this author's other builds. We recommend you take a look at this author's other builds. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You must be logged in to comment. ... King of Clubs Mordekaiser & Wild Card Shaco - Skin Updates - … Recommended items Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He needs to get close to do damage and you can just shield through it and render him ineffective. Mordekaiser has no escapes outside of flash so you will find yourself 2v1 because of ganks often and your ult can turn these fights in your favor so the health regain will help you survive to escape or fight if you kill someone. This build has been archived by the author. His passive and q make you completely useless. Active: Mordekaiser smashes the area in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit, increased if it hits only one enemy. Early game damage is ridiculous because true damage is a thing. My MONSTROUS Mordekaiser Immortal & Full Magic Pen Build, [10.22] Raen's Mordekaiser Tips & Build (¬‿^), [10.22] Real's COMPLETE Mordekaiser Guide (All Match Ups), Mordekaiser - Mace to the face! This build has been archived by the author. You must be logged in to comment. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Watch out for bleed plus ignite combo it can kill you if you are low enough. Your ult, what counters it, on who to use it and when to use it! Innate: Mordekaiser's basic attacks deal 40% AP bonus magic damage on-hit. Her root helps lock down targets and immunity to cc via her spell shield is very handy. If one of the two affected champions leave the Death Realm, because of having died or having it dispelled, the other will do so as well, but the stats will remain stolen for the full duration. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Passive: Mordekaiser stores 35% of the post-mitigation damage he deals and 15% of the pre-mitigation damage he takes,「 reduced by 75% for non-champion sources 」「 reduced to 8.75% of damage dealt and 3.75% of damage taken for non-champion sources 」, as Potential Shield on his secondary resource bar, up to  30% of his maximum health. Don't, just don't. Active: Mordekaiser slows the target enemy champion by 75% during the cast time. If the target dies while inside, Mordekaiser keeps their partial stats until they respawn. [10.22] PH45's guide to Mordekaiser, The Lord of Death! Subsequent damaging attacks and basic abilities against enemy champions and large monsters refresh the duration. Evade his w and q+e combo and he has nothing. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? % max health damage is always a pain. For the same duration, Mordekaiser also consumes the target's soul, reducing their current  attack damage,  ability power,  total attack speed,  maximum health,  armor,  magic resist, and size by 10%, in addition to gaining them for himself. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) By DeDovla | Updated on February 12, 2013. A poke lane. 289,558 Views 85 Votes 59 Comments Build Guide Discussion (59) More Mordekaiser Guides. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If you can shield his spears properly he will burn his mana like crazy and have to leave. Mace of Spades - LoL Songs of the Summoned 2 - Duration: 2:42. Howling Abyss At 3 stacks, Mordekaiser gains Darkness Rise.Subsequent damaging attacks and basic abilities against enemy champions and large monsters refresh the duration. Vote . Everything that occurs inside the Death Realm is hidden, and all non-champion pets still inside are killed at the end. Rating. ], This build has been archived and is for historical display only. Last Checked2 Feb 2020Starting 3 Essential Offensive Defensive Consumables. x. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Entire generations perished under … If you don't have a choice either switch lanes with mid or build tank. A short trade lane. Damaging basic attacks and basic abilities grant Mordekaiser a stack for 4 seconds for every enemy champion or large monster hit, stacking up to 3 times. The damage against monsters is capped at 28 − 164 (based on level).